All time High... not again!



  • jhacker
    jhacker Posts: 301 Member
    Why am I crying while I read this post?:cry: Probably because I feel your struggle. I was the same way. I love food and enjoy eating everything. If something sounded good I would have it. That was until I went to the doctor and I had high blood pressure. This really scared me because I know the effects it can have. He put me on medication and that made me feel terrible! I don't want to be on medication!! :grumble: This had totally changed my life because now I know that I HAVE to do this for my health! It was a real kick in the butt for me and now I am trying to get off the meds!
    Being overweight is so unhealthy! YOU CAN DO THIS! You said you lost 40 lbs. before! Holy Crap! I would love to lose 40lbs.! :love:
    Anyway, I wish you the best ,and know that we are all in this together! Keep plugging and trying. Never give up!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    I agreee with Tami.

    It took me 9 years to finally get to the point where I said enough is enough and finally embraced my new lifestyle. It took me baby steps. Even though I had been going to the gym all that time, I was not putting all of my effort into it. I was only going 2 times a week and I never did cardio. Now I go to the gym 6 days a week and do at least 30min of cardio 5 days a week.

    As for food, I also started slow in that area. I had been eating 2 times a day, which was not near enough. I was aIso eating out a lot. I started eating more times a day and started counting my calories. Once I had that in control I started eating healthier foods and not just watching the calories, but also what made up those calories. I stopped drinking soda and alcohol, though I do still have a drink once in a while. I also started drinking a lot of water, which is one thing I had trouble with in the beginning. Now I drink over 100 ounces a day.

    Do I watch my food closely all of the time, no. I do splurge once in a while, but I don't go overboard like I used to. I can no longer eat as much at one seating as I used to, though I do eat a lot more throughout the day. I was amazed at how I no longer crave the things I used to like chips, instead I reach for a few almonds, or an apple.

    Like Tami said, try easing into it. Try limiting one thing at a time. Before you know it, you will be craving the healthier things instead of the frys, etc.

    Good luck!!!
    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    i cannot afford therapy, and it's not covered by my heathplan, so self-healp it is!

    Have you ever sat down and dissected the numbers to see how much money you're spending on binge eating? or just over-eating in general? An extra $100 a week should pay for a weekly session with a therapist...
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    even with binges, i spend 60-100 per week on food... i absolutely can not find an extra $100 a week for therapy. my take home wage is 1600 a month, and i'm not willing to spend a quarter of that on therapy. lol thanks, though Bri!~
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    BTDT.... you're certainly not alone. But if you normally binge with a whole package of Oreos, then only eating 1/2 the package is a step in the right direction! It's not all or nothing. Yeah you have to figure out the emotional parts too, look at things in your past that make you feel like maybe you don't deserve to be thinner and healthier?

    Take baby steps. Just keep taking those baby steps.

    For me, the yo yo dieting was always making me put on more and more. I realized dieting doesn't work for me. So I joined a gym and got on this site with the goal of "becoming healthier". My goal wasn't weight loss in the beginning. I set goals I could achieve - 30 min workout 3x/wk. But then I ended up doing 45 mins of cardio 5-7 wk and ENJOYED it. What? Me? Enjoy the gym? But because I had set reasonable goals, I could achieve them, once I had success, I could up my goals. I reset my focus and could be successful. So far so good. The pounds are melting off (I have a lot to lose altogether) and it will get harder for me, but I will be able to work against the plateaus later because I have success and tools that I never had before to get thru them.

    It seems like you were successful when you blogged, so you needed to put yourself out there and then you could eat healthier... so do it again. And keep doing. Who cares if someone thinks you're a little nuts to blog every bite you eat - it's for YOU.