Whats divorce got to do with it?



  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I actually gained 25# when I went through my divorce. I drank alot to ease my pain, didn't care about exercise, slept all day (depression). When I met my current husband I was a mess. He still loved me. I finally have the motivation (for MYSELF) to lose the excess weight. 11# down so far and more to go :)
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    I went down to 105lbs going through my divorce...and I'm 5'4, I am stress Non-eater...take care of yourself the best you can!
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    I am going through divorce right now. My weight loss journey started in February...I did not know that it would also open my eyes that I had been unhappy for so many years. In September I was strong and confident enough to stand up for me and my girls and say that I could not be w/him any longer. Since he moved out, I am getting happy and healthy and trying to provide a good home for my daughters.

    Take care
  • ShannonMarie81
    I am going through a divorce now as well...but I am not losing weight because of the stress of my divorce. As sad as it is..and the pain and heartache that go along with it...I am losing weight to take control of my life. When things were spinning out of control..this was one thing that I COULD control. Now I'm addicted to fitness and being healthy!!
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    Infidelity doesn't always end in divorce. Many people stay together and make it work. Sometimes the stress of making your marriage work after the other party is unfaithful can also contribute to weight loss. Been there done that. Still married 7 years later. Has it been easy? No, but I'm thinner and healthier than ever and we work on our marriage and rebuilding trust every.single.day. Still not at my goal weight but I know I will get there.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Not going into details but I'm in the middle of this and moving out this weekend! I have tried for 12 years! I have focused all my energy working out and eating right now which has really helped. Nice to know others out there go through the same **** and make it out alive. LOL
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    Living well is the greatest revenge.
  • lisabstrong
    lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
    Infidelity doesn't always end in divorce. Many people stay together and make it work. Sometimes the stress of making your marriage work after the other party is unfaithful can also contribute to weight loss. Been there done that. Still married 7 years later. Has it been easy? No, but I'm thinner and healthier than ever and we work on our marriage and rebuilding trust every.single.day. Still not at my goal weight but I know I will get there.

    You rock Missy!!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I feel you! I gained 30 lbs during my marriage- my husband gained over 100 and was over 400lbs when I left. I've lost that & am back down to my pre-marital weight.. he's still gaining.

    For me though it's not about losing weight (tho that is sweet) I want to be healthy. I want to spend quality time with my grandkids. I LIKE walking on the beach & swimming.. things my ex can't do (haha)
    Being a large girl, I don't care about ever being skinny- I just want to be healthy & I'm getting there more every day

  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    :drinker: Cheers to you!
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    Living well is the greatest revenge.

    Been divorced for almost 2 years. I seriously got my act together earlier this year. In the past, whenever I'd loose weight, I was confronted with the question of "Who are you trying to impress?" :grumble: With 4 kids, I wanted to get healthier so I can be around longer and be able to do things with them. Having diagnosed with PCOS earlier this year and refusing the normal "treatment", I searched for alternative options. I was too busy taking care of everyone else's needs I neglected my own. Not even a year being divorced, my x mentioned how his current gf was the whole complete package even after she's had 4 kids of her own. :frown: I shrugged it off. To his/her own.

    I worked at eat clean, training dirty, and always wore baggy/loose clothing when ever we'd exchange kids every other weekend. One weekend in October something came up and I had to rush to pick up my kids. I didn't have a chance to change out of my walking/workout gear- Tank top and leggings. Needless to say, the look on both of them was priceless :bigsmile:
    Healthier and youthful... you can't beat that :heart:
  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    Living well is the greatest revenge.

    Been divorced for almost 2 years. I seriously got my act together earlier this year. In the past, whenever I'd loose weight, I was confronted with the question of "Who are you trying to impress?" :grumble: With 4 kids, I wanted to get healthier so I can be around longer and be able to do things with them. Having diagnosed with PCOS earlier this year and refusing the normal "treatment", I searched for alternative options. I was too busy taking care of everyone else's needs I neglected my own. Not even a year being divorced, my x mentioned how his current gf was the whole complete package even after she's had 4 kids of her own. :frown: I shrugged it off. To his/her own.

