
Could The Contraceptive Pill be slowing my weight loss.
I've heard that it wan put on weight but if your loosing weight can it slow it down??


  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    I've wondered about this as well. I recently changed mine thinking that the one i was on was hindering my weight loss but I've seen no difference.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    It might depend on what brand/type of BC you're using, but when I brought this concern up to my doctor when I started the Pill (I use Alesse), she said that it's not the actual pill that causes weight gain, rather, it makes you crave food badly - usually carbs.

    I've lost 10 pounds in the last six weeks while taking the pill. Maybe it would go faster if I weren't on oral contraception, but I'm satisfied with the results :) As long as you're consistently hitting your calories limits, etc, you should be fine :)
  • I am using Femulen at the moment. They gave me it to give me periods as I have PCOS. They offered me the coil and I wasn't too enthusiastic about that.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    It could be the pcos slowing your losses?
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I am using Femulen at the moment. They gave me it to give me periods as I have PCOS. They offered me the coil and I wasn't too enthusiastic about that.

    As an aside, can I ask what you didn't like about the coil? I am looking for some longer-term BC options and the coil is one on the list.

    Also, I don't personally have PCOS, but I've heard here on the boards that it can cause weight loss to slow or be difficult - still doable though! There are some great groups and resources on here for women with PCOS that would be worth looking into! :)
  • I'm no expert but I believe that 'the pill' simulates pregnancy hormones thus tricking the body into thinking it wont need to ovulate. Pregnancy requires extra food in preparation for supporting life both while the baby is developing in the womb and breastfeeding afterwards so I think that weight loss may be marginally slower. That said, many women still lose weight even while taking the pill so just push forward
  • I am using Femulen at the moment. They gave me it to give me periods as I have PCOS. They offered me the coil and I wasn't too enthusiastic about that.

    As an aside, can I ask what you didn't like about the coil? I am looking for some longer-term BC options and the coil is one on the list.

    Also, I don't personally have PCOS, but I've heard here on the boards that it can cause weight loss to slow or be difficult - still doable though! There are some great groups and resources on here for women with PCOS that would be worth looking into! :)

    I just wasnt keen on the idea beacuse of where it is placed to be honest. I dont need it for contraception just to induce a period :/
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Ive been on depo for a month and has not slowed down my weight loss at all, i lose about 2lbs per week. It did make me feel hungry when I first started (like when I have been pregnant) but I ignored the extra cravings and within about a week they had gone anyway
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    the pill does not in itself make you gain weight. it does mess with your hormones which mess with your metobolic rate wich messes with your weight.......but what do i know about contraception, i have 5 kids! ;)
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    The pill messes with your already messed up hormones .. having PCOS.
    I was on the BCP for a couple of years and was never able to lose much weight. However, after stopping and just following a good diet and working out .. I lost weight and then got my period regularly, not needing the pill. It's a vicious circle with PCOS.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I am losing weight faster since I stopped taking it. However, I stopped taking it without talking to my doctor first, so it did some funny things with the rest of my hormones. We have been abstaining until I can get a copper IUD, but I have to have my period to get it since I haven't had kids. The problem, is that I haven't had a period in two months... I don't think I have PCOS, because I don't have other symptoms from that, but I do have a thyroid condition, and apparently I have to have that checked again soon since I went off the pill.

    The endocrine system is a funny thing. You throw off one hormone, and they all get thrown off.
  • I'm no expert but I believe that 'the pill' simulates pregnancy hormones thus tricking the body into thinking it wont need to ovulate. Pregnancy requires extra food in preparation for supporting life both while the baby is developing in the womb and breastfeeding afterwards so I think that weight loss may be marginally slower. That said, many women still lose weight even while taking the pill so just push forward

    I'm pretty sure it's all different for each person. One friend takes the pill and hasn't gained a pound, yet she eats like a horse. When I took it, I took on a lot of weight but as soon as I stopped taking it, I dropped ten pounds. Even when exercising and taking the pill, the weight never dropped off for me.

    So you might have to just try out what works. Some medication, I know, will have different effects for you.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    The effects of Birth Control pills all react differently with women, regardless if its for contraceptive purposes, treatment of underlying conditions (like PCOS)....

    Every woman is different, and so are the side effects.

    To be honest, Im a PCOS patient with both IR and a Metabolic disorder - and I have dropped 68lbs and have been an active user of Ocella (generic for Yasmin) for about 2-3 years....

    Youve gotta be extra dilligent about your food intake if you are a BCP user AND being treated for PCOS - THAT is for sure!
  • foursure
    foursure Posts: 2 Member
    I use NFP (periodic abstinence) and have had no problems with it. I know most people won't be interested, but it's very effective and I love that I don't have to have chemicals in my body. I had the IUD for two years and it gave me horrible cramps, really, very awful. FWIW.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I have just stopped taking mine because I felt weird all the time. I have started losing weight again but I wouldn't swear that it was related. We are also NFP at the moment and being very careful (I have the pee on a stick test to make sure I'm not fertile) we don't want another suprise 3!!!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I haven't seen any scientific studies linking usage of birth control and weight gain.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I have a thyroid condition, PCOS, and I'm on the Pill. I've lost 36lb. Having PCOS can slow you down, but that's just it - it's slower. Once you've lost a certain percentage of your weight, you'll begin to feel "normal" and lose weight normally as well.

    Maybe there's something else going with your calories and exercise.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    The best contraception is the one that does not mess up your biology. Green contraception. Check out the Billings method.

    A great book on how to control your fertility without harming it is :
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I never took contraceptive pills ever in my life but my doctor did say that it doesn't make you gain weight at all.. Some people gain weight "while on it" because their just naturally gaining weight (due to poor nutrition and lack of exercising) and blame it on the pill...
    I believe that too, I don't think it makes you gain or lose... It's more of a I believe the rumor kind of thing, so you gain weight -- it's all psychological
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    The best contraception is the one that does not mess up your biology. Green contraception. Check out the Billings method.

    A great book on how to control your fertility without harming it is :

    yes thats the one i use!!! lol