30 day shred for 'obese' people



  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I read this post more out of interest than anything (I had no idea as to the correct answer) but I just want to say big UPS to the people in this situation who give it a go. I found the DVD challenging and I've worked out in gyms for 20 years, so don't be upset if you find it hard, it's hard for everyone!!!
    Personally if I had a lot of weight to lose I'd probably try to work in a 30 minute brisk walk after the workout as its quite short . Just an idea as a way to get more out of it.
    good luck!
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Sorry, I also meant to say good luck to you all, I love this DVD xx
  • wannalosew82
    wannalosew82 Posts: 108 Member
    Jillian yells that modified moves are not allowed. Well, I do modify them. For some of the cardio I march in place, I do my push ups against the wall, etc. To me, it is more important to finish the DVD, rather than to push myself beyond my ability and have to quit after 5 minutes. I am still sore, sweaty, and exhausted at the end!
    ^^^ This is exactly how I feel. I start with the Anita modified move do what I can then switch to my modified move. At the beginning did last of pushups on the wall, now can do them all on the floor half modified and on my knees like Anita does them but I am doing it. You will get stronger as you . Modify what you have to but keep moving. Can't do the jump ropes after the jumping jacks do as much as you can then march in place. You will be fine and you will get through it.
    ^^^ I second this. Also wear one of those tummy trimming underwear for your stomach along with a supportive bra. Believe you me, just like another MFPer pointed out in another post, for obese people like us with floppy bellies and chests they do get tossed around like pizza dough.
  • i'm obese and i love 30ds ..!!
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    Yep, follow Anita because she offers modified moves. The first time I did the Shred, I also did Level 1 the entire time because I was new to exercise and it was still kicking my butt. This month, it's becoming easier, so I'm switching levels.

    Also - the first go around, I didn't use hand weights. I just mimicked the moves with my arms. Once the workouts became slightly easier and I wasn't dying the entire time, I added in the hand weights.
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 582 Member
    I'm obese with about 80 pounds to lose. Just a bit about my experience. The first time I attempted level 1, I could only do 9 minutes of it before I shut the dvd off. My next try, I could only do 15 minutes or so.

    BUT the third time's a charm--I made it through the whole workout. Here's what I realized and changed:
    1) MODIFY - Even though Anita is doing beginner moves, I had to futher modify things. (For example, my shoulder couldn't support me during push-ups or even "girly" push-ups. I had to have my knees directly under my hips. Also, jumping jacks KILLED ME. But the point is two minutes of cardio. So, I used other cardio movies from other circuits or other levels to switch for the jumping jacks.)

    2) I had to stop worrying about keeping the perfect tempo/pace as them. It doesn't matter. If you need to slow it down to get the correct form. Jillian can't see you and she can't yell at you if you do 8 squats (at a slower pace) while they do 12.

    Hope that helps!
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 582 Member
    Jillian yells that modified moves are not allowed. Well, I do modify them. For some of the cardio I march in place, I do my push ups against the wall, etc. To me, it is more important to finish the DVD, rather than to push myself beyond my ability and have to quit after 5 minutes. I am still sore, sweaty, and exhausted at the end!
    ^^^ This is exactly how I feel. I start with the Anita modified move do what I can then switch to my modified move. At the beginning did last of pushups on the wall, now can do them all on the floor half modified and on my knees like Anita does them but I am doing it. You will get stronger as you . Modify what you have to but keep moving. Can't do the jump ropes after the jumping jacks do as much as you can then march in place. You will be fine and you will get through it.
    ^^^ I second this. Also wear one of those tummy trimming underwear for your stomach along with a supportive bra. Believe you me, just like another MFPer pointed out in another post, for obese people like us with floppy bellies and chests they do get tossed around like pizza dough.

