What's your frame/build? I'm 5'3"and...



  • hiyoli
    hiyoli Posts: 13
    I have no idea how this frame thing works, tried to figure it out numerous times. I am 5'6" and about 135, I wear a 6/8 on bottom bc I have large thighs, but I'm really tiny on top. My bust is like 30 inches and I can fit larger children't clothes. I suppose I have a small/medium frame. Meh.
  • Indy_Mario
    I am 5'11.5'' and big boned :wink:
  • llm12
    llm12 Posts: 49
    This website has a calculator to determine your frame size. Not sure how accurate it is, but it's interesting to try.

  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    You can actually measure your frame. Google, "body frame calculator" (I would post the link but I'm on my phone, no tabs) and you can see how to measure to know for sure. Your frame size has to do with how big your bones are, not whether or not you hold muscle well.

    I'm short and everyone is always telling me how I have a tiny "build", but I'm actually a medium frame, borderline large! I'm 5 feet tall.

    According to those I am always small frame, but it doesn't take into account my muscle nor the fact that despite a 28 inch back, I am still an F cup in bras.

    You frame size is only about your bones, nothing else. What I mean by that is, how big your bones are and how your skeleton is put together. Wide, narrow..
  • Fruit_Girl
    Fruit_Girl Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5'3". My measurements are Bust 30, Waist 24 Hips 31....so mediumish? I weigh 99lbs and am tring to gain to 102 before the 30th.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I'm 5'-1.5" and I weight 131,[goal weight being 125] I have a LARGE frame. Weird for such a short person right? LOL.
    Its quite frustrating when dress shopping. My rib cage is huge compared to the rest of me, so when I get dresses its hard to find one that zips up all the way that still fits my waist. :(

    I carry my weight pretty evenly so some people say I look 5-10 lbs lighter than I really do.
  • _Cass_
    _Cass_ Posts: 24
    I'm 5'2" (on a good day!) and currently am at about 152

    I know what you mean about frame. I hold muscle pretty easily, so I always assumed I had a large frame (my starting weight was 173). Not true!! I actually have a small to medium sized frame. I hold all my weight in my belly -- the most unflattering place -- of course!!

    You sound like me! I'm 5'2" 152 and I also hold most of my weight in my belly, but I've had twins plus one more. :/
  • Jenna70
    Jenna70 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm also 5' 3" (3 and a half really). My goal weight is 140, which is what I weighed in high school and wore mostly size 8/10 because that's what fit my hips. This is a healthy weight for me being large framed and muscular/athletic build.
    I used a chart I found online to double check and it confirmed my goal weight is good. It says for height 5' 2" to 5' 5" and a wrist circumference of more than 6.25" (which mine is by just a bit) frame size is large. I found a chart on another site showing for a 5' 3" large frame woman the weight range is 131 - 147.
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    I'm quite small around my ribcage, I carry a lot/most of my weight on my hips and thighs. Not sure if I'll still look hour glassy when I lose the weight! It's hard when you've been over weight all your life to imagine your self at your gol weight :(

    I TOTALLY know what you mean!!! I've never been at a healthy weight so it's hard for me to picture myself there!
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    Just did the wrist test online to check frame size and it was stated that I am medium frame. My goal weight is 118 pounds.

    What is that???
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    There are ways to tell. Try searching frame in the MFP boards. I know there's one where you measure your wrist, and that's the one I go by. Apparently I'm a large build because my wrist is like 7" around.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I'm 165cm (5'5"), 53kg (118 pounds-ish?) and have a light frame. And I am on maintenance - goal weight is 55kg, so I don't need to be too careful about staying under my calorie goal - for a little while, anyway.

    I find children's jewellery fits my wrists and fingers better than adult jewellry. Every time I buy I watch, they take out nearly all the links to get it to fit (I have one link left on my current watch, and I could probably have it taken out if I wanted a super snug fit for my watch).

    There are people who are convinced I would blow away in a stiff breeze!
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    I, as well as everyone who loves me, had me convinced that I was "big boned" or larger framed since I was 8 years old - just to prevent hurt feelings. My mom used to comment on my "football" player shoulders (because they were wide - which they are - so i assumed again that I had a large frame) I believed this my entire life until I made the commitment to change my lifestyle. I lost weight at 18 (about 30 lbs) and still felt I had a medium to large built frame. Now trhat I am at my lowest weight and still losing I am starting to realize that I have quite the petite frame. I have realized how short I am (always saw my 5'5 frame as being taller than it was when I was bigger- maybe to avoid feeling so fat?) , and how small my bone structure is (my wrists are 6 inches, which apparently indicates a normal-small frame). I have wide hips and shoulders still, but my ankles and wrists indicate a small frame. I'm 5'5 and weigh 152 lbs whereas I started out at 193.

    So I guess what I'm getting at is - I never really knew what size my frame was either!! I always thought I got the "manly" frame and my sister got the petite and fragile frame... what I didn't know is that we've basically got the same frame...mine was just hidden for most of my life!

    This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about!!! I think I'm in the same situation!!! Everyone has told me the same thing(again same as you, I think it was a nice way of saying I'm fat lol) and I believed them! But I've lost about 15lbs and I feel like I have a small/medium frame instread of a large one. I guess I will just have to wait until more weight falls of to really find out!
  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    I am a large build. I am 5'10" & when I am at my ideal body weight I weigh around 180lbs. I currently weigh 193 lbs so I need to get busy here, lol
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    There are ways to tell. Try searching frame in the MFP boards. I know there's one where you measure your wrist, and that's the one I go by. Apparently I'm a large build because my wrist is like 7" around.

    Ohhh good idea!!!!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm 5'4 and small boned, which is one of the reasons it's terrible for me to weigh as much as I do (currently 221). I have a nice hourglass figure when I'm in shape, large bust and hips, despite being small boned.

    I have never since I hit puberty had a straight up and down profile. Kind of hoping that means I'll be able to eventually pack a decent amount of muscle on, but I have no idea whether it's a factor or not.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I'm 5'4" and medium to large framed if I remember correctly from the wrist and elbow measurement tests.

    I have wide shoulders and carry most of my extra weight in my midsection. I'm 136-138 right now and trying to get to 125-128.
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    I'm 5'4" and medium to large framed if I remember correctly from the wrist and elbow measurement tests.

    I have wide shoulders and carry most of my extra weight in my midsection. I'm 136-138 right now and trying to get to 125-128.

    Where can you find more and accurate info about these tests?!?