Geeks, nerds, otaku: Where are you all?



  • OrangeUK
    Won't find a bigger geek than me... Currently studying Computer Games Development :P
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Won't find a bigger geek than me... Currently studying Computer Games Development :P

    I would totally do that, but I want to teach government so (eh, hopefully) the absolute ignorance that I have experienced when it comes to America's political system and the beliefs of the individual parties is eradicated. It probably won't work, in which case, I will take control of their weak little minds and make them believe the things that I believe, for what I believe is correct. :devil:
  • Moeincognito
    A goal i've set myself is to lose enough weight to cosplay Shizuo from Durarara by April ;3; Let's hope I can do it~
    There's also some other cosplays I want to get done while not looking like a whale 。◕‿◕。
    If i don't reach my April goal, i'll hit my August goal (to cosplay Adiane from Gurren Lagann).

    Also as for a fandom roll call; ALL THE SHOUJO MANGA (not stuff like kanon etc...i like love com, Kokou debut, aozora yell, kimi ni todoke). Seinen manga too~ i'm not overly fond of anime but if a series is recommended enough i'll try it, atm I need to watch Durarara, and Ao no exorcist! :B Games wise it's Devil May Cry all the way and L4D too (also Bayonetta :C). I go to a few cons a year too ;-; they're all in England tho, and a small few in Ireland.
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    lol im a neurobiophysicist does that count?? i love anything fantasy, star trek, star wars, battlestar, stargate, game of thrones etc.. although im not much of a gamer :(
  • tishytaylor
    tishytaylor Posts: 10 Member
    I am a fan of Japanese animation, and love reading manga :) Some of my favorite manga/animes are Ao no Exorcist, Higurashi, Bleach, Bio-Meat, Emerging, Metro Survive, and quite a few others...Not the biggest gamer, but I do a have a couple of favorites: Star Ocean (all of them, lol) Resident Evil, Ys, and Suikoden (1&2)
    Right now I am collecting foreign (mostly Korean and Japanese) concert/musical DVD's. But my music genre of choice right now is K-pop, haha.
  • ChristopherFiss
    ChristopherFiss Posts: 16 Member
    Of course we're on here...gotta slim down to fit all those costumes. :)
  • TamsinEllis
    Haha I love cosplay .. anytime I see any online I stalk all the remaining pictures in case there's just one more *-* .. Oh dear I'm a stalker 0_0
    I have done a few but they were more for a game I was hooked on at the time then for anything even remotely popular >_<
    As for anime I'm picking but if I find something I like I'll watch it non-stop till I've finished all episodes ... and people wonder why I constantly look tired =_=
  • LindLTailor
    LindLTailor Posts: 15 Member
    And I thought I was alone here...


    Is there a MFP sub-Reddit?
  • Aeonis
    Aeonis Posts: 24 Member
    Hihi there!

    I'm big into anime, cosplay, asian dramas. I also love a good soft sci-fi. My favorite anime/manga series, now and forever, is Sailor Moon. I like jrock, jpop, kpop. I also enjoy a good enka or trot song >_>. I sew alot. I'm also a lolita. In my spare time I like to write music, sing, draw, or work on website design and programming. I'm an all around geek top to bottom XD.
  • mfost50
    mfost50 Posts: 75 Member
    Anime geek here (though not much into games) who likes to draw. Good to know I'm not alone either. :smile:
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    my man is and has introduced me to much.
  • Vmsunderland
    You found me! I'm such a nerd! Love manga, anime & cosplay (I dress up as totoro a lot)

    I also have the studio ghibli logo/totoro tattoo on my foot!
  • Vmsunderland
    I love anything studio ghibli, black butler, fruits basket, mushi-shi, Bleach, & host club
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Of course we're on here...gotta slim down to fit all those costumes. :)

    Hell Yeah!

    You guys should join this group "All Things Anime" and you should be my friends! (with a message of course. If I don't recognize you and you send no message, no addy-addy.)
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Geek here. Huge fan of video games here! Some anime.

    Join our MFP Gamer group! A lot of geeks and cool people!

    Also feel free to add me!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Geek here. Huge fan of video games here! Some anime.

    Join our MFP Gamer group! A lot of geeks and cool people!

    Also feel free to add me!

    I'm part of that group!! I shall add!
  • seaoftears
    seaoftears Posts: 46 Member
    I'm a huge otaku :D
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I'm a huge otaku :D

    when I read your name, I thought it said sea of ears. It makes a lot more since now that I actually know what it says. But I must admit, the sea of ears was pretty gruesome. I imagined a lot of blood.
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
  • FalseWall
    FalseWall Posts: 19 Member
    Video game nerd, nice to meet you all, sure I'll add you.