One big meal a day?



  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I have done all my cals in a 6-8 hour window and I have had one big meal for the day.
    Getting 1300 cals in one meal isnt hard IMO
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    This is not a good idea, it wll drastically slow your metabolism, which will initially cause you to gain weight, and will causeyu to lose weight at a drastically slower rate. Plus once you start eating normally again, youill gaineight back, bcuz ur of ur slow metabolism, and your body storing fat. also your body needs fuel to run the day. think of your body like a car, you couldn't rip and run all day on an empty tank, with the intention to fill up at the end of the day. you wouldn't make it
    Hehehe giggle giggle:tongue:

    This is a great idea, it will drastically increase your metabolism, which will initially cause you to lose weight and will cause you to lose weight at a drastically quicker rate. Plus once you start eating normally again, you'll lose even more because of your supercharged metabolism and all your muscle. Also your body needs 8 cups of water to run daily.Think of your body like a motorcycle. You can speed down the highway doing wheelies but, if a cop sees you; you'll go to jail.

    BAM Broscience at it's finest!


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  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Wow. I love this thread. This is how I prefer to eat and have been forcing myself to eat all day, every day, and feeling crappy at night. I can go back to what my body likes best.
  • madubil
    madubil Posts: 131 Member
    Shenanigans and broscience here.

    broscience - I love you! HAHAHA thats awesome
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Wow. I love this thread. This is how I prefer to eat and have been forcing myself to eat all day, every day, and feeling crappy at night. I can go back to what my body likes best.

  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I really think it is a personal thing - if you want to fast all day and consume all your daily calories in one meal - do it! If it works for you, who are any of us to tell someone they're "wrong"?

    For me personally, I do eat every couple hours. I couldn't care less if it helps my metabolism - it a) makes me feel better because my blood sugar is stabilized (I get jittery, nauseous, headachy and completely unreasonable when my blood sugar drops too low) b) it helps to control the desire to binge eat because I am constantly feeding my body food. I don't allow myself to get too hungry anymore - which is what leads to me consume an entire personal cake or whatever.

    It is all about calories in/calories out - your body doesn't give a crap WHEN you eat them, as long as you eat them. It is an individual choice.

    BTW, I ALWAYS eat my largest meal later at night.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Cliff Richards only eats one meal a day- FACT. And he's not a chunker because I saw him on TV talking about it recently- FACT. And I didn't watch it intentionally, I was just flicking through the channels- FACT.

    I say just do what suits you. I don't eat breakfast, but i do eat 2 meals a day usually- brunch and dinner. so i have 2 higher calorie meals rather than 3 smaller calorie ones. and i'm not dying yet (well, i am but only in the sense that we're all dying from the moment we're born, man).
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Bump for later. Broscience rocks, lol.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    On big meal can work and so can multiple meals.
    It's the macros and total energy consumed that matters most.

    It's important,however, to realize that your body makes adjustments based upon eating patterns (hormones/gerlin/leptin) . It trigger s responses like hunger and saiety/fullness. In bro terms, f you go with multiple meals your body will tell you hey man you skipped a meal it's time to chow. Likewise for a single/ if approach

    From my POV pick something that you can stick with given your schedule.
    Be open to other approaches - experiment for yourself after doing sufficient research.

    At the leaner levels, a cyclical approach is awesome for shredding down.
    Don't diet all of the time!! The more aggressive the caloric deficit the more necessary the refeed

  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    Once a year in March for nineteen days straight, us adult Baha'is fast from sunup to sundown (as long as we're not pregnant, sick or traveling). It's something like the Christian season of lent for us. During this time, I usually eat a very small meal before sunup and the rest of my food in the evening. I find that it's difficult to fit in before bedtime the variety of food and calories I usually eat the rest of the year so I end up eating less the more time goes on. By the end of the nineteen days, I've usually lost an unwanted ten pounds, feel a lot better, and am eating much more conscious of what I really need to eat versus what I feel like eating. I've also asked my doctor about this way of eating and he saw no problem with it. I've been doing this every Spring for 13 years and find I look forward to it as I know how great I'll feel in the end. I've actually been thinking about doing it now to lose weight just as you're doing, if I can maintain it...
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Fact: I just learned a hell of a lot with this thread.

