5'0 tall weight loss goals and starting points?



  • clearly_ninja
    clearly_ninja Posts: 62 Member
    Bump, so glad to have found a short people thread. I'm 4'11" and 130 pounds. Its getting really frustrating when mfp keeps telling me i'm not eating enough calories when I feel like 1150 is about right for my height. Lost 10 pounds with mfp last year then gained a lot, now struggling to lose again. Been back 2 weeks and have limited my calories and hit the gym but lost nothing so far. Hope this thread will prove useful.
  • clearly_ninja
    clearly_ninja Posts: 62 Member
    Bump, so glad to have found a short people thread. I'm 4'11" and 130 pounds. Its getting really frustrating when mfp keeps telling me i'm not eating enough calories when I feel like 1150 is about right for my height. Lost 10 pounds with mfp last year then gained a lot, now struggling to lose again. Been back 2 weeks and have limited my calories and hit the gym but lost nothing so far. Hope this thread will prove useful.
  • anchorageb2
    anchorageb2 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello, I am 4' 11" and I seriously feel the calorie thing on here does not account for us shorter people. I also believe Doctors think that woman should have weight estimates of teenagers because they do not have anything for us shorter woman. They do not account for bone structure of widen hips or muscle structure of a woman who carried an extra 20 lbs for 9 months or more of there lives. I have looked at pictures of woman our height along with the measurements of there weights and seen what looked healthy to me and it was not the 110 pounds my doctor told me I should be at in fact they looked sickly to me. Is that bias because I myself am overweight and its jealousy? I really thought the women of 118- 125 pound woman looked healthy to me. I think because of shorter stature does not mean we do not burn as many calories as someone taller and skinny. We naturally have to carry more to have enough energy to keep up with a society that builds everything for a taller norm. However that is just me. I use to look at myself and not find myself very attractive and thought everyone looks at me like a child ( sometimes they still do until I talk) However when I looked at the pics of the girls the same height as me I noticed I thought they were cute and very pretty and it dawned on me Hey they look no different than myself.
    My heaviest was 155lbs and I my family did not have money to buy me new clothes and my doctor said I would probably become diabetic since I was hypoglycemic in my 20's and I have a hereditary condition that gets aggravated by being overweight. I decided I had enough and needed to try something different.
    I have no idea what my real goal is weight wise. I think I will continue to diet but actually I want to be able to run again, feel strong, and just have a nice body and fit into clothes that do not cost a fortune.
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    5'0 and currently 138lb. I want to get down to 120 and maintain from there. My ideal body fat% is 20.
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    I am 5'2.5" (I always say 5'3" haha) and 144lbs right now. I am doing a crappy job with my nutrition but great with exercise. I have been attempting to stay around 1500-1800 calories but on the days I do strength training it goes out the window along with my willpower. This is my exercise routine as of now. I have seen my weight stay at 144 but my body fat percentage went from 25% to 24% in the last month. Must be doing something right.

    Monday: Heavy lifting circuit
    Tuesday: Yoga & rest
    Wednesday: Heavy Lifting circuit
    Thursday: Cardio (elliptical or treadmill)
    Friday:Light cardio (usually walking)
    Saturday: Rest
    Sunday: Light cardio/ sometimes rest if my body says otherwise

    I would like to incorporate more cardio.. sometimes I get lazy and don't do anything on the weekends. But, I love the muscle gain. I feel like an athlete again. My thoughts on being shorter and weight... It doesn't mean you need to be 100 pounds. When I graduated high school I was 18% body fat, 131 lbs and won the state powerlifting competition. I was a beast and loved feeling powerful since I am so short. I look back at pictures and hope I can be there again.
  • dominatrixsins
    dominatrixsins Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'0 and my starting weight and heaviest I've ever been was 140lbs.
    The lowest I was able to obtain using myfitness pal was 122lbs just before I got married and I just gained a lot of it back after a trip to Mexico and lack of a proper routine for 3 months due to a change in my work schedule. I miss the food in Mexico. I pretty much pigged out though however I did go to the gym once on that trip.

    I think the reason why I never went back up to 140lbs (i gained 11lbs instead) was because when i did go to the gym I did strenght training.
    I've been going to the gym 5 days a week for an hour for about two years. I used to do a lot of cardio but I didnt see a difference in my body until I saw a trainer and he introduced me to a lot of strenght training exercises to slim down.

    Even though i gained 11lbs, none of my friends or family members have noticed, so they say
    I definetly feel it.
    One thing I do find odd, everyone talks about losing weight and having to purchase new pants. I was 140 and went down to 122. I still wore the same pants, sure it was just a tad bit looser, but still a size 6. I did notice that I had lost a lot of my chest, and have to wear push up bras (still the same bra size though.)

