

  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    I've been trying something new and there are several things I don't eat anymore; eg: meat, poutry, fish, dairy, and oil. So people often notice and ask questions. Most of the time they generally interested, sometimes they are trying to justify their own diet choices while simultaneously trashing mine. Either way, I'd prefer to be left alone to eat in peace.

    Some people put up with this nonsense very graciously, then there's me. What I've started doing (selectively) is telling people that I had a heart attack! (I was clearly heading down that road so no one ever argues w/ me) It's terrible, I know, but as soon as they hear you had a heart attack, their whole perception changes! Now you are a Brave Survivor, instead of a stupid vegan.

    I'm not suggesting this to anyone and I'm not mocking heart attack sufferers, I just thought I'd share.

  • morgthom75
    morgthom75 Posts: 127 Member
    This is why I try to keep things diet and fitness related to myself. I'll answer direct questions as briefly as I can, and I never offer advice unless asked for it.

    I can't think of one fitness related conversation I've ever had IRL that was ever productive.

    This definately. I don't make a big deal about it, and most people only notice that I'm smaller, not that my eating habits are any different. Although, everyone ask me what my "secret" is. There is no secret!
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    Misery loves company! So if you are changing, and others want what you have but aren't will to work for it, then they will try to bring you back down with them.
    I know all about sibbling rivalry- my sister goes at me all the time, I just learned to tune it out, or make smart remarks back that shut her up.

    I am with sidesteal- you should just take off your shirt the next time someone is putting you down... should shut them up real quick!

    Keep up the great work- you look amazing! You have lots of supportive people here, and if your real life friends cant support you, then screw em!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    All i can say is smile your sweetest smile and enjoy your dinner, whether they think you ate it or not :)

    Lol, funny. people think I don't eat a lot. . . but I don't care. . . I just try to explain to them that you can more good thing, be full, and lose weight, not a big secret. we're so brainwashed by what "good" food is, and it's so normal to just eat whatever you feel like opposed to what we should be eating for health, etc
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    Great post Sidesteal (as usual).

    Notice Side said, he doesn't get crap anymore? That's my plan. Wait for those conversations until I have done what Side has done. I try (as hard as it may be sometimes) to not go "there" with friends/family. They can't really understand what we are doing right now (nor, can we really expect them too). They will figure it out soon enough....................
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    This definately. I don't make a big deal about it, and most people only notice that I'm smaller, not that my eating habits are any different. Although, everyone ask me what my "secret" is. There is no secret!

    Tell them you bust your *kitten* in the gym and stay hungry all day. Usually shuts them up pretty quick.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Can I just say its comforting in an odd way that a MALE posted this. This topic has been posted several times, myself included, but usually by women. Its NOT good that people give ya *kitten* but I really didn't think men were critcized like women are.

    To avoid the conversation of why I refuse to eat certain meat, I've just started telling people I'm vegetarian. Vegetarian they accept better than, "Well, yes, I do eat meat, but only if its organic or wild game" Very odd. Then come the questions to why and blah blah blah

    OR even better, I'll have friends or family about to eat fast food or junk food, look at me and say "Not a word! I know you're on a health kick" I haven't said anything, I haven't made a face...nothing. Don't blame me for your guilt. LoL

    @Engine: I love pie....LOL I can turn down chips, greasy fried goodness....sweets and pie though...I have to have just a little or I want to binge out.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Yeah. My dad has taken to saying the word "diet," because he knows it drives me crazy. I'm not on a diet. That indicates that there will be an end, and that I'm following one of those dumpy fads. I'm not. I'm making a life-style change and trying to pick healthier choices so I can be healthy for the rest of my life.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I feel really bad now... and I am on a strict diet too. But I went to a company dinner and asked a co-worker if he was on a "diet" when he ordered plain chicken breast and steam veg / no butter. He just smiled and said he was eating healthy.

    Now I have to wonder if I insulted him - probably. Ugh.

