1,870 Calories daily??



  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    If you have a smart phone, and a netflix account, you can watch a few of the 10 minute exercise videos or other exercise videos on your phone while you wait for your DVDs.
    I've done that a bunch on vacation, in a hotel room, just trying to get a tiny workout in before we head out for a day of craziness.
    Personally, I've also done squats, lifted cans, done pushups, etc. just to do a bit of exercise when I haven't been able to go for a run like usual.
    Good luck!

    That's smart. Didn't think about using smart phone. And, everyone knows at 5am or 6am those informerical channels have exercise videos that early. lol I'll get up and try those.
  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    I would eat as many calories as I could! Just make sure you are eating healthy calorie dense food. See what happens in a couple of weeks and if you don't like the changes (or there are none) then you can try lowering your calories.

    I wasn't feeling up to exercise one day, but I just put on my i-pod and did random moves from different workout dvds for 25 minutes. I burned just as many calories as I would if I did a dvd, and it went by super fast because I was just going with the music. Hopefully you will get settled in soon!

    I'm a picky eater but when dieting I try eating healthy where I can and especially since I haven't worked out I have added as much healthy food as possible! thanks. :)
  • Dmborgstrom
    Dmborgstrom Posts: 7 Member
    It's not that much for most... but your PCOS may dictate that you change your macros to increase protein and lower carbs.

    I haven't researched this much....but this helps with the ease of loss for someone with PCOS?? I am struggling. Any ideas would help. It doesn't help that my body still CRAVES the sugar, which I am trying to change.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I don't know much about the special requirements of ladies with PCOS, but there is a group here on MFP for people with PCOS to help each other out - might be useful to you:
  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    I don't know much about the special requirements of ladies with PCOS, but there is a group here on MFP for people with PCOS to help each other out - might be useful to you:

  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    It's not that much for most... but your PCOS may dictate that you change your macros to increase protein and lower carbs.

    I haven't researched this much....but this helps with the ease of loss for someone with PCOS?? I am struggling. Any ideas would help. It doesn't help that my body still CRAVES the sugar, which I am trying to change.

    What are you wanting help with?