30 day shred for 'obese' people



  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    But why wait until january?!!!xx
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I did 30DS while obese.

    Make sure you wear great shoes - something like cross training shoes are perfect as they handle the lateral movement, running shoes made my feet ache.

    Many, many people get sore knees doing 30DS. First, don't give up - try doing it with a day or two break between workouts rather than every day. It will pass, it's not permanent damage, just your body getting used to something new. Second, don't believe Jillian when she nags you that 400lb people do jumping jacks. If they hurt, do a modified version and step out wide to one side then another.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    # 1 KEY! WEAR A REALLLLLLLLY SUPPORTIVE BRA! those jumping jacks are no joke. I found myself worrying about my junk flopping all over the place and not my form and getting the right work out going.

    I also recommend not using any weights for the first week. They use I think 5 lbs hand weights and I just did the motions for the 1st week and still FELT THE BURN! and lost 6lbs in the first 2 weeks!

  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    I'm obese too and want to start in January, not sure I'll be able to do everyday but I'll give it my best
    I'm waiting to Jan as I need a good sports bra and new trainers - hope Santa is listening lol
  • dvankuiken
    dvankuiken Posts: 67 Member
    I started at 269 pounds when I did 30DS at the beginning of November. It was difficult, but doable. I would recommend a few things before starting.

    1) If you have hard floors, you definitely need a yoga mat.
    2) Stretch out a few minutes before you start.
    3) Wear a REALLY supportive bra
    4) Don't be afraid to modify - and my suggestion: when you get to the circuit that has the jumping jacks followed by the jump rope, modify the jumping rope to running in place or something. At least until you get adjusted to that.

    You can totally do it! Take as many breathers as you need to.
  • Katerbuggs
    I'm considered obese as well and I'm on day 5 level 1 of the shred. The hardest thing for me is pushing through the cardio sections (especially the jumping jacks with my bad knees.) On days where my knees are hurting too much for the jumping jacks, I just do punches to keep my heart rate up until the next section starts. Oh and the push-ups were hard to start as well, even the modified version, so I did wall push-ups for the first few days. My biggest recommendation is good shoes, good bra, and keep hydrated!!!
  • Katerbuggs
    EDIT: Sorry, double post.
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    I'm obese. I did it :) It was great. It seems daunting and I didn't think I'd really get into it but I loved it. She does actually have a time when she says "don't tell me you can't do jumping jacks, I have 400 pound people who do jumping jacks!" Like everyone says follow Anita, you'll get there and you'll find yourself pushing through that.

    good luck. I'm probably going to restart it in January too
  • Bunnyfufu87
    I'm morbidly obese (bmi 49.0) and I had a tough time. But im not going to quit.
  • timingsands
    I tried 30DS for one day and nearly collapsed! The strength training and ab work isn't the problem, although they are very challenging...it's the TDJs- Those Damned Jumps! I don't care what Jillian says about 400 pound people being able to do them, because I can't. If you have boobs and/or a protruding stomach it's going to hurt. A lot.

    I found it too challenging for me so I started doing strength training with Petra Kolber instead. Also, I'm in the 100 Mile Challenge this month so all I've been doing is cycling...I would love to start 30DS again with people in January, as long as I jog in place instead of the TDJs!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    At 237lbs I am considered morbidly obese but I love the 30ds, I've been mixing it with the Biggest Loser workouts and noticing changes in my weight and my shape. Even through the fat I am starting to see muscle definition.
    One tip though, buy biggerweights. I didn't really start to notice any change until I picked up the 3kg weights and used those instead. I'm still doing level one but I have asked Santa for wrist and ankle weights to maximise my time working out with a 4 year old and 3 year old triplets time management has been my biggest issue but with the 30DS its a 20 minute fix.
  • inuit
    inuit Posts: 72 Member
    I am doing it, i am up to day 7 of level one, had to take a few days break as have a stinking cold.

