I don't like vegetables



  • NYCMom
    NYCMom Posts: 18 Member
    WOW. Just wow with the commentary on here. The poster was asking for suggestions not judgements. If people could keep that in mind when answering, it would be a much happier and supportive place.

    Of the list that was giving (very comprehensive, thank you), I eat six of the veggies. I put those six on my sandwiches in salads (go lettuce!) and wherever I can fill in during the day. Do the best that you can. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Otherwise you will just be unsatisfied and eat something to make you happier and possible unhealthy.

    Fruit is great for you. Particularly if you find the low glycemic fruits (cantaloupe, berries etc).

    Good luck on your journey.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    "Why does everyone rip on others if they do not eat vegetables?"

    Geesh, I hate this idea that anyone would receive well-intentioned criticism this way. Sure it's nice to hear 'WTG' and 'Nice job!', but don't you want honest feedback for OPTIMAL results? Why are you here?

    I think you can totally avoid being 'zipped' upon by simply closing your diary, or simply using this site as a tracker and not having friends. I think you have to be living in a cave to have not heard that lab-synthesized vitamins can't possibly have all the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and other possibly undiscovered good stuff in vegetables.

    I have had people criticize my food diary, and I always RESEARCH what they are saying. It's called 'expanding your world.' Try it sometime.

    I just wonder why do people even care what someone else is eating? I don't. Not at all. I eat what I like and don't give a rip what someone else chooses to eat. Just because someone doesn't care for most veggies doesn't mean they aren't healthy, don't care about their health, are childish or anything else - you like what you like. Plain and simple. I guess I just don't see why people care what someone else is eating. I despise broccoli and I see a lot of people eat it - should I criticize them for wanting to eat it? No. It is personal choice.

    I've had blood work run, had tests done and am in excellent health. I don't eat a ton of veggies because I just don't care for them.

    I agree chevy!

    What a judgmental answer.
    Why are you here? <---- really why was that needed? She cannot be here because she doe not like veggies? She even said she was going to try a new one each week for her goal.

    She can have friends and keep her diary open and get SUPPORT. You know friends that tell her WTG when she is making improvements no matter how big?
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    One of my favourite veges is asparagus (as others have mentioned!) - I had some for lunch today - lightly boiled than I added salt and pepper and some balsamic vinegar - I also added some cooked zucchini too and it was so yummy. Came out at less than 100 calories too (of course I had some other things for lunch too!). Next time I will also add muchrooms too I think - a nice bog bowl of this - kind of like a roast vege salad!!! Filling but doesn't weigh you down!

    I'm guessing my grocery store isn't the only one with asparagus on sale this week? I sauteed mine in olive oil today, along with a little fresh garlic, sweet onion, red bell pepper, and yellow summer squash (don't care much for zucchini), then added cracked black pepper and red wine vinegar. Yum.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Have you tried pureeing them and hiding them in sauces? We have to make sauces without tomato for my husband, and puree cooked carrots and red peppers as the "tomato" sauce base. Or making homemade yam fries with chipotle Mayo.

    If you don't want to eat them, then don't. But there are ways of tricking yourself of you want to try. :-)
    I've been told by different people to limit fruit and fruit juice because even naturally occurring sugar can add up fast. If you're not worried about the fructose, keep going for the fruit. Whatever keeps you on track. :-)

    I thought sugar did not make a difference as long as I count calories? Better then eating a loaf of bread in my eyes at least. I have not tried to trick myself. I may have to try that. I just figured I was getting what I needed out of my vitamin. Thank you for the suggestion

    With extra sugar, you are setting yourself up for diabetes later in life, especially if it runs in your family. And I'm definitely struggling with it. I like sweet stuff too, and I'm always over my sugar allowance.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I don't really 'like' any. But I eat em.

    Actually, I kinda like boild brussel sprouts. Mostly cause it's a holiday thing.

    Otherwise I get most of mine in salsa form.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I don't really 'like' any. But I eat em.

    Actually, I kinda like boild brussel sprouts. Mostly cause it's a holiday thing.

    Otherwise I get most of mine in salsa form.

    Salsa. This wins.
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    Try Quinoa (pronounced Keen-wa). Most commonly considered a grain, quinoa is actually a relative of leafy green vegetables like beets, spinach and Swiss chard. It has fiber, protein and lots of health benefits. Check it out.....

    What the?!

    Today I learned that Quinoa is not a member of the grass family...

    I had no idea! Thanks for posting.
  • rikorb
    rikorb Posts: 51 Member
    I don't like vegetables either. I eat potato, corn, pumpkin and carrot. If you see no greens :/
    I've tried but I feel like I'm going to spew when I eat them, I know it's a mind thing. I'm trying to retrain my mind. I'm starting to drink a veggie and fruit juice plus I also hide the veggies in sauces and things. I wish I loved veggies.
    So your not alone on this one.
    The funny thing is my 3yr old son Loves veggies, will eat his veggies over anything else :)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    One of my favourite veges is asparagus (as others have mentioned!) - I had some for lunch today - lightly boiled than I added salt and pepper and some balsamic vinegar - I also added some cooked zucchini too and it was so yummy. Came out at less than 100 calories too (of course I had some other things for lunch too!). Next time I will also add muchrooms too I think - a nice bog bowl of this - kind of like a roast vege salad!!! Filling but doesn't weigh you down!

    I'm guessing my grocery store isn't the only one with asparagus on sale this week? I sauteed mine in olive oil today, along with a little fresh garlic, sweet onion, red bell pepper, and yellow summer squash (don't care much for zucchini), then added cracked black pepper and red wine vinegar. Yum.
    Hm, well then asparagus it is then! Thanks for the idea, I'll check the store tonight. :drinker:

    Another thing that's really tasty and hides veggies is Veggie Lasagna, you can add whatever you like, mushrooms, grated carrots, zucchini, frozen spinach (defrosted, excess water squeezed out first), well, the sky is the limit actually. Eggplant Lasagna is something I haven't yet tried but it sounds interesting.

    Mmm might have to pick up a variety of veggies for Veggie Lasagna again soon. :tongue:

    That list was really helpful to myself as well, it reminds me of so many I haven't tried or haven't tried in quite sometime.:flowerforyou:
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    My boyfriend is the same way. After trying to sneak them in to the food we eat, I just gave up and he gets V8 to drink (the delicious fruit flavored kind, of course). I really haven't looked into the comparison between the actual veggies and fruits, and them mixed as a drink, but it claims to give either 1 or 2 servings of each per serving. So instead of a vitamin, I would test out the V8. It's a little on the high cost, but I'm sure there are coupons somewhere for them. I was taking a multivitamin for a while, but then noticed on the chart that I was going way over in most of my vitamins. And though it sounds all great and wonderful, a lot of vitamins can have some pretty harmful effects if you get too much consistently. I would just do some more research on foods high in each vitamin, and see if there are some you'd be able to try out. Good luck!