Meat eaters nicer than vegans?

side note- my Mom is a vegan and has been her entire life. Her Mom (my Grandma) was also a vegan. They grew up on a small farm with chickens, pigs and cows. Grandpa and my uncles were alll meat eaters. The only way you would know my Mom was a vegan would be if someone told you. She doesnt talk about it, she doesnt attack meat eaters, and growing up she cooked meat and gave us kids dairy, etc.

Seems the majority of vegans who post on meat/dairy related threads feel the need to attack and defend their choices with more anger than is warranted. (note- I did not say all vegans...I said most of the vegans who post on meat/dairy threads)

why is that? I dont see meat eaters getting all bent out of shape by the vegan choices.

chill out vegans!


  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Maybe they're just hungry...
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    side note- my Mom is a vegan and has been her entire life. Her Mom (my Grandma) was also a vegan. They grew up on a small farm with chickens, pigs and cows. Grandpa and my uncles were alll meat eaters. The only way you would know my Mom was a vegan would be if someone told you. She doesnt talk about it, she doesnt attack meat eaters, and growing up she cooked meat and gave us kids dairy, etc.

    Seems the majority of vegans who post on meat/dairy related threads feel the need to attack and defend their choices with more anger than is warranted. (note- I did not say all vegans...I said most of the vegans who post on meat/dairy threads)

    why is that? I dont see meat eaters getting all bent out of shape by the vegan choices.

    chill out vegans!
    sounds like someone's bent out of shape or this might not have been posted?:smokin:
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I guess they are passionate about the animal rights cause. I know a few vegans that are vegan because of religion ( seventh day Adventist). Mostly it's the animal rights activists that are stuck up. To each his own :)
  • MsWhiteParks
    MsWhiteParks Posts: 116 Member
    I shall get angry at dairy eaters through jealousy lol

    I desperately want to eat CHEEESE and milk and chocolate and eggs mmmmm eggs!!

    But I cant until my daughter is weaned....

    I know that this isnt entirely relevent... BUT.... I dont care... I MISS DAIRY!!!


    PS. each to their own :)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Maybe they're just hungry...

    maybe they just need some protein and fat!
  • peacek
    peacek Posts: 211
    Human! They just want to make themselves feel superior about their choices.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Do you think that perhaps its because you only see the pushy vegans...the ones that are not pushy about their eating habits just wont be noticed.

    If you go on a vegetarian or vegan post you will meet pushy meat eaters...horses for courses, good and bad in all walks of life. Do NOT make sweeping generalisations, they dont go down well.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I shall get angry at dairy eaters through jealousy lol

    I desperately want to eat CHEEESE and milk and chocolate and eggs mmmmm eggs!!

    But I cant until my daughter is weaned....

    I know that this isnt entirely relevent... BUT.... I dont care... I MISS DAIRY!!!


    PS. each to their own :)

    May I ask why you're abstaining from dairy?
  • vitahill
    vitahill Posts: 37 Member
    I think it's because vegan is a choice that is harder to make than the status quo of being an omnivore. Most people did not really "chose" to eat meat, but many people probably made the choice to be vegan so when people say things about veganism they probably will get more defensive because it is like the mission statement of the group they belong in. If you brought up another topic not related to veganism/meat you will get a different group of people on the defensive. So I don't think meat eaters are "nicer" than vegans I just think that's not a topic that gets them worked up.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Do you think that perhaps its because you only see the pushy vegans...the ones that are not pushy about their eating habits just wont be noticed.

    If you go on a vegetarian or vegan post you will meet pushy meat eaters...horses for courses, good and bad in all walks of life. Do NOT make sweeping generalisations, they dont go down well.

    I limited it to those who post....nothing was "sweeping"
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    i haven't ever noticed a difference... i know lots of vegans and carnivores... all are grumpy/ornery or happy/friendly just the same...given what's going on in their individual lives.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    This has not been my experience with vegans. :heart:

    ETA: I've also known plenty of *kitten* meat eaters. So, there you go.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Maybe they chose to go vegan for morals reasons so it's something they feel very strongly about, hence the passion.
  • MsWhiteParks
    MsWhiteParks Posts: 116 Member
    I shall get angry at dairy eaters through jealousy lol

    I desperately want to eat CHEEESE and milk and chocolate and eggs mmmmm eggs!!

    But I cant until my daughter is weaned....

    I know that this isnt entirely relevent... BUT.... I dont care... I MISS DAIRY!!!


    PS. each to their own :)

    May I ask why you're abstaining from dairy?

    My daughter has an itolerance to animal protiens found in dairy... so all the while shes being breast fed, I need to stick to soya and other non dairy sources for nutrion! It sucks because im a HUGE dairy fan!! But its not worth it to see her suffer with a poorly tummy :)
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Actually, there's a perfectly reasonable answer. Meat tastes yummy. Yummy things make humans happy. I eat meat. Therefore, I'm happy which in turn makes me nice.

    On the days I don't eat meat, every hour on the hour, I'm not so nice. Hence my pockets of crankiness some days.

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    Just seemed appropriate. :laugh:

    Personally I think flat out attacking any style of eating shows a serious ignorance of the human body and health and nutrition. There is no one right way to eat or wrong way to eat. While the majority of people are perfectly normal, it's the wackos from all side you have to watch out for, and then patently ignore. Some Vegans feel superior and have to insist that meat eaters are horrible unhealthy human beings, some meat eaters say the same things about vegans. And don't even get me started on the "Low Carb Taliban."

    Personally I eat all foods. Sometimes I eat low carb meals, some times I eat high carb meals, sometimes I eat vegan or vegetarian, sometimes it's all meat. To me it's all a part of being balanced in my approach to health, and getting all the nutrition I need.
  • MsWhiteParks
    MsWhiteParks Posts: 116 Member
    Do you think that perhaps its because you only see the pushy vegans...the ones that are not pushy about their eating habits just wont be noticed.

    If you go on a vegetarian or vegan post you will meet pushy meat eaters...horses for courses, good and bad in all walks of life. Do NOT make sweeping generalisations, they dont go down well.

    to be fair he did add a note clearly stating NOT ALL VEGANS!!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    This has not been my experience with vegans. :heart:

    ETA: I've also known plenty of *kitten* meat eaters. So, there you go.

    *kitten* meat eaters? YUCK!