    Thanks for those of you who actually know what you are talking about. I can go back to eating the way I used to eat and not feel bad about it.
  • veeandthree
    This is not a good idea, it wll drastically slow your metabolism, which will initially cause you to gain weight, and will causeyu to lose weight at a drastically slower rate. Plus once you start eating normally again, youill gaineight back, bcuz ur of ur slow metabolism, and your body storing fat. also your body needs fuel to run the day. think of your body like a car, you couldn't rip and run all day on an empty tank, with the intention to fill up at the end of the day. you wouldn't make it
    Hehehe giggle giggle:tongue:

    This is a great idea, it will drastically increase your metabolism, which will initially cause you to lose weight and will cause you to lose weight at a drastically quicker rate. Plus once you start eating normally again, you'll lose even more because of your supercharged metabolism and all your muscle. Also your body needs 8 cups of water to run daily.Think of your body like a motorcycle. You can speed down the highway doing wheelies but, if a cop sees you; you'll go to jail.

    BAM Broscience at it's finest!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    On big meal can work and so can multiple meals.
    It's the macros and total energy consumed that matters most.

    It's important,however, to realize that your body makes adjustments based upon eating patterns (hormones/gerlin/leptin) . It trigger s responses like hunger and saiety/fullness. In bro terms, f you go with multiple meals your body will tell you hey man you skipped a meal it's time to chow. Likewise for a single/ if approach

    From my POV pick something that you can stick with given your schedule.
    Be open to other approaches - experiment for yourself after doing sufficient research.

    At the leaner levels, a cyclical approach is awesome for shredding down.
    Don't diet all of the time!! The more aggressive the caloric deficit the more necessary the refeed


    This...made a lot more sense... Thank you. Things should be explained in bro terms on here more.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    Over feeding is anabolic :)

    I'm not very fat and eat in the 4-5,000 cals on a full day of rest / no workouts.
    Bro science - I am my own test subject :)
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    I have noticed how much better food tastes and I love that I can have heartier portions. Or, if someone asks me to grab dinner with them I'm no longer thinking "Doh, I wish I had known earlier and skipped breakfast". It has given me a lot of freedom. I think I need to work on pre-logging my meals, though to help with my tendency to eat and eat and eat when I break my fast. When I have a meal prepared and set aside I do better. I think it has to do with being able to eat, know I had 5-600 calories, relax for a minute while my body works it all out and then eat again a few hours later.

    Does anyone have opinions on BCAAs, or IF while running longer 10+mi distances?

    Basically though, I feel better, more in control and I think once my body fully adjusts I will be able to eat reasonably. As a side note I don't think IF has caused me to want to binge, this is an old issue that I am trying to use IF (and therapy) to regulate. I don't think IF promotes binging. Lots of normal, healthy, but hearty ;-) meals can hit 1000+ calories without being a binge.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    BCAA is debatable.
    The candy versions (extend) are pricey and if you are getting sufficient protien you are ok/not worth it?
    However, when I run a large deficit and/or IF -- I use bulk BCAA.
    Taste is nasty but from my own experiments I feel less hungry and seem to have better recovery.
    Also BCAA triggers a slight insulin response
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I too eat 80-90% of my daily calories in a 3 hour window. I love it!!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    This thread has convinced me to give IF a try. I already prefer to have one larger meal and I get all panicky when I approach 4PM and I only have 400 calories left. I'd love to experiment with eating my calories between 4-7 in the evening.
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    I would read the stuff on it really spells out the science for you and gives you some tips on how to best approach it, like what to break your fast with and such. It was a lot of info but really helpful.
  • Natalie49
    Natalie49 Posts: 210 Member
    Well, i guess it already has been said but.. once again it doesn't matter how many meals you eat per day.. 2000 cals are 2000 cals whether you had 5 meals or 1 meal..

    It depends on what you prefer and whether or not you can fast during the day.. That's it.