  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Can I just say its comforting in an odd way that a MALE posted this. This topic has been posted several times, myself included, but usually by women. Its NOT good that people give ya *kitten* but I really didn't think men were critcized like women are.
    Yeah, this kind of surprised me too. I find its usually the people who don't appear to have any willpower or drive that make these comments. the OP: You look Amazing!!
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    This is why I try to keep things diet and fitness related to myself. I'll answer direct questions as briefly as I can, and I never offer advice unless asked for it.

    I can't think of one fitness related conversation I've ever had IRL that was ever productive.

    Very true, and I try to follow this myself. The topic of fitness when deeling with my coworkers seems to be like the other forbiddin conversations being....dare I say....Religion/Politics. It just goes round, and round, and in the end I feel like, "maybe next time I'll just keep my mouth shut"

    awsome highly rated reply! Thanx
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    So in short, next time your brother or family heckles you, maybe you should just take off your shirt and tell them to shut up?

    By Sidesteal

    That would be the funniest thing too!
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks for all the comments, and kind words. Gotta admit i've been a little bit more headstrong and tuned sharply into nutrition, and fitness since I got involved here.

    Looks like I might hit my 9% BF goal before 2012, from what use to be about a 21% once upon a time.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,416 Member
    I have a friend of mine who I see every single week who actually started MFP after she saw the results I was getting. Well, of course she was trying to do the old starve yourself "diet" thing rather than following what MFP said to do (she also set her goals to 2 lbs. per week and didn't workout so was hungry on 1200 a day) and she quit. Then her mother got sick and she spent a lot of time taking care of her and lost weight by not eating anything. She had the nerve to brag to me about how much weight she lost and she didn't have to log all her food! Now the weight is coming back ( of course it did!) and when she sees my posting in my food diary (we play golf together are are together for about 5 hours and I eat during that time and am forgetful so log it as I eat it) she gives me that "Are you logging your little snack?" in that snarky tone we all know so well. Argghh!! I just smile sweetly and say "yes". Gotta love those supportive friends!
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I know what you mean... that or cruel jokes or relentless banter... like "Oh Val! Not going to the gym at Lunch AND after work today!? tut tut...."

    Oh god. I used to have friends who would say stuff in a semi-joking/ semi-malicious way and it pissed me off so much. I literally had to change my group of friends because I just can't stand people who make 'jokes' like that.
  • aspen1377
    aspen1377 Posts: 60 Member
    Options mom made the comment yesterday "why are you still don't have anything left to lose!" I just smiled and didn't even know what to say. I didn't let it derail me, and I know my goals are healthy so I dropped it. But I wanted to say "none of your business...just focus on your OWN weight not mine" ...but of course I didn't say that :)
  • Malani2010
    I just give them my fat clothes when I size down :-)

    I do the same thing to my sister!!! I always give her my bigger clothes.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    No one really says anything about my eating habits. I have one friend that said I'll be too skinny. I got so tired of being the fat friend in the group. Now I'm almost smaller than that friend. :)
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I just give them my fat clothes when I size down :-)

    That's great!
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    Like people have said, these days I try very hard to avoid the subject! I have several friends and coworkers that are on Weight watchers. 2 have lost a good amount and 1 has been doing it for nearly 3 years and lost maybe 5-10 lbs. it's all I can do to bite my tounge as to why or to offer advice. Unless they directly ask, I do not offer, no one wants unsolicited advice! And I hate when I have a slip up and get the "oh please! 1 cookie isn't goig to hurt! You can use some more food!" no one cookie isn't going to hurt, but the cravings it triggers sure will! And I am gaining but that doesn't mean I want to fuel myself with crap!

    The only time I get on anyone or become defensive is when they question why I make all my daughter's food (she's 2) and say "it was good enough when we were kids" when I won't allow her something. We feed her 99.9% clean, fresh and the best quality of the family. She is our priority and I will not tolerate anyone belittling that! Mock me all day, mess with my daughter and there will be hell to pay!