    I am obese and i struggle with some of the moves, but rather than stopping or waiting for the next move in the cardio i would do as many jumping jacks as i could (which i hate, big boobs - get a good bra, or forget swinging your arms above your head and hold the bits that bounce too much:laugh: ) and once i think i am going to die, i will jog on the spot or do grapevines or something easier to keep moving. I also struggle with the reverse crunches, but again do a couple and then just do normal crunches instead. After 7 days i can nearly get all the way through, will be a quite a while before i can get through level one doing everything perfectly without swapping some moves. I will move onto level 2 soon and hopefully by the end of level 3 i will be able to go back to the beginning and find level one easy. It is worth it. It is only 20 mins and makes you feel you have had a good work out.

    i do not beat myself up because there is a move i cannot do, i just dream up something else until i have practiced that move or got fitter.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I'm do it now. I can finally complete level1 following Anita but I can do all the moves w/o putting the weights down or stopping through the push ups. If you can't do the move with the weights put the weight down but still do the move. DON'T STOP moving if you can help it. If you can't do the butt kicks march in place that sort of thing. At the end of the 10 days you will be stronger for it. I love the DVD.
  • ncsjodi
    ncsjodi Posts: 102 Member
    I was obese when I did the 30DS (started at 260 pounds) and I didn't think it was undoable. There were times that I only lifted the weights every other rep, but kept my squats or lunges going. I also had some trouble keeping the jump ropes going after the jumping jacks, but the key is to keep moving. Just keep telling yourself that you can do anything for 20 minutes!
  • Manysongs
    I'm the same. I'm currently doing Leslies Sansones walk away the pounds i have two that I alternate and i go to Curves 3x's a week. I tried the 30 Day Shred and just didn't feel ready. So I am going to restart the first of the yr. :) Hopefully I'll be in better shape then. Good luck to you. Friend me if you like and we can help motivate each other!! :))
  • sarahvive
    Jillian yells that modified moves are not allowed. Well, I do modify them. For some of the cardio I march in place, I do my push ups against the wall, etc. To me, it is more important to finish the DVD, rather than to push myself beyond my ability and have to quit after 5 minutes. I am still sore, sweaty, and exhausted at the end!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Hi, I'm pretty new to this so if you would please fill me in on Ms. Anita and this whole shred thing(giggle). I'd like to jump aboard so pleassssseeeee respond(smile)

    On the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout video, there are three people doing the moves; Jillian, Anita and.. um.. the other girl whose name I can't remember. Anita does the modified version of each exercise, making them slightly easier and more doable for us newbies, those with injuries or people who are looking for a lower impact workout.

    I haven't done the 30DS consistently but it's my go-to video when I can't get to the gym. It's definitely challenging, no matter whose moves you follow! Good luck to you all! :drinker:
    Her name is Natalie
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Jillian yells that modified moves are not allowed. Well, I do modify them. For some of the cardio I march in place, I do my push ups against the wall, etc. To me, it is more important to finish the DVD, rather than to push myself beyond my ability and have to quit after 5 minutes. I am still sore, sweaty, and exhausted at the end!
    ^^^ This is exactly how I feel. I start with the Anita modified move do what I can then switch to my modified move. At the beginning did last of pushups on the wall, now can do them all on the floor half modified and on my knees like Anita does them but I am doing it. You will get stronger as you . Modify what you have to but keep moving. Can't do the jump ropes after the jumping jacks do as much as you can then march in place. You will be fine and you will get through it.
  • hparks76
    I have the 30 day shred & have been doing it pretty consistently for well over a month but I've only lost 3 lbs. I don't "phone it in" either. I really do work out & I don't stop early. It's great everyone else seems to lose weight right off the bat. Wish I knew why I can't! Lately, I've been switching between the 30 day shred and her No More Trouble Zones (which is 40 minutes) because of shin splints. Until then, I was doing 30 DS 5 days a week. I do feel better & have more energy now. I just can't seem to lose the weight!! It's very frustrating for me...but I'm not giving up. It HAS to happen eventually!
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I bought 30DS last week. Prior to this I was getting in pretty good shape so I thought I could hang with Jillian. I WAS WRONG!! She is a special kind of EVIL!! lol. But, I do notice a huge difference already. Yes, some of the moves hurt my knees and back but I modify them to accomodate my needs. She even says the most important thing is that you keep moving. If you can't do jumping jacks, do modified versions of them (no legs, only arms). Can't do pushups? Try wall pushups? JUST DO SOMETHING! The reason why this works is because she is using several different muscles at the same time. Its burns more fat than regular cardio or strengh training. You can do this!!! Just beware: I couldn't walk for two days after my first workout. Seriously, she's evil!