    Love this thread. Glad to know I'm not the only one who had to modify those things. ^^
  • I did the 30 DS when I was 289. I tried to do it everyday for 30 days (10 days per level) and ended up with pretty bad pain in my knees and back. I even did the modified versions that Anita demonstrates (Natalie is one tough girl!). I found through some reading that Jillian Michaels has said that this video should only be done 3 times a week with cardio workouts in between. I now do Walk Away the Pounds 2x a week, cardio kickboxing (Violet Zaki) 2x a week, 30DS 2x a week and light yoga on my off day. This has been much easier on my joints and I am still seeing great results. I think the hardest thing about level 1 in the 30DS is the first circuit where you go from jumping jacks right into jump rope. I modified it further by doing jumping jacks then jogging in place and have worked up to being able to do both as intended on the video. You will see great results, but you have to stick with it and listen to your body. I also agree to definitely do additional stretching before and after.
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    I'm not obese but it doesn't matter. It 's the voice in our heads that makes us doubt ourselves, or beat ourselves up or think what we do isn't good enough. I found the 30DS challenging and I've run marathons and played college sports. During the first week I pulled my calf muscle. My advice is YOU CAN DO IT--just believe in yourself and take care of yourself. Modify Modify Modify but keep going. If you can do 1 minute of the DVD great, try 2 the next day. I switched everything to low impact once I hurt my calf and added weights to it. I was discouraged in the beginning when I couldn't pump out push ups but then I just relaxed and did as many as I could and as time went on I kept improving. The whole key to any of this stuff is to look for the good and keep going. My ego is my biggest problem. To squelch that voice that says you aren't good enough or too fat or whatever is the hardest thing for me. I finished 30DS and I'm on the last week of Ripped in 30. I love the results. I love the fact that I kept going even though I wasn't perfect. I'm just going to to keep going and think positively. Good luck to you! Day by day whatever you can do is perfect!!!
  • I think I am going to check it out as well! I will probably start sooner though. I have never heard of the 30 day shred. Have you guys tried looking into bodybuilding.com, they have a great 12 week program that I have just started.
  • jlanzer
    jlanzer Posts: 11 Member
    Today is Day 1 of my 30DS! I can't wait! I am hoping for some results to help bring in the New Year!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Have any of you tried the Biggest Loser workouts? They are no walk in the park either but you do get to ooogle the yummy Bob Harper (that get my blood pumping on its own!), like the 30DS there are 3 levels, some with Bob and some with Jillian. I try to either do 2 workouts a day or I complement my workouts with 1hr of weight loss yoga.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    I did it while obese and did have some knee pain with the jumping jacks and jump rope. I would do what I could and then just switch to running in place, high knees or butt kicks. I also worked out on the kids play mats in my bare feet so it reduced a lot of the impact as well. I have very bad ankles that are prone to me going over on them and not wearing shoes is actually better for me as I'm more likely to recover from almost going over on them than when I wear shoes.

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • I just started last night!!! It is very challenging and I did some of the modified moves with Anita. I'm just under obese. I must say I am pretty sore today, but it's a great workout!
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    only do what you can and don't try and push yourself too hard.

    I jumped right into 30 days shred after not working out for almost 2 years and got a stress fracture in my leg so just be careful and listen to your body
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    So according to my BMI I am obese. I have about 75 pounds to lose, I'm not very active except for walking about half mile every day to and from the bus stop. I plan on doing walk away the pounds video daily up until January 1 when I start the 30 Day Shred. Any tips for obese, out of shape people doing the 30DS? I've had some encouraging comments from people on here but I feel like I need more to feel safe! I really want to lose weight and get in shape and I don't need any more excuses not to! THANKS :flowerforyou:

    I think with the 30DS you just have to jump in and start it...The 1st level is definately doable, and take your time and work at your own pace before jumping up to the next level. Each time you do it, you build more and more endurance making it easier. Follow the modified moves whenever you feel it's necessary. Do what you can. Just don't ever compromise form, that's all. :)

    One thing that is AWESOME about circuit training is that some moves are gonna be harder than others, BUT you only do them for like 30 seconds or a minute at a time, so I keep that in mind and it helps because it's like when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel you find that extra push to keep going.

    ALSO one thing that has really helped me push through a workout when it starts getting difficult is I just stop for a second and take a DEEP Breathe and remind myself that I can do this and power through it. There's something about taking a moment to breathe real deep and get back to it.

    I just did that today actually. I was running up a bunch of stairs (like 8 floors) and I started to get really tired and didn't think I could keep going, but then I stopped, took a nice DEEP breath and kept going. If nothing else, it just made me proud of myself. ;)

    You'll be fine. I find that oftentimes it's not my body stopping me...it's my mind. Definately have to pay attention to which one it is. If it's your body, then stop, but if it's your mind...keep going girl! ;) You can do it! REALLY! YOU REALLY CAN! And you'll be sooooooooooo glad you did! :)
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I was about 250 when I did it. I made it through the whole thing following Anita most of the time. I tried to do it once and realized I had to work up to it a little bit more. I would suggest between now and when you start do some lunges, squats and jumping jacks. That way you will be a little more prepared for the harder segements without getting discouraged. Good luck and you can do it!
  • miss_kisha
    miss_kisha Posts: 74 Member
    But why wait until january?!!!xx

    I want to build up some endurance and flexibility, I've been doing Walk Away the Pounds w/ Leslie Sansone until then - every day, with weights! I'm so proud of me self :bigsmile:
  • I haven't checked my BMI in a while but I think it is in the overweight category but only a few points away from obese. I am 5'9" and weight 204 lbs. I did 30DS for 15 days, I took one day off and never went back. I am restarting today. As others have posted, Anita does modified moves. You can do it!!! The first day I couldn't do all the jumping jacks so I paused for 2 or 3 (just used my arms, not jumping) then picked back up. You can adjust to your level, however you should push yourself, if you feel you may hurt yourself slow down or take a quick break. But don't slow down or take a break just because it is easier. When I feel I need to take a break I quickly analyze whether it is because I'm going to fall over, or because I just want a break. Usually it is because I want to take a break, so I keep going.

    I like 30DS because the individual segments are quick, 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio, and 1 minute abs, you do 2 different strength, and 2 different cardio, so it is easy to tell your self "I can do anything for 30 more seconds"!!

    Hope this helps, feel free to add me as a friend, like I said I am starting back today. This time I am going to record my measurements beforehand, as you lose more inches than pounds because you gain muscle.

  • miss_kisha
    miss_kisha Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding. I'm going to really give the 30 day shred a go, with good shoes, sports bra and positive attitude!!!