    I worked at eat clean, training dirty, and always wore baggy/loose clothing when ever we'd exchange kids every other weekend. One weekend in October something came up and I had to rush to pick up my kids. I didn't have a chance to change out of my walking/workout gear- Tank top and leggings. Needless to say, the look on both of them was priceless :bigsmile:
    Healthier and youthful... you can't beat that :heart:

    you go girl!!!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Wow, can I relate to this topic. I was married to a minister for 18 years, but I was miserable the last 5 of those years. He had become very difficult to live with. We adopted our children during that period, and my hopes that the adoption would help were quickly dashed. I couldn't leave because of the pressures of ministry; it would destroy not only my marriage but his career as well. My kids had already been through numerous foster homes, and I didn't want to subject them to going through a divorce as well. Often I prayed that he would cheat on me or get hit by a bus.

    I was finally given a reason to leave: My daughter informed that he had been sexually abusing her. He was picked up by the police and confessed to EVERYTHING. I filed for divorce immediately and moved to SC to be near my parents. Several months later, he got word of his trial date and hung himself in his parents' basement.

    I started with MFP in September of this year, almost one year to the day from when my daughter told me what her dad was doing. He was never supportive of my efforts to lose weight while we were married; in fact, he'd deliberately sabotage me. He'd bring milkshakes, slushies, candy, etc., then get mad and not speak to me for three days if I didn't eat it. I usually ate it to keep the peace. I realize now that he was emotionally abusive (hindsight is 20/20!). It's taken me a little over a year to regain my confidence.

    The only negative here is that he's not around for me to visit in prison so I can rub my weight loss in his face...
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I've lost 6 pounds since my breakup a month ago. I'd rather have him and the fat though. :brokenheart:
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    This has been a cycle for me, perpetual yo-yo divorce dieter. I have been married 4 times and divorced 3.. so far.. LOL.. not going to happen a forth time. Each time I entered into marriage, I slowly gained wieght, and after each divorce, dropped all my extra weight and got healthy and looked good, which always lead to the next marriage.. LOL.

    Yes, i am on my 4th marriage and yes I have gained wieght since we have been together but, that was during the courtship and before we got married. Now I am trying to loose it through healthy habits and living my life right. i've lost over 60 lbs so far and didn't have to divorce my wofe to do it, this time. My Wife ahs actually been a great force in helping me lose the wieght and I have never been happier.
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Wow, can I relate to this topic. I was married to a minister for 18 years, but I was miserable the last 5 of those years. He had become very difficult to live with. We adopted our children during that period, and my hopes that the adoption would help were quickly dashed. I couldn't leave because of the pressures of ministry; it would destroy not only my marriage but his career as well. My kids had already been through numerous foster homes, and I didn't want to subject them to going through a divorce as well. Often I prayed that he would cheat on me or get hit by a bus.

    I was finally given a reason to leave: My daughter informed that he had been sexually abusing her. He was picked up by the police and confessed to EVERYTHING. I filed for divorce immediately and moved to SC to be near my parents. Several months later, he got word of his trial date and hung himself in his parents' basement.

    I started with MFP in September of this year, almost one year to the day from when my daughter told me what her dad was doing. He was never supportive of my efforts to lose weight while we were married; in fact, he'd deliberately sabotage me. He'd bring milkshakes, slushies, candy, etc., then get mad and not speak to me for three days if I didn't eat it. I usually ate it to keep the peace. I realize now that he was emotionally abusive (hindsight is 20/20!). It's taken me a little over a year to regain my confidence.

    The only negative here is that he's not around for me to visit in prison so I can rub my weight loss in his face...

    Wow. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.. along with your poor daughter. Many many hugs!!!! Congrats on your new beginning though.
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 333 Member
    When I got divorced I lost 350lbs (HIM!) lol

    it isn't easy... but 10 years later... I finally found the right man for me, and I have never been happier!
  • OKmac3
    OKmac3 Posts: 192 Member
    Living well is the greatest revenge.

    I totally agree and live by this.....
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    When I got divorced 2 years ago, I did gain weight (out of an abusive relationship, so I wasn't all there), lost it, then met current bf and gained weight (not a good idea following him in his meals).