How did you decide on your goal weight?



  • SachaMichel
    It was just arbitrarily decided. I took my current weight and just guesstimated that I should lose x number of pounds.
  • Elarissa
    Elarissa Posts: 34 Member
    I picked the weight I was previously that I was most comfortable with. However, if I feel happy with my body before then I will change what I want my final weight to be.
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    The goal I have now is my "Evaluate" middle goal. My initial goal was 10% of my weight, which I have surpassed. My next goal is about 5% over Healthy for BMI, but it is very obtainable and would give me a very good gauge of how much I want to lose for my final goal. I may want to lose 20 lbs more or it may only be 5.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My primary goal is to get into the healthy range of BMI for my height/gender. I'm going to talk to my doctor about what she thinks when I go in for my annual check up next month. However, my current thought is to maybe take off another 10-15 pounds but definitely focus on making these new eating/exercise habits stick and also keep more of an eye on measurements and bf%.
  • Calorie_Killa
    Since getting down to my BMI was unrealistic initial goal (I'm more successful with small goals) I've set three goals. My first goal is to get down 40 lbs (IDK I just threw that out when my trainer put me on the spot and asked me how much I wanted to lose). Goal #2 - Is getting down to my weight when I graduated high school ( No worries, I was chunky so it won't be too small for an adult) and Goal #3 - I'd like to reach my healthy BMI weight. In total that would be 70lbs lost.
  • butterfly10398
    I go by the BMI scale, but you can buy a handle held device that is a fat calculator, my trainer at my gym has one. it will tell you exactly what your % of body fat is, if you aren't comfortable or happy with how you look, then change it. Don't worry about the numbers, just be happy with your own body.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I have been a lot thinner before and my goal weight is about 10 pounds more than what my BMI states I should be. I have been the lowest part of my BMI and looked too thin and sick, the higher part was just about right, healthy and with curves.:happy:
  • MPwife10
    MPwife10 Posts: 130 Member
    I was told 125lbs is a healthy weight for someone who is 5'3" but I think that would be to skinny for me so my goal is 135lbs. I chose this because its what I want and think is good for me...not what someone says is good for me.