Have you ever taken a picture and thought OMG!?



  • gonzalezmona
    gonzalezmona Posts: 60 Member
    Today was my OMG day!! I decided to take "before" pics in a 2 piece I would sometimes wear to they gym. Now I'm absolutely embarassed that I ever tortured people with the sight of me in that 2 piece...UGH!! I'm holding onto those pics as my motivation!! I want to look back at them & say YOU DID IT GIRLY!! Plus all the mfp success stories with their before/after pics are a huge motivation to keep on keepin'!! I'm gonna have a before pic of me on my cell to push me to make better lifestyle choices. When I see my after pic I do want to say OMG!! Girl you are HOTT!! :tongue:
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    Today was my OMG day!! I decided to take "before" pics in a 2 piece I would sometimes wear to they gym. Now I'm absolutely embarassed that I ever tortured people with the sight of me in that 2 piece...UGH!! I'm holding onto those pics as my motivation!! I want to look back at them & say YOU DID IT GIRLY!! Plus all the mfp success stories with their before/after pics are a huge motivation to keep on keepin'!! I'm gonna have a before pic of me on my cell to push me to make better lifestyle choices. When I see my after pic I do want to say OMG!! Girl you are HOTT!! :tongue:

    awww thats the way to go!!! :) I only have them on my computer.. dont wanna put them on my phone just incase someone goes through my fone and sees them. that would be embarrassing!
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Yes, Last year's Christmas party. It didn't help that I was sitting in a booth too small for me and the girl sitting next to me weighs probably 100 pounds soaking wet. I refer to it as my "Jabba the Hut" picture. It is my motivation!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Sure... it started about five years ago when I hit 30. Until then I'd weighed between 115 and 120 since I was 16. I went up to 150 at the highest about 3 years ago. I'm 5'7" but I have a petite frame, so ANY weight gain looks like more on me, in my opinion. Plus the fat under the chin really, really annoyed me to no end. That HAD to go. Pictures just didn't look like me. It was like looking at some other person. No one really seemed to think it was that bad, but I sure did. It did a number on my self-confidence for a couple of years and then I quit drinking and eating late at night. That made all the difference. When I quit drinking I shed fat immediately and effortlessly. Now I'm starting to work on building muscle as I near my goal weight again.
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    Honestly, I wish I had taken that OMG picture. I so hated the way I looked I didn't want to see it. But now, I've lost some weight I'd love to compare. I'm a teacher and they always take our school picture...mine was taken before weight loss so that's all I have to go on is the face. Huge difference! I do have a picture from my neice's wedding last May. Thought I looked so good in a new dress...picture with my 2 sisters. One is a PE teacher and very fit...the other has always been the biggest. Well, she looked better than me and it was upsetting. Maybe I'll dig that one out!
  • b757
    b757 Posts: 61 Member
    yep. Pretty much every picture I am in. It is amazing, the difference between what we see with a mirror and a photo.
  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member
    Ugh totally! All the before & after pics in the Success Stories board got me inspired to take a before shot. Well the front and side views were no surprise but the shot from behind shocked me!!! I had no idea my arms and back look so FAT!! Of course I'm keeping the pics though for my after shot.
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    Ugh totally! All the before & after pics in the Success Stories board got me inspired to take a before shot. Well the front and side views were no surprise but the shot from behind shocked me!!! I had no idea my arms and back look so FAT!! Of course I'm keeping the pics though for my after shot.

    Omg yes i know what you mean. When i also looked at the back picture.. i couldn't believe it that's how i must look to people from the back. it was upsetting its also my motivation to loose it :)
  • I saw a picture of me leading my son around on a pony and my bum was bigger than the pony's! I wanted to cry! Amazing as it sounds, that did NOT spur me to loose the weight though! I buried myself deeper in food and baggy clothes.

    What did it for me is knowing I am likely to get diabetes, and then sitting next to my partner at work, watching her test her blood 4 times a day. Even though I knew what happens, I didn't do anything about it until I actually saw it every single day while she suffered through gestational diabetes. Now I have been working at it for just over 70 days and lost 5 pounds so far.

    Good luck and don't give up!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Lol. I wish I could be 70kg. Long time till then!

    I just got the team photo that will be in all the programs. Let me tell you being 115kg in a photo full of fit 15 year olds is not a good thing. Cried all last night. And that's after losing 20kg! I'm doing this so I can look at a photo and not cry.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Yes I have, actually a friend of mine took my "What started all this for me" photo. I seen it on facebook and could not believe it was me.

  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    Lol. I wish I could be 70kg. Long time till then!

    I just got the team photo that will be in all the programs. Let me tell you being 115kg in a photo full of fit 15 year olds is not a good thing. Cried all last night. And that's after losing 20kg! I'm doing this so I can look at a photo and not cry.

    awww i know how you feel but at least you did manage to loose 20 kg which is not easy to do :) I wanna loose 25 kg to 20 kg and i find that hard.. but yeah im sure definitely one day you will get there :)

    LETS KEEP WORKING ON IT! AND MAKE IT HAPPEN! WOOOP!!! :) hopefully this time next year we both be half way through our diet. ;-)
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    Yes I have, actually a friend of mine took my "What started all this for me" photo. I seen it on facebook and could not believe it was me.


    Woow you look great girl :) congratulations on the weight loss. and omg yes its always the photos that makes you just wanna have a fat cry about it. like some people said when you look in the mirror you dont really see it much but when you actually take the photo thats when the heart attack comes in.. lol
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Yep that is what got me to start getting really into working out and eating right!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Yeah, totally! Someone took a picture of me in 2009 and tagged me on Facebook, and I was like "No f**king way." And that get me going in my losing weight journey (slow... but I lost around 40plus pounds).

  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    All the time.
  • I sure have....just yesterday.
  • I was on a cruise last winter and someone from far away on an overlook took a pic of me with OTHERS in a hot tub and I was mortified at what I saw. I can't believe I looked like that! I didn't get very far but at least I improved a little I hope.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    A reunion picture in August was my wake-up call! Fortunately, I found this website 4 or 5 days later, and I'm getting back to "normal" much more quickly than I packed on the pounds. Thank God for MFP!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I feel like that everytime I see my "before" photo....I keep looking at it thinking "no way", even my husband is in denial of how I used to look.