    I like how this topic is around so it will help me when I reach my plateau which I guess is 122lbs since that isnt' my goal weight.
    I'd like to be around 115lbs.
    I'm aiming to eat around 1200 calories a day to lose weight.
  • mwhitefield
    mwhitefield Posts: 29 Member
    bump for later!
  • Thelala
    Thelala Posts: 47 Member
    I yam~
  • jmp33
    jmp33 Posts: 95 Member
    I am 4'7". My top weight was 209(yuck) I am currently 191 and to be in a healthy range I am to be 95-105. I have a long ways to go but am very determined that I can do it. Right now I am concentrating on changing my eating habits and have started zumba. Always looking for friends if you want to add
  • lilqtwbotkam3
    lilqtwbotkam3 Posts: 46 Member
    BUMP 5'1 here
  • theshoefairy
    I'm 4ft 11 and currently weight 112lbs. I have been sticking to 1200 calories a day, usually I am under. I am fairly active and just getting into the 30 day shred, I also use my cross trainer a few times a week. So far I have lost 4lbs, and I want to lose another 10-14. Haven't lost anything this week although my clothes seem a little looser.
  • theshoefairy
    Beat you lol
  • chriswolffg
    WOW...just started using MFP...I am currently 188....YIKES!!! I am 5'3"....mom of 5 children ranging from 13 down to 2. I have always put them first and have finally decided I need to get healthy. I have been using MFP for about a week now. Right now I am doing 1200 calories. Today was a bum day...headache and just plain blah. Looking to add some friends on here to motivate me.....
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    I'm 5' on the nose and I work out 3-5 times a week (usually 3) and am on a low calorie diet set at 1300 a day. I try to replace my "old" choices with healthier ones. Multigrain bread instead of white, edamame instead of chips, whole wheat tortillas for my quick fix quesadillas, stuff like that. So far, it appears to be working!

    I will do 3 different strength training sessions throughout the week, always followed by at least 45 minutes of cardio. On days I don't do strength training, I try to hit an hour. Sometimes I don't but I don't really beat myself up too much for it.

    I started at 200 pounds and want to get down to 130. Typically, that's a little heavy for our height, but I'm built pretty curvy and will reevaluate where I am when I hit my goal weight. :> I have a feeling that'll be perfect for me, without losing my butt. Or too much of my boobage. I'd like to get to a D, maybe even a C. They probably won't shrink too much though. :< I was a D cup in high school.
  • coquette87
    5'0" here. Currently 125.2lbs, trying to get to 110lbs, maybe 105 depending on if I like what I see at 110lbs. My highest weight was 129.5lb on Jan 9, so headed in the right direction. I'm usually between 1200-1300 calories each day. I eat back most of my exercise calories. I work out 5 days a week for 45-60 minutes at a time - lots of variation! Some cardio on equipment (treadmill, bike, stairmaster, rowing), kettlebells, body weight exercises, kickboxing. I like to vary it. I take weekends off to recover though. I usually get around 60 oz of water a day. I eat lots of fruits and veggies, fat free milk, whole wheat bread, peanut butter (such a peanut butter addict). And I make a little room in each day's calories for an ounce or so of some really luscious dark chocolate. Indulge a little each day and it stops me from binging later!

    I'm enjoying this healthy lifestyle thing so far.
    Benefits besides the scale:
    My long-time temperamental skin is a little less blotchy these days. Not perfect, but pretty good.
    I have heaps more energy. I sleep better.
    I have stopped needing my morning coffee. Probably because I'm sleeping better.
    I'm actually looking forward to my work-outs. I'm a student in vet school. We spend 7 hours a day sitting in lectures. Then we go home and sit and study some more. My work-outs are a chance to MOVE. And to let my brain shut down for awhile.
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm 5'0 and started at 157.6. My goal is 95 in the morning and 100 at the doctor's office :)
  • hadapurpura
    5'00. Starting weight: 154 lbs. Goal weight: 110 lbs.
  • StarArly
    StarArly Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 4'10ish LOL
    My goal is 1000 calories. I went on live strong and it said I should be eating 1030. When I first started using MFP I was eating 1200 and I didn't lose weight until I dropped calories to 1000.
    My start weight was 117 my current weight fluctuates between 98-103. I want to get down to 95lbs. 95lbs sounds crazy to me but the reality of it is I'm tiny and I could weight that much and still be healthy.

    I lost most my weight through running at least 30 mins 4 times a week.
  • Audrey403
    Audrey403 Posts: 50 Member
    5ft here, gosh I think I might have the highest starting weight! Started at about 193-196, with my highest ever at 199. Currently 160. Looking to reach healthy BMI status at about 128, and then reevaluate once I get there. It's so crazy to hear people say they want to be under 100, though. I understand that is still in our healthy BMI, but a lb or too less and we will reach underweight, ladies!