Weight Loss Supplements - Ideas or Suggestions

Do any of you know about any good, healthy weight loss supplements I can take that will assist in the aggressive weight loss I'm trying to accomplish? I changed my diet tremendously but it's only week 1. I have a treadmill at home so my goal is to get on that everyday for at least an hour while watching television.... I just feel like I should be doing something else as well. It's always hard for me to just lose weight. Any ideas or suggestions???


  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    My advice to you right now. Don't worry about weight loss supplements. Worry about your diet. :)

    1. Take a multivitamin

    Diet is the key to weight loss.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    My advice to you right now. Don't worry about weight loss supplements. Worry about your diet. :)

    1. Take a multivitamin

    Diet is the key to weight loss.


    I'm not aware of any healthy weight loss supplements, though. They all scare the crap out of me since you don't know which one is going to make your heart explode or interact with any medications you're taking.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    My advice to you right now. Don't worry about weight loss supplements. Worry about your diet. :)

    1. Take a multivitamin

    Diet is the key to weight loss.

    My advice to you is to listen to the above quote.
  • Emme727
    Emme727 Posts: 92 Member
    My advice to you right now. Don't worry about weight loss supplements. Worry about your diet. :)

    1. Take a multivitamin

    Diet is the key to weight loss.

    My aunt took a weight loss supplement in the 90s. It was listed as okay. (phen phen)
    It turns out is was not okay. She did permanent damage to her heart, which resulted in her recent death.

    The best advice is to exercise and eat a healthy diet. As much as we'd love fast result (fast food nation that we are), things take time. If you are struggling, check with your doctor to see if something is "off" such as a thyroid issue.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Everyone is right...every supplement out there has been found to have questionable stuff in it. Why risk it? The safest thing is to lose 1-2 pounds a week with hard work and healthy eating. I've lost 27.6 pounds since the end of September doing it that way. Part of me wishes it was faster, but I also understand that the weight didn't go on overnight and it isn't going to come off overnight either. It's more likely to stay off if I take it off slowly.
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    ive tried many in the past and they do NOTHING. eventually you just need to train your own mind and learn portion control. NOTHING beats a healthy diet and good ol fashioned exercise. the guys above know what they are talking about.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    ive tried many in the past and they do NOTHING. eventually you just need to train your own mind and learn portion control. NOTHING beats a healthy diet and good ol fashioned exercise. the guys above know what they are talking about.

    Did you find that when you stopped the supplements, the weight came back on? I've heard that is also an issue with supplements besides the questions about safety.
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    what i noticed was this: i started losing weight but i also drastically changed my exercise and diet. the pills werent doing it...it was my hard work. i dropped the pills and guess what? i was still losing weight at the same exact rate. those things didnt help. they just helped dwindle my checking account. its more of a head game than anything.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    All of that stuff is crap! Like everyone says, eat right and exerciese daily.
  • Thank you all for the advice.... A lot of those supplements scare me as well, I just thought there could at least be one safe / healthy thing out there that I didn't know about.
    I guess I just have to get my mind right and stay focused! And get a great support group to help me along the way :)

    Thank you all!
  • I agree with what everyone said here. I don't do weight loss supplements. One they can be dangerous and have harmful side effects that can show up years later. Two, they just don't work for long term. Sure if they do work it's only short term, when you go off of them you gain the weight back (speaking from experience here). My advice is to eat healthy and exercise, the weight will come off!!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I've tried Healthy trim and it doesn't work :P

    It gives you energy like a cup of coffee does, but it can make you feel shaky and cracked out too.

    It does kind of help suppress your appetite but coffee/green tea/lots of water does about the same for me, as long as I eat a good breakfast like Chickfila's oatmeal with fruit and nuts, or something with fiber/protein to get me through the morning.

    Snacks aren't bad anyway as long as you're mindful of your calories, might actually help your metabolism.

    So please don't waste your money. Just my personal experience.

    EDIT: also, two pills in the morning is way too much, will definitely make you feel cracked out, and if I took a 2nd one in the afternoon it didn't help my appetite at dinner time where I do the worst damage.
  • RosalindaP
    RosalindaP Posts: 31 Member
    I was wondering the same thing! I need some extra help with my will power so I was wondering of there was a safe appetite supressant out there...from the sound of things on here...I guess not!

    Oh well...at least you know you are not struggling alone!
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    My advice to you right now. Don't worry about weight loss supplements. Worry about your diet. :)

    1. Take a multivitamin

    Diet is the key to weight loss.

    Totally agree!

    I've lost 25 lbs. using MFP and I am not using any supplements, other than a daily multi-vitamin and Omega-3 Fish Oil. Just stick with your MFP plan & be sure to LOG YOUR FOOD INTAKE & EXERCISE EVERY DAY!

    Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 616 Member
    one week? youve given it one week and youre looking at weight loss "supplements"

    *eyeroll* emoticon here please.

    you havent even given your body a fair shot yet.
  • Does any1 know of a exercise I can do? I have really bad asthma an bad knees?
  • one week? youve given it one week and youre looking at weight loss "supplements"

    *eyeroll* emoticon here please.

    you havent even given your body a fair shot yet.

    This isn't my first rodeo. I have tried this several times and I know what my body does.... I will admit that this time I am more serious than I have ever been but I know this thing isn't easy. I just wanted to know if there was a different way I should start off (to make this a little easier).... that's all
  • Wk9t,

    What does Omega-3 Fish Oil do for you?
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    Omega 3 Fish Oil is a good supplement for heart health and it helps lower cholesterol.
  • hyperkate
    hyperkate Posts: 178 Member
    The only supplements I would recommend would be completely natural ones, ie not slimming pills. Ideas are Kelp, Dandelion, green tea, cayenne, seaweed and nettle. These help boost your metabolism but don' have side effects. I actually work for a company that sell Weightloss supplements but the people that take them are serious body builders and the like. They take them for focus and energy. Good luck with your weightloss :happy: