Have you ever brought something that didn't fit you but the

Have you ever brought something that didn't fit you but the only reason you ended up buying it was to hopefully one day fit in it?

So have you reached that goal of fitting that certain item yet and if so? How did you feel when you finally did end up fitting in it?

I got this really nice dress that i brought two years ago and it was cheap too but really liked it but wouldn't go up half way, and so far sine i just started my diet, i haven't being able to fit in it but that's my goal to fit into that summer dress.


  • Journey2Myself
    Yes.. I just went to a Prince concert and bought two tees that were a rip off and super small.. I can put them on but they are REAAAAAAAALLY tight....

    I'm hoping to fit into them by Spring :)
  • petkova
    I remember few years ago I bough a pair of jeans that didn't fit me, but were so awesome. I hung them on the front of the fridge ... right in my face every time i looked at it :laugh: . They were only a size smaller than i needed, so after a couple weeks i squeezed myself in them, I was dancing around the kitchen hahahaah it was quite a picture lol
  • sailorsiren13
    I have done that and will probably always do that. I think that is when i get optimistic on my outlook for weight loss. I have jeans and tanks in all shapes and sizes and will never get rid of them for the fact that i will fit into them again someday! I won't give up I can't! then it says that i'm giving up on myself and i just can't do that.
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    I don't have anything now that doesn't fit, but I've done it a lot! It's a great motivator!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    yes. I bought a pair of jeans two sizes too small. i was a 22, bought an 18. lost some weight and tried the damned things on, and they look like crap because I am apparently a 16 or smaller.
  • angelbeville
    I absolutely do this! I call those clothes my "hopefuls." It's my declaration that I will achieve that smaller size. And it is absolute heaven when I do!
  • ja4bs
    ja4bs Posts: 30
    This is odd I guess, but I bought a shirt, that I really liked, too small on purpose. I put it on for my before picture. I hope as I move along it will become too big. Even really comfortable would make me happy!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I bought several pairs of pants YEARS ago online that turned out to be a bit too snug and thought 'I'll keep them, I just need to lose a few pounds'. Then I gained 10 lbs. Then 15 more. Then 7. Then 20. Then 8 more. Strangely they never quite fit. LMAO. Now I've lost 29 of those 60 lbs. I'm not actually trying to get down to that weight again, too low now IMO, but with working out I might still get back in that size even with my goal of only losing about 11 more pounds. I'm going to be in much better shape. The pants are still in the closet. We'll see what happens.....
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    Well, I did buy a pair of jeans a couple sizes too small, but it wasn't on purpose!! The tag said 13, and i was in a size 12 at the time, so I bought them. When I tried them on, I couldn't get them buttoned. Then i lost the receipt!!! That was last year in November. A few months ago, I found the jeans in our winter clothes tote and pulled them out. they still didn't fit, but i hung them up in my bedroom. I tried them on a few weeks ago, and I think another 5 lbs. and I'll be wearing them!!!!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Of course!

    I always buy some very expensive, nice trousers the very size I am shooting for any particular 12 week cycle.
    These days, it's 34" - lol

    I try them on every Fri - ALMOST THERE!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I bought red thigh-high socks and mittens and they were tight...I am wearing them anyways since I am not sure what steps to take next on my journey...:/
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I do have "one day" clothes. But not by my own doing. hubby randomly buys me cloths, most fit, but less than half can end up a size (or often two) to small. SUCKS CAUSE THEY ARE REALLY CUTE!

    its sweet though that he sees me as smaller and not bigger, lol.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Nope. The clothes should be made to fit me, not the other way around.

    I do have one pair of pants that I saved from when I was thinner just to see if I could get back in them again. When I do fit into those pants, I will buy myself a whole new wardrobe. Even when I do become a size 8 again, I won't be 22 years old and a size 8 again. Do you know what I mean? Gravity will have hit me by then, and I will need clothes to flatter my not just my size, but my shape too.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    No. I would hate to get to the point where something I bought finally fit me, but didn't look right.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    yes, last year I bought an 'aspirational' pair of jeans. I did squeeze in to them, but could hardly sit down and there was a muffin top.

    Now they are baggy in the bottom and I could take them off without undoing them. I really marvel at it, because it seems so surreal. I actually didn't ever see myself being this small, I think I was aiming to get back to this weight, but as I am musclier now, I am smaller. I have bought UK size 12 skirts, but in the back of my mind I keep on thinking that there must be something wrong with the sizes. I haven't tried on size 12 jeans yet, but I need to because my hot jeans are not looking so hot.

  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    LOL - I do this all the time - even when I was fat (and not trying to lose) I would buy things - I hate shop fitting rooms, so would buy these clothes - get home and they were too small - so they would go into the cupboard for "one day"....

    As I was losing the weight I loved "shopping" in my cupboard for all these clothes - with labels still on!!

    Now I buy a size too small - don't want to buy in the size I am now, but it is so nice to be able to walk into a regular store - and I know I want to go down to a size 12 - so if I see something I really like, or for a good price I buy and put in the cupboard.....the way it is going at the moment it might be 3 to 6 months till I wear them - but now it is my ultimate goal size, so won't be buying clothes smaller than a 12 that is for sure!!
  • 4alison4
    Yeah, of course! Unfortunately, when they fit (a pair of capris), they just didn't look that cool anymore:) On a sort of opposite note, I've heard that you should get rid of the too big clothing as a kind of incentive to not go back!
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Oh yesss, I have bought couple of things that were way to tight on me, but I bought them with the hope to fit it them. And guess what? I missed that period when they would've been good on me, and now they are big on me, so I ended up never wearing them and giving them away, which makes me a little sad.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    yeah, i bought a dress last summer that was slightly too small for me, thinking i'll lose weight and get into it. it was drastically reduced, and perfect black dress for any occasion. so i bought it, and lost weight, now it's too big on me, so i may never wear it... oh well!
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    YES! I bought this cute dress that had these huge shoulder pads and fabric that tied like a bow in front of my chest. By the time It fit, Shoulder pads were so the decade before. LOL, Just kidding. I've bought stuff and then was always disappointed that t as takng up space in my closet. I don't do it anymore.