Tell me I can't lose 200 lbs

I’m one of those people whom has trouble getting/staying motivated. Unless of course, you tell me that I can’t do something.

I feel my motivation slipping ever so slightly. And that’s the feeling I got last year right before I stopped coming on the site and logging my food. I don’t want history to repeat itself. Don’t tell me I can do this. Don’t tell me I “got this”. Not right now. Not in this moment. Right now I really need a different kind of motivation.

Once someone tells me that I cannot do some thing, it lights a fire under me. And suddenly I am unstoppable. This has been true for me in the past. And I’m hoping that it will be true for me when it comes to weight loss.

So do me a favor, tell me that I can’t do this. Tell me that I cannot lose 200 pounds. Tell me that it is impossible. Tell me that I’m out of my mind.

I know this goes against the vary nature of many of you, but suspend that for a moment, please take a minute to tell me “You Can’t”.

And maybe, just maybe, “I Can’t” will become “I Did”.


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Sorry, I just can't bring myself to do that...but I can relate!
    When I announced that I was joining Weight Watchers two years ago, my brother gave me the smart *kitten* answer of "again?!" with a snarky tone to his voice. I was hurt and pissed at first, then I let it become my motivation.
    Don't feel like I've completely proven him wrong yet (even with beating him at arm wrestling) but I've been at this longer than any previous weight loss attempt and am going strong!
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    I thought i was the only person who was like that! My partner used to be really anti my weightloss and I was like "ill show him" now he's being nice I'm finding it really difficult lol.

    Anyway there is no way you are going to lose 200lb so don't even bother you might as well just sit infront of the telly with a big tub of icecream and save yourself some time trying. It's just a waste of time anyway as you will never keep it up!

    Hope that helped :)
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    you can't loose 200 lbs! there is not way!

    if there is anything else you want from me I am here for you :happy:
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    With that in mind, I'd tell you to think the way I do sometimes.... I think of every skinny person that ever looked at me like I was a disgusting cow - and I know they were thinking I could never lose the weight - that I was born to be fat. I know those are the same people that think all overweight people are completely lazy and live on a steady diet of milkshakes and doughnuts. I think of my whole family back in FL - each of them are completely obese and struggling with health issues. They laughed at my diet - said I'd never do it - I'm sure because they think they'll never lose so why should I get to. I think of the fat person I see staring back at me in the mirror... the one that taunts me every time I look at her as if to say, look at you - you'll never do this! Use that as fuel and you'll turn that 'you can't' into 'who is this girl now that can and did lose the weight'
  • myshell26
    I don't think you need a bunch of people telling you that you are incapable of losing weight. You need to find what motivates you and figure out ways to enjoy living healthy. If you give up now, you'll hate yourself for it later. Maybe you're quitting because you're pushing yourself too hard. Start off with little changes (reducing your caloric intake by 500 calories and walking at a fast pace for 30 minutes a day) and go from there. Are you a quitter? Is this how you want to be for the rest of your life? How long do you honestly expect to live if you don't lose the weight? Best of luck to you. : )
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    You can't. :smile:
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    Hey, add me as a friend so I can rub all my amazing daily work outs and accomplishments in your face.

  • myskinnyyear
    myskinnyyear Posts: 70 Member
    I get depressed so easily because the weight loss is soooooo sloooooow. Alot of times, I just need a real kick in the *kitten*! I don't need somebody to tell me how strong I am, and that I can do this. Sometimes, I just really need someone to tell me to GET OFF YOUR *kitten* AND JUST DO IT! Exercise, walk, whatever you can do. I have been fat my whole life. I wore a size 16 wedding dress at age 19, and now at 48, I am BACK into a size 16 again. I have yo yo'd my whole life, and I even tho I lose my motivation, and get stressed, I REFUSE to sit down and cry anymore telling myself that maybe I was just meant to be like this....NO NO NO!
    Whatever you have to do to get motivated again, just get off your *kitten* and do it! :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hahah I Love most of these posts! :D Thank you, guys! I appreciate your own brands of motivation!
  • cakebarn
    cakebarn Posts: 43 Member
    You hit the nail on the head!! I try to think of everything that I have heard from everyone around me. goes (As much as this pains me).....

    You are always on a diet!! What makes you think this one is going to work for you??!! You are just lazy like all of the rest of the overweight people out there!!!! Don't even waste your time...go have a donut.

    OMG! I am soo sorry...I think. I hope this helps...but right now, I feel like crap for saying that to you!

  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    You hit the nail on the head!! I try to think of everything that I have heard from everyone around me. goes (As much as this pains me).....

    You are always on a diet!! What makes you think this one is going to work for you??!! You are just lazy like all of the rest of the overweight people out there!!!! Don't even waste your time...go have a donut.

    OMG! I am soo sorry...I think. I hope this helps...but right now, I feel like crap for saying that to you!


    hahah Don't feel bad! This is just the kind of thing I need to hear! :flowerforyou: Thank you!
  • Dmborgstrom
    Dmborgstrom Posts: 7 Member

    I would be missing the stares and dirty looks of strangers as I pass them in the store or on the street. I would be missing the snarky remarks of sales girls telling me "we don't carry anything in YOUR size". I would be missing having to assess that flimsy chair at a friend's house, wondering if I sit, will it hold me? Missing the comments of friends and family asking if I've been exercising and eating right. Missing going through pair after pair of jeans because my touching thighs keep rubbing holes in them. Missing going through life never knowing what my style is, because I've always just had to settle for what I could find that would fit me. Missing the judgmental smirks of strangers if I dare eat anything other than a salad. Missing never going swimming in 20 years because I would make people sick if I wore a bathing suit. Missing never being able to enjoy a nice long soak in a bath because most tubs are too narrow and squeeze my hips. Missing going through the hottest summer months sweltering in jeans and big shirts. Missing chairs with arms that pinch and poke and dig into me like medieval torture devices. Missing clothes that are either too tight or lay on me like a potato sack - nothing every fitting right.

