5'0 tall weight loss goals and starting points?

There's not a lot of people as short as 5'0 that i have seen on MFP. I was just wondering about the weight loss from some other people my height. I would love to hear anyone's diet and exercise regimes and goals.


  • jodyjiggles
    Hey - I'm 5'2 and am looking to lose about 45 pounds (depending on gained muscle).
    I'm trying to do it the way anyone at any height would - mostly diet, lots of exercise.
    I try to workout for 45 minutes at LEAST three days a week, usually ends up being four days....breaks, i've come to notice, are necessary.
    Eating-wise, no special tricks, just trying to be smart about what I put in my body for the first time in a while.

    Hope this helps! Short people unite.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    im 4'10" and started at 124 pounds...got down to 112 or so and then started mfp...so ive lost more than my ticker says :D

    i began eating less than maybe 3,000 calories per day <.< then got stuck at 112 and went to around 1,200...

    then got stuck at around 100-105 (well...it would take 2 weeks for a 1 pound loss) so i dropped my calories again...now i eat between 600-1,200...usually 800-1,000 though ^^ i am losing much more quickly now...just want to hit my goal weight and maintain xD

    i sometimes ride my bike to and from school etc...lately i have been walking instead as i bought a bus pass *too cold*

    i am on an orange diet though...i mainly just eat oranges xD i love them and the man i buy them from has awesome prices and is right next to my school (i buy so many today he gave me around 20 free cuties XD)...that is my secret to not feeling hungry and not binging on too many sweets :)
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I'm 5'0" - I eat between 1400-1600 calories per day (more calories on lift days or long run (6+ miles) days). My diet is high in protein, about 1gram per pound of body weight, then the rest of the macros are filled in as I see fit.

    I'm currently at 129.7, not aiming for fast weight loss, and I'm losing between .3-.5 lb per week. My goal is 120.

    My workout schedule is generally:

    Monday: lift heavy
    Tuesday: run
    Wedsnesday: lift heavy
    Thurs: run
    Fri: rest day
    Sat: long run or race
    Sun: conditioning (intervals, biking, rock climbing, etc)
  • december8teen
    I'm about 5"0-5"1, weighing at 104lbs and hoping to lose another 10lbs.

    I eat about 1200-1350 a day, and workout 3 times a week.

    Interval trainings for cardio for 30-45 minutes (treadmill, elliptical and rowing machine) I use them alternately on different days.
    Weight training for my biceps, triceps, thighs and glutes. (Low intensity, High reps)
    Pilates occasionally.
  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
    Bump. Id like to see more peoples views on this subject :)
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    5'2" - I personally do not aim for a "scale" weight, as that is really inaccurate measure of true size, shape , composition. Muscle is dense, so you can have alot of muscle, look smaller, tighter, and leaner - but weigh heavier on the scale.

    See this example:

    Skinny fat vs fit: (heavy lifting)

    Heavier scale weight - tighter and smaller body:

    Both Size 2, one fit, one fat

    Stacy, heavier weight, but tighetr. leaner and smaller: (heavier lifting)

    Body Fat percentage images:

    How to find Goal Weight based on Body fat desired:

    Why women should lift Heavier for best results, not light with many reps.

    So with all that, I actually weigh much heavier then I look. But I am smaller, clothing wise. I am aiming for a roughly 19%-20% bodyfat range. For me thats probably about 120-130 lbs. Will know more when I get closer to that point. :)

    I actually weigh More now, then I did a while back - but I am at least two sizes smaller in clothing, tighter all over, and leaner, with some cut abs starting to show. (yay) Many times I loss inches, but not scale weight.

    I Lift heavy weights 3 times a week. I eat about 1600 cals a day right now doing the Olivia Method of MFP.


    I was eating 1200, lost weight then stalled. Moved upto 1400, lost a lb or two, then stalled. So now upto 1600 and looks like I am losing again.

    For me, I want to loss fat, and keep my lean muscle. So to low a calorie count is a concern for me. I need to keep my muscle, that I work so hard for.

    I eat 1 gram or protein per lb of lean body weight most days.

    I have a free food/ no cal count day once a week. (lost 60 lbs doing that)

    I do a P90X doubles program with heavy weights using P90x and Rushfit.

    Thats fast heavier Weights circuits three days a week, cardio 3 days, with rushfit in the PM (cardio on some days, lighter weight circuits others)

    When I lift heavy, I have much better, much faster results then lifting light with many reps, and or cardio only.

