Ignorant office Manuevers!



  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Not getting your own stapler and "borrowing" mine.

    Also my scissors, pens, tape dispenser, phone (than not answering when we get a call), sometimes my ENTIRE work space!!!

    I've even come back to a sticky desk with food on the floor....oh if only I knew who did it....

    Also there it's an office full of women all they do is complain, argue, cause drama, and spread rumors.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Meetings! For every stupid little issue that comes up.

    Pre-Meetings about Future meetings and then Post meetings to "wrap up"

    We're going having a meeting every day until we can figure out why we can't get anything done around here!
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    1. Not starting new coffee, when you notice BOTH pots are empty.

    Add your own.

    and...not replacing the toilet paper, taking all your calls on the speaker phone (even when you had a headset), not rinsing out the sink after you have rinsed out your dishes, having a rather loud (non work related) conversation outside of my office door when it can be plainly seen I am on the phone! Not replacing the water jug....geesh the list goes on!
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    Using my pen, biting on the end and then attempting to place back in my holder. UGH!!!
  • bmacholiday
    bmacholiday Posts: 296 Member
    Leaving your dirty dishes in the sink and "forgetting" to wash them so they sit there overnight...

    Take the time to run water into dirty dishes, but not wash them. Geez, your already standing there. it drives me nuts. Who wants to wash their dishes around your dirty ones.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    People who lick their fingers before going through the papers on the printer, I hate picking up my papers and they're wet! If you can't pick them up without doing that, get a rubber finger thing.

    OMG, that is my absolute BIGGEST pet peeve. Don't put your spit on MY paperwork, dammit!


    And people who sing out loud in the office.......now, I AM a singer. I have a decent voice. I have to stop myself sometimes, because I know it bugs others...........we had a gal who thought she was a SINGER, who would sing loudly.........it was really really annoying, cuz she wasn't that good ;)
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    Walking around the office talking on your cellphone.
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    Using the microwave then forgetting the food in the microwave and letting it sit... *blech*

    on a side note, I now have scenes of Office Space running through my head. "Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking... Just a moment"
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    The constant annoying cackling of my co-worker... sometimes I wear earplugs. She's so full of it!

    And I also don't want to hear about every detail of your life outside work... don't you have friends for that?!

    People who leave all their crumbs on the lunch room table... I don't need to clean your crap up.

    People who don't courtesy flush because I don't want to smell your crap either.

  • bmacholiday
    bmacholiday Posts: 296 Member
    Leave faxes piling up in the tray while I'm on vacation or not bother to fill the paper to get the faxes left piling up while I'm on vacation.
  • amymaria91
    Leaving your dirty pots in the sink for someone else to wash and dry, is it really so hard?
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Not getting your own stapler and "borrowing" mine.

    Also my scissors, pens, tape dispenser, phone (than not answering when we get a call), sometimes my ENTIRE work space!!!

    I've even come back to a sticky desk with food on the floor....oh if only I knew who did it....

    Also there it's an office full of women all they do is complain, argue, cause drama, and spread rumors.

    People don't touch my stuff... I intimidate them.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I love this topic...I agree with EVERYTHING on here.

    I will add another "gross" one. I am the office manager for the maint department so it's 8 guys and myself. I will get a maint guy come into my office which is only 2 desks mine and my boss and they ask me for a vacation day or what have you and they fart so then it stinks up my whole office and if someone else walks in I am sure they think that I did it...ugh! really!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Putting off your big project until the last possible minute, making half of the office stay until 10pm helping you finish. Especially when said person is the most annoying human on the planet and helping him makes you die a little on the inside.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I love this topic...I agree with EVERYTHING on here.

    I will add another "gross" one. I am the office manager for the maint department so it's 8 guys and myself. I will get a maint guy come into my office which is only 2 desks mine and my boss and they ask me for a vacation day or what have you and they fart so then it stinks up my whole office and if someone else walks in I am sure they think that I did it...ugh! really!

    That's just gross.
  • Pdschurig
    Pdschurig Posts: 56 Member
    I work in the medical field, and have worked with the same jerk on and off for 11 years and he has not changed once, takes my pens, broke my hanging curtain 3 different times (in the last 3 years) and made no effort to get it fixed, broke a probe on my ultrasound machine, leaves gel all over the machine, bed, floor ect to dry and look nasty, plus uses all my linen and reports and will not replace them. This is the person who covers for me when I go on vacation or am sick so needless to say I never look foward to coming back, I am taking off after Christmas and I know it is going to look like a tornado went through here and I will have to fix the curtain again my self by climbing on a file cabinet again because maintence will take 2 months to come by to look at it and then have to go get a ladder to fix it.... sorry just venting... better now
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    - people that spill their coffee on the stairs on the way up from the canteen and dont bother to use the towel dispensers helpfully located at the top AND the bottom for that purpose!

    - people that stick the photocopier on to do something that will take half an hour to churn through, and then dont come back to restock the paper in the middle

    - people that use smelly handcreams in our tiny office
  • amymaria91
    People who lick their fingers before going through the papers on the printer, I hate picking up my papers and they're wet! If you can't pick them up without doing that, get a rubber finger thing.

    Can NOT stand this!! I hate spit so I don't want any of yours on my stuff!

    My boss had her tooth out once and when she licked her fingers to turn the page it put blood prints on everything - I nearly threw up!
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    leaving dirty dishes piled up in the sink....or when two people are talking in an isle way and clearly see you coming but don't move out of your way.
  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    speaking so loud in the cube farm that everyone can hear about your kids and your weekend.....frankly my dear, I dont give a damn!