
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    i'm on my second of my 30d i started yesterday. if i just want to be skinny? what's the fastest way?

    you look pretty skinny to me? maybe just try gaining muscle rather than losing anymore weight.. don't think it would be very healthy...also males need at leas 1500 cals per day

    sorry i'll change it that was when i was 155. ill add a new picture tomorow. i can't find my camera and i haven't showered and just did 30d so yaaa
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Pretty simple here mate, eat more (at least 1500 cals a day). Lower your weightloss goal on MFP to 1lb loss to give you an idea of what you should be eating (and eat most of your exercise calories back too)

    Try to do some more resistance exercise too - you may not end up 'skinny', but you'll sure as heck look better and function better. If you haven't done any real lifting before and don't have a lot of body fat, you'll probably notice some improvements quite quickly.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    What is your current and goal BMI?

    From what I understand, building muscle is the best way to speed up the weight loss process because more muscle means more energy burnt whilst sedentary.
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    What is your current and goal BMI?

    From what I understand, building muscle is the best way to speed up the weight loss process because more muscle means more energy burnt whilst sedentary.

    the bmi doesn't measure muscles? anyways i'm at 127 and my goal weight is 130 but i just want to hit 145 because thats the lowest i have ever been in the last 2 years. 145 is a milestone 130 is the goal
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    repost but ill ask a question
    am i starving myself?
    should i up my calorie intake and put it a level higher than sedementary. i don't know what sedementary suppose to be. but i am reallly lazy and i just want to stay in my bed but i do excercise. i only play call of duty when walking and most of the time i walk more than an hour
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    dude lay off the magic mushrooms
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    dude lay off the magic mushrooms

    i'm trying to be serious here =( i'm actually sad and looking for a solution and everyone keeps saying. i'm trolling or it's bull****
    how do those anorexic people get to be so skinny when their starving themselves. i also tried starving myself but i'm getting heavier, i also tried puking but it doesn't work since i used to do it (i had intestinal hernia or something which i didn't know at that time but whenever i puked my food when i had hernia i felt way better, it wasn't because i wanted to be skinny) or maybe my finger is too small. i don't have a mental disorder i just want to be skinny next year if im not skinny im saving up for a tummy tuck.

    in my picture now i was 150 i lost 5-7 more pounds after that and people told me i was too skinny. i believed them but it was a lie most fit people i know with my height is 130-140. i wish i never stopped trying to lose weight and not listened to those people.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    dude lay off the magic mushrooms

    i'm trying to be serious here =( i'm actually sad and looking for a solution and everyone keeps saying. i'm trolling or it's bull****

    ok, how does this make sense?

    "the bmi doesn't measure muscles? anyways i'm at 127 and my goal weight is 130 but i just want to hit 145 because thats the lowest i have ever been in the last 2 years. 145 is a milestone 130 is the goal"

    You realize that 127 is less than 130 which is less than 145, right?
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    um the 127 was my bmi i should have put a comma on it or maybe its 27 i only checked the bmi really quick and saw 27 maybe i added 127 because i was thinking of answering the next question. sorry for the confusion
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Ok sorry for the misunderstanding.

    Take a deep breath. You can do this. Lesser men than you have tried and succeeded :)

    You should probably be netting somewhere between 1600-2000 calories a day. Not sure why it's putting you at 1200. Double check all the information you entered on the settings screens. You might want to pick lightly active rather than sedentary. I'm still a bit unclear on how much you weigh and how much you're trying to lose.

    Give this a read. It's a good starting point:

    There's also an unofficial FAQ:

    Consider making exercise a regular part of your life. It's not necessary for weight loss, but it's necessary for overall health and it will keep your metabolism up and burning calories.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    i'm trying to be serious here =( i'm actually sad and looking for a solution and everyone keeps saying. i'm trolling or it's bull****
    how do those anorexic people get to be so skinny when their starving themselves. i also tried starving myself but i'm getting heavier, i also tried puking but it doesn't work since i used to do it (i had intestinal hernia or something which i didn't know at that time but whenever i puked my food when i had hernia i felt way better, it wasn't because i wanted to be skinny) or maybe my finger is too small. i don't have a mental disorder i just want to be skinny next year if im not skinny im saving up for a tummy tuck.

    in my picture now i was 150 i lost 5-7 more pounds after that and people told me i was too skinny. i believed them but it was a lie most fit people i know with my height is 130-140. i wish i never stopped trying to lose weight and not listened to those people.