    At 5'2", age 47 I am very strong for my size, many people are shocked. LOL
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    im 5 1/2 and my starting weight was 150. I started swimming and eventually running. Three years later i was down to 128 and i was stuck there for 2 years. Whatever i did, my scale didnt move. This past year i was training for my first marathon and the trainers at the gym noticed how much i was working out and asked how much i lost. i told them nothing and in fact i was gaining. The head trainer said that it didnt sound right and told my old trainer to work with me and see what was going on. He had me do a food log for the next 2 weeks and also all my workouts and calorie burned. He took my log and talked to the nutritionist and found out that i was undereating. Yup, running 20-30 miles a week on a daily calorie intake of 1200 calories wasnt cutting it and that my body was going into starvation mode. They both had me increase my calorie intake to 1500 calories/130-140 grams of protein and also had me sign up for MFP. My trainer also had me look into different types of excercises, not just running, but like tabata training and other strengthening classes so that my body doesnt get use to the same routine over and over

    Well 3 months later i dropped an additional 10 lbs to 118lbs which was my pre marathon weight(i ran an average of 25-40 miles per week). Im now fluctuating between 118-120 since im not training as much as before (20-30miles). Instead of running so much, ive been swimming, taking combat classes and stationary biking)
  • williamsge
    williamsge Posts: 70 Member
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Join the vertical challengers group... it for people I think 5'2 and smaller.. there are a lot of us that are under 5'0 out there.
  • NikkiBunni
    NikkiBunni Posts: 36 Member
    I had a baby back in January. When I delivered I was 167. After, I was a good 153 and stayed that way for months. Then I started cutting back on fast food and soda. I walked a whole bunch. I'm also 5'0. I'm currently at 119 and looking to be 105-110. So in the past couple months I've lost 32 pounds. When I do walk, I like to base it on miles. I love to run/walk at least 4 miles when I do it.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    I'm 5'1" , started at 208.5lbs. (I hate seeing that number). Currently at 187.9lbs. Goal weight of 125lbs. Goal weight subject to change. I started this Sept 9th. so my loss isn't huge for 3 months but I know it took a long to get to this roundish lumpy shape and it's ok if it takes time to get rid of this excess weight.

    I don't have much of an exercise routine. I walk several times a week.
  • baybeejulia
    baybeejulia Posts: 218 Member
    I'm 4'7" and I'm at around 110 pounds. The only thing I hate about being this small is that every ounce of fat shoes so much clearer on your body. I've been using MFP for just over a month and it's working, but very slowly. I don't mind tho I'm getting into good eating and exercising habits. I really want that bikini body I've been aiming for! Also I have no idea how many calories to eat because I feel 1200 is too much for my height. So it gets confusing
  • Jensenstarr

    5'1 and stuck at 131!

    I think its best to not focus on the scale though and focus on how I look... I have a whole lot of muscle!

    Now im focusing on body fat... trying to get down to 20% ish

    I'm interested in what others are doing though!
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    I am 5' and my starting weight was 167. After 6 months I am down to 125. I ate 1200 calories and tried to exercise 30 min a day sometimes more.
  • seventyand
    I am a senior citizen, 4'11". In Oct. I shot up to 165#. I went to a hypnotherapist for 4 sessions and set a goal weight of 135#. I want to lose a pound a month minimum. I gained this weight over many years eating anything I wanted and doing no exercise above normal living. Being retired, I could be sedentary if I wanted. I accepted the weight. I do notice my blood pressure increasing and know that my binge eating has gotten out of control. The doctors say nothing about that or my weight. The hypnotherapist gave me CD's of our sessions so I can refresh her advice as needed, other suggestions, and myfitnesspal's web address which is very helpful showing how costly in calories treats are. I aim for 1200 calories per day, 60 minutes exercise 5X per week. I eat 1500-1800 calories per day still wanting treats. I do exercise programs I find on TV and walk, meeting the 60 minute goal easily. I have a lot more work to do accepting the amount of food I should be eating long term. The exercise makes me feel more flexible and brighter. This will take a while but is a beginning.
  • SundayRiver2u
    SundayRiver2u Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'0 and would like to lose about 45 pounds. Ugh. I can't even believe that I let myself get so overweight but two things came together: knee surgery that eliminated my ability to run anymore and a heavy travel schedule.

