


  • karleekutie
    I am puffy all over since my pregnancy. The water retention is so bad. From 3 months in my pregnancy I didn't wear any shoes until my daughter was 4 months. This was due to my Shrek feet. I understand. I hope losing enough weight will stop all this and I can feel normal again
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    the coughing became a major issue for me, enough that she had me drop the med... the cough is hard to explain, like you have to clear your throat constantly... all the time... super distracting and annoying
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I took it for 3 years, it actually helped me with water retention. The dry cough is bad though, especially at night.
  • Janet_in_MO
    Janet_in_MO Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't gotten to read ALL the comments, but now I'm really curious. I've been battling to figure out why my weightloss stopped although I'm still eating healthy and exercising. I started a healthy lifestyle almost 3 years ago. Lost 1-2 pounds a week consistently until a little over a year ago. I've dropped about 80 pounds total and been stuck there (between 165-170 pounds) but still have another 10-15 lbs. I should be able to lose. I've been on 40mg of lisinopril and was on 25 mg HCTZ for many, many years. I had light-headedness when I started the lisinopril, but that went away and I do not have the cough. About the time my doc decided to cut my HCTZ dose in 1/2 (12.5mg) and left my lisinopril alone is when I quit losing. I don't feel bad but I have wild fluid retention with my cycle every month (like 4 lbs. or so) and I'm 50 so I've been guessing it's just hormones and I have to live through this. Oh, I also take via prescription a 10 meq tablet of Potassium. My BP has been running about 115/65 first thing in the morning, but then closer to 130/80 if I take it later in the afternoon. I take my meds in the morning. Any idea if doc may just have my dosages out of whack causing the stalled weightloss or WHY can't I lose any more pounds? It's driving me crazy and I've even considered asking to up the HCTZ dose again and see what happens, but I really don't want to. I'm hoping to get off the meds! Haven't had labwork since January 2014 but all was fine then.