    This post is a huge, huge red flag for me. You shouldn't be looking for the "fastest" method to lose weight, and starving yourself/puking it all up is NOT a healthy way to lose weight. I do hope you will consider seeking help beyond a fitness message board.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think your issues with weight loss go far beyond what anyone on a weight loss/fitness message board (OR website) can help you with. I would highly suggest you seek counseling. Puking/diarrhea/etc are NOT the solution to a weight problem. And honestly after looking at your pictures - I think you have a very distorted view of what would be an ideal weight for you.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    First of all we have way too little information to go on. Without seeing your food diary we have no idea what you are eating. We only know a little about you, and frankly going through this whole message thread I find at the end I am more confused than I was when I started. The information we need to know, and it needs to be clear is age, height 5'5"?, weight, goal weight, an idea of what an average day is like for you, and what sort of extra activities you do. Please be clear as to what you are saying because you keep throwing out numbers with no context which makes no sense. A good reply would be something like, "My age is (insert age), my height is (insert height). I currently weigh xx pounds, and want to be xx pounds. I do .... each day, and xx times a week I do this and that." Then make you food diary public and we will see how we can help. If you are only eating 1200 calories a day you need to eat more. I realize you want the weight off right now, that is not possible, and it is not healthy. For that matter, if you take it off very quickly it will not stay off. This is a slow and steady process. If we get everything in order for you and it still doesn't work, then perhaps you have a heath problem that needs to be dealt with. It might be wise to see a doctor anyway. Also, are you on any medications? Many medications can cause problems with losing weight.
  • debbiesue17
    debbiesue17 Posts: 10 Member
    i'm 55
    well i actually measured what one cup is. and a glass of water in my house is equivalent to 2 cups of water. so i had like 15 or more glasses of water. my weight is always like this it goes to 160-170... its so stupid. any tips? i try and stay to 1200

    i don't think i have a thyroid problem

    You can't know if you have a thyroid problem by thinking about it.... you need to have blood work done.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I'm sorry, but I can offer no more advice. You have displayed some serious body image issues that need to be addressed by a doctor. Please seek help. A medical professional can show you how to be healthy. If healthy is not your goal, seek out a psychologist.
  • Spearo
    Spearo Posts: 47
    I'm sorry, but I can offer no more advice. You have displayed some serious body image issues that need to be addressed by a doctor. Please seek help. A medical professional can show you how to be healthy. If healthy is not your goal, seek out a psychologist.

    Exactly. OP might consider looking inside and finding out why he wants to change his body. We all should.
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    i guess i over reacted when i did try and puke before it's because of the intestinal hernia. what happens is that your intestines are heavy and it sinks to your *kitten*. so its not like i had any other choice than puking or surgery. i couldn't sleep and you just feel a major pain in the abdomen area; i had surgery last march or something. also it's not that i want to lose weight the fastest it's just that when i saw the scale i upped 6 pounds or something i lost hope. Today measured myself back to 162 I think it's because of all the water i drank that day. That water probably caused diarhea too. I think giving yourself diarhea isn't a big deal? Since people drink slimming tea and slimming tea give people diarhea

    I made my diary open now if you guys want to leave any comments. right now i can't do any exercise because i think i sprained a major psoas. psoas strain.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    This is a marathon not a sprint, I think you need to work on emotional. It is not about being skinny, it is about being healthy and happy with yourself. You can't find it on a scale.

    Your thinking is dangerous and could lead to a eating disorder. Maybe you should talk to someone.

    You could just be retaining water.

    Remember there are no short cuts to weight loss.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    half ur days u either did not finish logging or are way under even 1200 cals. U need to be consistent and log everything. ur probably under eating or sneaking food and over eating because you are not logging it.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Looked at you diary, you are absolutely starving yourself.