Why did you get fat and what triggered the change?



  • Weathers58
    Weathers58 Posts: 246 Member
    I got very poorly (alcohol) and I got put on some medication called olanzapine. It makes you eat loads. I went up to 18 stone I've now lost 4.5 and need to keep fit for my head as much as my body x
  • oliviapeacock
    oliviapeacock Posts: 13 Member
    I went to rehab for alcohol and thats what started it. I also began overeating pretty badly. I have only gained about 15lbs. because I made sure to get things in check before they got really out of control.

    Kudos to you for your honesty!
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    It started when I was in college. I was a little overweight in elementary school, but then I started playing basketball and was really healthy. When I went to college, basketball stopped. I got into a relationship with my husband and got way too comfortable. I gained about 20 lbs at that point. Then, my brother was diagonsed with leukemia and ultimately passed away 2.5 years later. I didn't do anything but eat junk and sit on my butt all day long after that for a long time. I think that some of it was that I was afraid that if I actually continued living my life I would somehow forget my brother. I gained about 100 lbs over the course of about 1.5 years.

    My attitude changed when I got tired of every joint in my lower legs hurting. I also got tired of waking up feeling like crap every day. I think the biggest change happened when I was having trouble getting on the floor to play with my son. I told myself that I was changing from that day forward. It's still a daily struggle, and I sometimes give in to the junk food (well, only on the weekends and holidays). I'm moving in the right direction though.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    been fat since I was 12. never cared until I found out I had diabetes type II in my late 20's. after losing 100 lbs. the diabetes went away. no more meds. I figured I came this far, let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    I was chubby from birth and all the way into my 20's when I would just go back and forth. my most recent "chuuby/fat Era" came in about 2008. I fell heavy into online gaming on XBOX 360 with the infamous game "Call of Duty, Modern Warefare"
    Everysingle day I got home from work I'd eat really quick and than jump right on the console. On my days off I would wake up early as the sun rose just to get extra hours. I'd have a table set next to me full of beer and snacks so that I'd have less game interruption from getting up.
    I was putting off family time more regularly, and gaining weight without a care. A full year went by and two things happened....One: My yearly Xbox live subscription expired, and Two: I lost my Wi-Fi internet signal I was hacking from the neighbor.

    So at this time i'm looking at my yearly stats from my game play and the attention getter was this.....Call of Duty-hours played...30 days,4 hours. What!!!!! That's right in one year I invested 1 month of my time playing only one game.

    My 4 year old son always came and layed next to me as I played, and it became heartbreaking when I reflected on how he spent a lot of time with me. Instantly I decided to put away the XBOX, and later that week I told my girl I was going to the gym. She just laughed at me, but slowly It took the place of the Xbox, and still had much time left over to spend with my son and feel healthier. I became a runner with little weight training, and it wasn't until a year ago that I took weight training to a serious level with far less cardio.

    Thank you for reading my story, and I've been completely game free for over almost 3 years now.
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    Binge eating due to depression, put on 14lbs and managed to lose it! :)
  • Icklemellie
    Before the age of about 18 I had always been quite slim never really worried about what I ate but always did a lot of running around. Then my ex started me eating takeaways late at night after he finished work in a pub at about midnight and I started driving so did less of the running around. The weight started to pile on at college and uni as I in 2007/2008 and I didn't really think I was that big. Then I had a miscarriage, and shortly after fell pregnant in 2008 with my eldest Jakey and just before I gave birth I weighed 224lbs granted I was just about to have a 10.8lb baby and all the joyfull stuff that goes with it lol. I then decided enough was enough and started slim fast reaching 162lbs then fell pregnant again, and got up to about 180ish lbs.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    "I got fat because I ate Concord grape jelly from the jar while using a candy bar as a fork".

    I hate not being able to shop where I want, do what I want, and be physically astounding.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    After having a stable healthy weight for years without really trying, I put on 15 lbs this summer. Part of that was working at McDonald's where I'd get free and/or super discounted food. Part of it was living with people who had community meals I didn't have control over and always had dessert right after dinner. Part of it was that I started dating a guy who took me out to eat all the time. Freaked me out because I've never had a jump in weight like that! Got serious about losing it a couple months ago.