Scale not moving? Don't freak out - see photos



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Even a straight aerobic day? I try not to do strength the day before weigh-in. I have to call my mom after every weigh-in to tell her my weight because she's paying for the program I'm doing (you'd think I was 16, not 45!), and last week I had lost the 2 plus another 1, and she said she didn't want to hear about any more gains. Oy! :huh:

    Hmmm - I've never done aerobic days - maybe someone else can chime in! I know on my long run days for marathon training my weight would still be up just like a crossfit day is now. Maybe you should make a new agreement to also measure inches?

    That's a great idea! I'll bring that up to her. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • KokomoJoe
    The scale can be horrible. I haven't seen the scale move much for 2 weeks, however this morning was scrambling around to make my train, grabbed a pair of pants out of the closet then realized they were a 40 waist (an older pair) and thought what the hell let's see how far I am from fitting. While a little tight I could actually get them on and do them up. Although the belt I have looked horrible on them because the belt was looser than the pants. It looks like I might be getting some use out of clothes I haven't been able to fit into for a few years.

    I still weigh myself a lot but don't put a lot of faith in the number. I know my leg press is 65 lbs more than it was November 1. I know I am doing curls at 20 lbs more than then. I am walking 3 miles a day now when I was walking 1 then. Find the positives and work with those. I am waiting for the day I step on the scale and there's a drop of 6 lbs. But until then keep plugging away and find the victories.
  • momocurti
    momocurti Posts: 152 Member
    Great post. You look awesome. It's amazing what strength training can do, isn't it? I bought some new jeans on Black Friday and haven't seen the scale move one bit since then, but the jeans are already too big. Craziness!
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    Thanks for this post. Bumping so I can print out the list from the link you provided. I need to think of working out like its my job. No excuses !!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    your abs look awesome! this was just the extra motivation i needed today. thanks!
  • mjbrowne
    mjbrowne Posts: 172 Member
    Thank you so much..your post has been a blessing! I'm in a December rush and stress rut and have gained back 15 lbs. I was considering trying Xfit in January..and you just made up my mind to make time for it no matter what! You look FANTASTIC and reminded us that how we look and FEEL are WAY more important than #'s. Congrats on your hard's paid off!!!
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I really need it. The scale hasn't moved for me for the last 2 weeks and I was getting desperate, but still kept reminding myself that it's ok and the process can slow down. Seeing your pictures I was convinced that it's not all about the weight. So I am not gonna stop and I am gonna continue and hopefully I will get the results I want.
    Btw you look amazing.
  • MMMendoza007
    MMMendoza007 Posts: 157 Member
    Good post.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    awesome example of what crossfit and paleo can do! good job!
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I've seen a lot of my MFP friends discouraged because they don't feel like they are making progress, especially due to scale anxiety! Here is why you should NOT give up if you don't see the scale moving.

    The following are photos of me from this year. I started strength training in August. I initially went to crossfit 3 times a week, then 4 and then at the end of October was up to 5 days a week. (As you can see, I saw results from going 3-4 days a week. I go 5 days a week because I love it! And I'm seeing even more results in my strength.) BUT if I let the scale measure my success, I might have felt like giving up.

    Photo 1: August 146.4lbs
    Photo 2: September ??lbs
    Photo 3: November 150lbs
    *Seriously - these first three photos show me gaining almost 5 lbs. It wasn't until the past three weeks I've seen the weight starting to drop. My hypothesis is this is because I was new to weight training.
    Photo 4: December 144.5lbs

    *** I am 5' 5" for those who asked :)

    If I let the scale measure my success, all I could do was say that I've lost a measly 1.9lbs since I started four months ago. The scale is only one tool of measurement you have.

    Take photos. I seriously hardly felt like I made much progress month to month. Until I saw them lined up side by side.
    Take measurements! (I haven't measured since August - I'll keep you posted.)

    I have the following hanging on my refrigerator: (Thanks runswithdogs)
    I made a decision that these things would be me. And they are! Stay positive - no excuses - make good choices (and when you make poor ones, stop beating yourself up and get back on that horse!)

    Why else have I seen success? Because I love the process just as much as the results! And it's a choice I make every single day.

    You got this!

    Edit 2: My food diary is wide open if you're interested. I'm eating around 1700-1900 calories a day - I've cut out processed foods from my diet except for occasional treats (one or two meals on the weekend - not the entire weekend - occasion beer with dinner). I eat fresh meat and produce for almost every meal. I pre-prepare food on the weekend. I make sure I ALWAYS have these foods in my home so I won't feel stuck (my boyfriend eats a lot of things I don't). My exercise days are not optional - despite working full time and going to grad school, I work my life around it :)

    Your post made me cry. I love you..... Im in the same boat. Im so addicted to the scale that is only showing a measly 3 pounds weight loss. I regret I didnt' take photos of me in bra and undies but my clothes are fitting me so much better. Daughter told me my back fat is gone... Keep up the good work. you are truly an inspiration... :flowerforyou: