Feeling embarassed...



  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    You don't have to tell other people if you don't want to. Especially if you think they will not be supportive or might make you self conscious. And I totally agree with not calling it 'dieting'. I'm not on a diet, I am making healthier choices. I don't plan to go back to eating the way I did before, so this is not 'a diet'. 'A diet' is something you do short-term. This is a lifestyle change of making better choices. That doesn't mean that you can't still enjoy the things you enjoyed before, it just means you are learning how to fit it into your day in a healthier way. And yes it means sometimes you might choose salad over a burger (unless you hate salad LOL don't force-feed yourself something you hate ;-) ). Or yogurt over ice cream. But it doesn't mean you can't have burgers or ice cream anymore. It just means you are going to pay better attention to how things add up throughout the day and how they affect your overall goals.
  • Cornwallis68
    Cornwallis68 Posts: 16 Member
    I've told no one except my partner (and even with him I play it down). That's what feels right for me. I'm as sure as I can be that if I'd told people I would have stopped within the first week or so - it's not about having permission to 'eat that cheeseburger' - I'm accountable to me. I tell people I've joined the gym, so they know I'm doing something (given that it's really out of character for me!), but that's it. I'm very glad that I didn't go with the accountability thing as I really don't think it would have helped me at all.
  • decofitwife
    I know that telling people, especially co-workers that I am on a weightloss/get fit journey helps me stay motivated! eventually they ask how im doing and give compliments as they see changes. I would do what you like but its kinda like running in public, I keep running if people are watching me because I dont want them to think I cant do it :) Good Luck!
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    It's hard when you're so new at it. After you've been at it for a while and notice changes in your body you will probably feel a lot more comfortable talking about it. I never would have told someone my weight when I started. But now I don't feel the sense of shame talking about it.

    Best of luck! We are all rooting for you!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    It's common when you start a new thing and people will notice and comment on it. But as time goes by they will be tired of saying something about it and then it's quiet again. :) Like me dressing up to go to work everyday and no one rarely says anything but one day they asked tons of questions to a co-worker of mine who on that day decided to ditch the hoodies and wore a dress. Go figure. LOL
  • wcsangel
    I told my mum, but that was about it. When I'd dropped 20 lbs or so, people started asking me if I'd lost weight, but I just sort of smiled and said I'd been eating healthier. I don't think I've told anyone outside of my immediate family that I'm on a 'diet' as such.

    I think you should only tell people you're comfortable with. It's no one's business but your own. Don't listen to people who tease you about what you're eating or how much you're exercising. All that matters is that you're happy and working on it yourself.