What is with peoples food entries?



  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Don't get me started... Ran across a slice of whole wheat bread with 150g of protein the other day. ...Some people should have their public food db access revoked :P
  • spacevulture
    spacevulture Posts: 34 Member
    Carbs don't make me gain weight and sodium doesn't affect my weight loss.

    All that affects my weight loss/gain is calories in/calories out.

    When I add an item - I make sure I add all the information. But, quite honestly.. I'm not cheating myself if I don't pay attention to everything else, because everything else doesn't affect me. Perhaps it affects YOU and YOUR weight loss, but don't generalize and assume everyone is the same.

    As long as I stay under my calories - I'm fine. I consume over 300g of carbs a day on average and my sodium and sugar are usually off the charts.

    I've lost 60lbs.

    Don't assume we're all the same - we aren't.

  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Today I corrected the nutrition facts on a cocoa glazed donut from dunkin donuts... I said NO info is not correct and it brought up an edit screen! How cool is that, so next time something is incomplete, you can complete it. YAY!

    I've done this as well.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Well I don't watch carbs, I live off them and for me that works ok. I watch sugar and fat :D

    Same here. Carbs are great for energy for my workout. Otherwise I'm so tired I can't get in a good workout!
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Just edit the entry if you have all the correct info. No harm there.

    I don't trust everything people put in there, especially homecooked meals. I always add and use my own recipes wherever possible. I'll admit, sometimes I'm lazy and won't probably eat that food again, so I take a guess with an item.

    But for the basic stuff (fruits, veggies), I certainly confirm this info on other sites if I can, since my diet is primarily veggie-based and I'm not going to cheat myself! It's usually when I'm on my mobile phone that I skip double-checking because it's too time consuming.