    Those are just a few of the things I want to go the rest of my life “missing”. So ok, I don't know what I'm missing not being thin? But I will be happy going the rest of my life missing what it's like being fat.

    These are your words...they inspire me.

    You can choose to do this!!!! Set your mind to it.... for all the things that you choose to let go!!!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member

    I would be missing the stares and dirty looks of strangers as I pass them in the store or on the street. I would be missing the snarky remarks of sales girls telling me "we don't carry anything in YOUR size". I would be missing having to assess that flimsy chair at a friend's house, wondering if I sit, will it hold me? Missing the comments of friends and family asking if I've been exercising and eating right. Missing going through pair after pair of jeans because my touching thighs keep rubbing holes in them. Missing going through life never knowing what my style is, because I've always just had to settle for what I could find that would fit me. Missing the judgmental smirks of strangers if I dare eat anything other than a salad. Missing never going swimming in 20 years because I would make people sick if I wore a bathing suit. Missing never being able to enjoy a nice long soak in a bath because most tubs are too narrow and squeeze my hips. Missing going through the hottest summer months sweltering in jeans and big shirts. Missing chairs with arms that pinch and poke and dig into me like medieval torture devices. Missing clothes that are either too tight or lay on me like a potato sack - nothing every fitting right.

    Those are just a few of the things I want to go the rest of my life “missing”. So ok, I don't know what I'm missing not being thin? But I will be happy going the rest of my life missing what it's like being fat.

    These are your words...they inspire me.

    You can choose to do this!!!! Set your mind to it.... for all the things that you choose to let go!!!

    Wow, when put in that context you're absolutely right! Thank you so much for this reminder! I will (and have) set my mind to it. As you said, "for all the things that I choose to let go". And for all the things that I chose to embrace including a healthier me! Thank you for the gentle nudge! :flowerforyou:
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Hey, I don't know, I never tried. But I know that your insurance company, that will turn down any claim they can get away with, thinks losing 200 lbs is so impossible that they will pay for surgery to flay you open and redo the plumbing in your intestinal tract to make you vomit so much you lose weight, and even then they only expect you to lose 80-140 lbs and probably regain it by 5 years later anyway.

    Mean, nasty insurance companies -- you show them! You lose that 200 lbs! If only you could pack it all in a trunk and mail it to them and gloat!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hey, I don't know, I never tried. But I know that your insurance company, that will turn down any claim they can get away with, thinks losing 200 lbs is so impossible that they will pay for surgery to flay you open and redo the plumbing in your intestinal tract to make you vomit so much you lose weight, and even then they only expect you to lose 80-140 lbs and probably regain it by 5 years later anyway.

    Mean, nasty insurance companies -- you show them! You lose that 200 lbs! If only you could pack it all in a trunk and mail it to them and gloat!

    ROFL!!! OH MY GOODNESS! THIS had me literally Laughing Out Loud! Thank you for making my day a little brighter! :love:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Sorry, can't do it.
    But I can tell you that if you stop focusing on "losing weight" and instead make some changes to eat healthy and exercise more, you might be surprised at what happens!

    In other words, I think it can be valuable to focus on things other than numbers. Like: I'm going to kick the butt of that new exercise program I've just signed up for. Or: healthy breakfast every day for a week - how hard can that be?
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it. If you're so sick of being overweight, CHANGE IT! You got yourself there, you're the only one that can take you back. You haven't listed a medical reason (that I can see) so what's your excuse?! If you don't get off your butt and make an effort, then no. You can't do it.

    Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it. If you're so sick of being overweight, CHANGE IT! You got yourself there, you're the only one that can take you back. You haven't listed a medical reason (that I can see) so what's your excuse?!

    First, I don't "feel sorry" for myself. Never have felt sorry for myself for being fat, and hopefully I never will. Second I didn't get myself here, you don't know me and you don't know my life. "you're the only one that can take you back" Take me back to where? What are you talking about?

    Second, there is no reason to be hateful and rude. Putting a cute smiley flower after your rude comment doesn't mitigate that rudeness, by the way.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it. If you're so sick of being overweight, CHANGE IT! You got yourself there, you're the only one that can take you back. You haven't listed a medical reason (that I can see) so what's your excuse?!

    First, I don't "feel sorry" for myself. Never have felt sorry for myself for being fat, and hopefully I never will. Second I didn't get myself here, you don't know me and you don't know my life. "you're the only one that can take you back" Take me back to where? What are you talking about?

    Second, there is no reason to be hateful and rude. Putting a cute smiley flower after your rude comment doesn't mitigate that rudeness, by the way.

    You asked for tough love... I think you got it!
    If this comment makes you mad- great, use that and show 'em!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it. If you're so sick of being overweight, CHANGE IT! You got yourself there, you're the only one that can take you back. You haven't listed a medical reason (that I can see) so what's your excuse?!

    First, I don't "feel sorry" for myself. Never have felt sorry for myself for being fat, and hopefully I never will. Second I didn't get myself here, you don't know me and you don't know my life. "you're the only one that can take you back" Take me back to where? What are you talking about?

    Second, there is no reason to be hateful and rude. Putting a cute smiley flower after your rude comment doesn't mitigate that rudeness, by the way.

    You asked for tough love... I think you got it!
    If this comment makes you mad- great, use that and show 'em!

    I think you must have miss-read my post then if you think I asked for "tough love". Me asking for someone to tell me that I can't do this DOES NOT translate into someone telling me that I'm feeling sorry for myself and asking me "what's my excuse" for being fat (as if that is ANY of her business).