are you 5ft 2"ish , & around 158lbs?



  • Simples77
    Simples77 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm 37, 5ft nothing and am currently at 144. The aim for me is 126 which gets me to 9stone which I think should be maintainable....
    Everyone's right though..a little bit of weight on someone in our height range is really hard to carry!

    Anyway, I'm back on the wagon and am happy for anyone to feel free and friend me to help along the journey

    Good luck x
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    5'2 and 140 but was up to 160 when I started out. (180 before then - lets not talk about that)
    My current goal is 125, I would like 115 but haven't been that size since maybe 7th grade. :laugh:
  • Oleh123
    Oleh123 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, i'm 5'3'' and 154lbs. Finding it impossible to lose weight. Got to 129 last year but put it all back on :( Feel free to add me