what is the absolute worst "food" you've ever tasted?



  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Anchovies. th_yuk.gif
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Beef Liver. I rememebr seeing my step dad in the grocery store picking up a disgusting looking package of liver for him and my mom. Well a few days later I was letting her dog out for her while she was somewhere and I open the fridge and see breaded steaks! Yum. So without heating it up, I pop a bite into my mouth, I'm chewing it thinking 'this doesn't have the right texture, what the heck' when suddenly flashbacks of the grocery store & liver pop into my head. I didn't even swallow but I threw up for about 2 hours. BLECH.
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Beef Liver. I rememebr seeing my step dad in the grocery store picking up a disgusting looking package of liver for him and my mom. Well a few days later I was letting her dog out for her while she was somewhere and I open the fridge and see breaded steaks! Yum. So without heating it up, I pop a bite into my mouth, I'm chewing it thinking 'this doesn't have the right texture, what the heck' when suddenly flashbacks of the grocery store & liver pop into my head. I didn't even swallow but I threw up for about 2 hours. BLECH.
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    Well, I work in SE Asia - and everything seems to come under the category "food" - certainly dogs (I've lost 3 to restaurants!!:sad: ).

    You really lost pet dogs to restaurants? Oh how horrible. Oh my goodness...all I can do is think of my own dog, well he's my ex-husband's now, but still...man. Ugh. Beyond ugh.

    I agree. The very thought is sickening to me. How did you "lose" your pets to a restaurant? Were they stolen from your back yard? Is there no rule of law regarding property protection where you live? I don't even have a dog but I couldn't live in a place where that was acceptable.
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    Well, I work in SE Asia - and everything seems to come under the category "food" - certainly dogs (I've lost 3 to restaurants!!:sad: ).

    You really lost pet dogs to restaurants? Oh how horrible. Oh my goodness...all I can do is think of my own dog, well he's my ex-husband's now, but still...man. Ugh. Beyond ugh.

    I agree. The very thought is sickening to me. How did you "lose" your pets to a restaurant? Were they stolen from your back yard? Is there no rule of law regarding property protection where you live? I don't even have a dog but I couldn't live in a place where that was acceptable.
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    lutefisk, that says it all, my grandmother would make this for holidays.:sick: They use lye to make it edible I think!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I'm a fan of trying new things, especially abroad. I love to hear what people think is the worst tasting thing they have ever eaten!

    I'll go first.

    An Icelandic delicacy is fermented shark fin. They cut the fin off the shark and let it ferment for days. They cut it into itty bitty pieces and serve it on toothpicks. It is traditionally chased with Icelandic Schnapps. This was by far the worst tasting "food" I've ever tried! When it hit my tongue, I couldn't bring myself to chew it even once - I swallowed it and chased it with the Schnapps. Four hours later I burped fermented shark fin and thought I was going to die! :sick:

    Served with Black Death shots, right?!? A coworker was just telling me about this the other day and how disgusted he was by the shark and Black Death.

    I saw this on bizzare foods, they say the shark is poisonous because of some acid or something so they let it ferment! I'm like apparently that shark is NOT ment to be eaten!
  • walter
    Raw onoins I can handle cooked but raw no way.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Liver. :sick: Seaweed. :sick: Iceberg lettuce. :sick: Slaw. :sick: Pickles (unless they're cut up on a burger.. weird). :sick: Meatballs. :sick: Anything on a bone. :sick:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member

    I've tried ostrich and kangaroo though- they can be tough if not cooked right, but very nice if done properly.

    I bet the drumstick for ostrich is huge!

    My Mom used to make beef stew with chopped up kidney in it. To this day I'm not big on stew..even my own
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    Anything spoiled or poorly prepared - ever had badly made mussels? They smell like @$$.
    Feta in chunks that are too big - some things are meant to be eaten in small amounts.

    And the worst taste ever? Not a food ... The mouth of a smoker. Yuck. Particularly after he has coffee. I can't think of a nastier smell/taste. Refer back to badly made mussels for the closest match.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Liver. :sick: Seaweed. :sick: Iceberg lettuce. :sick: Slaw. :sick: Pickles (unless they're cut up on a burger.. weird). :sick: Meatballs. :sick: Anything on a bone. :sick:

    Meatballs????? :noway: :noway:

    You know they're supposed to be cooked, right?? :laugh:
  • MisoSoup79
    Anything spoiled or poorly prepared - ever had badly made mussels? They smell like @$$.
    Feta in chunks that are too big - some things are meant to be eaten in small amounts.