    BUT! That being said, I weigh myself about once a week now and try to keep to between 1000-1150/day. I don't always have time to exercise - I travel almost every week - but I just remembered how much I love to jump rope. Turns out 20 minutes of moderate jumping rope soaks up 245 calories. That's pretty sweet! Throw in a couple of 1-pound hand weights and I'm working my arms a bit too. And I can travel with a freaking jump rope! :-)

    For whatever reason I'm not showing a great amount of loss on my scale, but my clothes slide on and off now and nothing pulls and puckers. I haven't done the "fat girl tug" on my sweaters and jeans in quite a while and i haven't missed it!

    Good luck and keep it up!:smile:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    I am also 5'0 and theres not too many people that I've noticed as short as us on here! We're special ;)

    I started Jan 23rd with MFP and my HW was 177 but my SW on MFP was at 172 since then I have lost 53lbs in total. the weight is coming off slower since Im getting to my goal weight and have been weight training 4xs per week lifting heavier on some days, and that has really spiked my weight loss, I was stuck at around 127 for almost one month and since weight training I have lost 1lb a week for the past 3 weeks. Im at 123.4 and my goal is 115 or so but mainly clothing size since toning up might make me stay at 120 or so but would like to ultimately get to a size 3-5 currently size 6 or 27. My workout Regime changes a bit but usually I workout quite a bit because as you can see I eat a lot lol, I have my food diary open for you to look @. Don't mind the weekends i usually go out to eat and also do zig zagging so my calories are sometimes under and sometimes over but it balances out and works for me.

    Monday Circuit training for upper body and maybe a short run 3-4 miles or stairs about 60 stories high (outdoor hill by my house) or Yoga since I just started!
    Tuesday Yoga in the am/ gym pm
    Wed Circuit train for lower body/ stairs or just circuit train
    Thursday yoga/ short run 3-4 miles or stairs
    Friday Circuit train focus on kickboxing/ yoga
    Sat. circuit train focus on CORE/ longer run 6-8 miles/ or mt. bike
    Sunday gentle yoga or rest day!

    Might seem like a lot but it works for now since school is not an issue come next semester with more classes will have to cut that in half for sure!

    I eat fruit daily net between 1200-1500 calories a day eat most or all my exercise calories drink more h20 than before 7-10 cups per day and eat more fiber and aiming for more protein and try and stay under with the sodium! Good luck!
  • nursegnet
    nursegnet Posts: 155 Member
    I love these topics. I'm 4'11.5 and I started out here on MFP at 165.
    My last weight was 144.2. I'm halfway towards my goal of 125.
    I really want to be around 118 and lean but my frame is large.
    I'll see when I get to that point on what my body and mind can actually maintain.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    yay! a thread for the short people!

    I am 5'1" and just want to get into the 'healthy' BMI range...so I am shooting for 120 (that's in the middle, so if I gain a bit, then I would still be in the range, and still have no problem losing it). Right now, I am borderline obese...never thought I would get that big. I have been doing P90x for the last 3 weeks, and have only lost 2lbs BUT lost 5" overall.

    Was doing WW but I didn't see the scale move, so it was suggested I come here and count calories instead, I am eating back my calories from working out and the scale is slowly moving. My chiropractor says to ignore the scale, muscle weighs so much more than fat, so I may never get to my 'dream goal' but will have a shredded/ripped body. He said he had a friend that was a trainer, same height as me and at 145 was totally ripped and benched 350#.

    I drink 8 oz Vanilla Soy milk+1/2c frozen unsweetened strawberries+ 1 scoop 100% Pure Whey Protein Isolate powder for breakfast. Then I try to eat at least 50% protein for my lunch and dinner. Snacks are non-fat cottage cheese (it has the most protein per serving vs. 1%) and almonds. Lots of veggies too. I only allow myself ONE 'cheat' food a day (which is a 90 calorie dark chocolate wafer cookie) and figure the calories into my total goal.

    oh, LOVE the pics the one member posted with the 'skinny fat' vs. 'fit' pics!
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I'm 5'2 3/4" and weigh 105. I really don't suggest going below 1000 calories. It DOES screw with your metabolism, and the only way I ever lost weight going below, say, 800 was because I was probably anorexic (I don't know what probably is--I wasn't actively trying to not eat, I just couldn't eat). I'd like to get to 100, but if I do I know everyone in my family will flip out. I have a lot of muscle mass, so at 105 I look pretty thin. I'd try to work on building up some muscle as you go along--it definitely helps you look leaner.