


  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I run 6 days a week. 5 miles 5 days and 10 miles on Saturday (Cardio day) I also do 75 minutes of Circuit Training with weights 4 days a week. I do take a multi-vitamin every day
  • How many miles do you run in a week? Please list your typical weekly workout schedule if you would? :smile: I'm just curious as to how many miles you run and what other kind of training you do along with your running. Thanks!!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    I run typically 5 days a week (all numbers are miles),

    Su M T W Th F S Total
    - 2 2/3 4 - 2/3 5 ~16 miles a week

    I increase my total mileage 10% each week for 2 weeks ( I add miles to the 2/3, 4, 2/3, and 5..I keep the first run 2 for a recovery run, but that eventually increases to about 3 or so) then hold or decrease for a week (for rest week) and pick up from the last increase week. I also switch my days every 2 cycles (cycle meaning - 2 wks up, 1 wk rest = 1 cycle) so i don't get in a routine. I just started my training schedule for this spring and I typically plan 20 weeks in advance of an event to get the proper ramp up and taper before the run.

    I try to do yoga (i say "try" because i am horrible at it, but i'm, getting better), as well as stretching to keep me limber

    I hope this is not confusing.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    i have a question for the OP: why do you want to know? how much do you run, or are you a new runner? and what is your work out plan and goals?

    just want to know so you don't push yourself too much and hurt yourself because you see all these runners putting on so many miles.

    I wanted to know because I am going to ease into it but I also wondered if 3-5 miles with one day off is too much. I doesn't seem like it though from the posts. I like reading about what everyone else is doing for their training! Its so interesting and amazing that they can do that! I am getting more and more inspired as I read everyones posts! Thanks everybody!
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    oh and i forgot, i also do weight/strength training 5 days per week. i add in elliptical and stationary bike a few times a week, too.

    Missikay I'm doing the same as you, running 3 miles 5-6 days per week and the elliptical. I want to strength train, but I feel so intimidated at the gym when in comes to working out with weights. I want to but I'm scared of looking like a fool.:blushing:
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i have a question for the OP: why do you want to know? how much do you run, or are you a new runner? and what is your work out plan and goals?

    just want to know so you don't push yourself too much and hurt yourself because you see all these runners putting on so many miles.

    I wanted to know because I am going to ease into it but I also wondered if 3-5 miles with one day off is too much. I doesn't seem like it though from the posts. I like reading about what everyone else is doing for their training! Its so interesting and amazing that they can do that! I am getting more and more inspired as I read everyones posts! Thanks everybody!

    OP, if you are new to running, i would go for time, not for speed, at first. just go for as long as you can. using apps like cardio trainer or iMapMyRun can help keep track of what you are doing.

    at first, you may need a long time to recover from runs. i would do one run a week when i started, because my legs were killing me. now i can run on consecutive days, but i tend to have at least one rest day in between runs.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    "I try to do yoga (i say "try" because i am horrible at it, but i'm, getting better), as well as stretching to keep me limber"

    Thats funny! I've also been doing a little yoga, Bob Harper's Weight Loss Yoga-Tough Stuff!!! I try to do the best I can do because it is very hard! :noway:
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    i have a question for the OP: why do you want to know? how much do you run, or are you a new runner? and what is your work out plan and goals?

    just want to know so you don't push yourself too much and hurt yourself because you see all these runners putting on so many miles.

    I wanted to know because I am going to ease into it but I also wondered if 3-5 miles with one day off is too much. I doesn't seem like it though from the posts. I like reading about what everyone else is doing for their training! Its so interesting and amazing that they can do that! I am getting more and more inspired as I read everyones posts! Thanks everybody!

    I agree with engine. If you are a beginning runner you really need to take it slow. Going to long a distance or intensity/time will only lead to injury. I recommend using C25K to ease yourself into running.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    What is C25K?
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    What is C25K?

    C25K is "Couch to 5K", a fantastic program for new runners. You can find out more about it here :

    And to answer the original question:

    I run 6-8 miles a day, 4 days a week (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday) for anywhere from 25-35 miles a week.
    I also do Spin class 3 days a week (Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday), and weight lifting on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    Thanks for answering my question kinrad! :wink:
    Your weekly training schedule is incredible! I want to run a marathon this summer; do you think I should do the c25k first? What do you recommend? Do you have any other tips? Have you ran a marathon?
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I'm just starting out, but I'm aiming for 3 times a week.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I have never run a marathon, but I have run several 1/2 marathons. My body just sort of gives out at about 15 miles, though I would love to try to get there someday! :) If you have never run before then I would definitely recommend the C25K as a great starting point.

    Something that needs to be kept in mind by any new runner is that you are suddenly demanding a lot of your body, and you need to listen to what it has to say about it. I remember the first time I decided to run 10 miles, after running mostly 6 and 8s. My back starting barking at me, and my knees ached at 9 miles. I stubbornly pushed through to 10 and ended up taking a full week off to heal because I could barely walk without pain afterward.

    Every runner is different, just as every person is different. My personal opinion is that a new runner should always work towards a time goal rather than a distance goal, and learn how to breath. has a ton of useful information on it about getting going, and if you need anything feel free to send me a message. :)
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    I guess I shouldn't have put I was "new" to running. I ran track in high school and last year I ran 6 miles 3times per week. Other than that I workout at the gym a lot!! So I'm in pretty good shape. Thank you for offering your advice if I need it! So Nice!! :wink:
    P.S. Do you have to paste your ticker everytime? Or is there a way to automatically get it to go on all your posts?

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I guess I shouldn't have put I was "new" to running. I ran track in high school and last year I ran 6 miles 3times per week. Other than that I workout at the gym a lot!! So I'm in pretty good shape. Thank you for offering your advice if I need it! So Nice!! :wink:
    P.S. Do you have to paste your ticker everytime? Or is there a way to automatically get it to go on all your posts?

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Right next to the my topics button there is a settings option. click that and the check the box that says show my ticker.
  • I like to do high intensity interval training on the treadmill at least 3 days a week.

    Walk 5 min
    Incline at 8% run 9mph 30 sec on 30 sec off for 10 min
    walk 5 min
    Incline at 9% run 9mph 30 sec. on 30 sec. off for 10 min
    Walk 5 min
    Incline 10% run 9mph 30 sec on 30 sec. off for 10 min
    Walk 5 min

    I also take USANA's multi-vitamin called Essentials and their BiOmega fish oil. I have noticed a huge difference in my energy level from these vitamins. For those of you who don't take vitamins regularly, I would highly recommend it! It is nutrition at the cellular level. Take a look
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