    And the worst taste ever? Not a food ... The mouth of a smoker. Yuck. Particularly after he has coffee. I can't think of a nastier smell/taste. Refer back to badly made mussels for the closest match.

    My worst "non-food" substance goes along with yours kind of... I was in the back seat of the car as a kid and my mom was going to the drive-thru liquor store. It was mid-summer in Phoenix, I was hot and cranky and about 7 years old. I begged her to get me a pop and she refused to waste money on a can of pop (cause Jim Beam and Beer were way more important!) So I grabbed the beer can that was sitting in the console and took a huge gulp.... :indifferent: :sick: and then realized it was about 115 degrees AND had been used as an ASHTRAY!!! :sick: :sick: I felt so sick and cried all the way home!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    By far it's eggplant. I really hate it. Which is rather surprising since I love virtually all other vegetables.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    MisoSoup - Both of your stories have literally almost made me sick!

    I guess one of the worst things I've eaten was prepared by my dad. haha. I *thought* he was making a peanut butter and banana sandwich one day and said, "Oh dad, will you make me one?" He said sure and then brought my plate over to me. I bit into it and it was...MAYONAISE AND BANANA! I did chew. I just spit it on my plate. It's one thing to eat something thinking that it's something else....but mayonaise and banana. That is disgusting! I hate mayo anyway. When I make chicken salad, I have a hard time putting the mayo in....
  • MisoSoup79
    I'm a fan of trying new things, especially abroad. I love to hear what people think is the worst tasting thing they have ever eaten!

    I'll go first.

    An Icelandic delicacy is fermented shark fin. They cut the fin off the shark and let it ferment for days. They cut it into itty bitty pieces and serve it on toothpicks. It is traditionally chased with Icelandic Schnapps. This was by far the worst tasting "food" I've ever tried! When it hit my tongue, I couldn't bring myself to chew it even once - I swallowed it and chased it with the Schnapps. Four hours later I burped fermented shark fin and thought I was going to die! :sick:

    Served with Black Death shots, right?!? A coworker was just telling me about this the other day and how disgusted he was by the shark and Black Death.

    I saw this on bizzare foods, they say the shark is poisonous because of some acid or something so they let it ferment! I'm like apparently that shark is NOT ment to be eaten!

    Yeah, I have to agree... NOT meant to be eaten! But kind of like the Japanese eating live octopus as a show of what, "manliness" or machismo, I guess consuming fermented shark fin kind of earns you a degree of respect - and especially as a foreigner who is completely disgusted by the smell of the tiny little pieces from 20 feet away.

    I say I'll try anything once. Anything, that is accepted as "food" by a culture and deemed safe to eat. However, I would never bring myself to try dog on purpose. If I ate it not knowing what it was, that would be another story.

    I have tried other odd dishes, like blood sausage, beef hearts, various livers and kidneys (none of which I enjoyed) and others I've forgotten about. I liked the blood sausage and I loved lard when I finally tried it. There are plenty of everyday foods I won't touch, like baked beans... any kind of beans really (esp. lima beans!). The texture of beans makes me feel so sick. I can't eat crustaceans because the meat sort of "bounces" around in my mouth... also making me feel ill. Tapioca pudding? Forget about it.
  • kileenas
    When I was little my mom and grandmother used to fry up beef kidneys for breakfast. I couldn't even stand being in the house when they cooked them, and I was told I had to try them. Ewwww!!!! Disgusting!!!!!! :sick:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Oh yeah, tried tripe once. GA-ROSSSSSSSS!!! :sick: :sick:
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup - Both of your stories have literally almost made me sick!

    I guess one of the worst things I've eaten was prepared by my dad. haha. I *thought* he was making a peanut butter and banana sandwich one day and said, "Oh dad, will you make me one?" He said sure and then brought my plate over to me. I bit into it and it was...MAYONAISE AND BANANA! I did chew. I just spit it on my plate. It's one thing to eat something thinking that it's something else....but mayonaise and banana. That is disgusting! I hate mayo anyway. When I make chicken salad, I have a hard time putting the mayo in....

    Nothing like stories to suppress your appetite, huh? Sorry... HAD to share, though!!

    I am not a fan of mayo myself... I use just enough to moisten my bread. I now buy the Smart Balance Omega mayo.

    But Mayo & Banana? ICK and BLECH! :sick: