Meat eaters nicer than vegans?



  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member

    My side note: I'm vegetarian, almost vegan. My hubby is a meat eater. I don't hound him, I do try to educate him, but I by no means make him switch. I even cook his meals, though I did cry the last time I had to make his hamburger patties out of the ground beef! LMAO He didn't see me though. :embarassed: I try to educate, but I don't condemn or judge. It's a personal choice. If people ask me questions and want to learn about it, by all means I'll talk about it, but I never push the subject. Also, I'm not one of those psychos who would throw paint on fur or get in someones face at a restaurant if they are eating a steak!

    I personally have never encountered a mean vegan. lol Not even on here, yet. I know they exist but for the most part everyone I have met is very nice, compassionate, and not "vegan or die". I think the people who tend to be angry, over the top are the ones who are also the type who feel "my way is the only way", probably in everything they do, not just the way they eat. So in answer to your question, I have no idea! :laugh: But on the flip side, when I get into conversations with meat eaters, they tend to gang up on me. My brother in law is always saying "why do you have to be so stubborn, just eat meat already". And I just smile and nod and mentally give him a big ol' F you. So meat eaters, and saying the same as you, not ALL meat eaters can be mean to vegans and vegetarians. I have had a lot of things said to me that are horrible. But I grin and bear it. I guess it's not really what the people eat that make them mean, but just that they are mean people to begin with. :cry:
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I really understand why people would want all animals to be treated ethically. But philosophically, plants are alive as well. Just because we don't understand the nature of a plants life doesn't make it anymore or less valuable than an animal in my eyes. But no one seems to think that eating corn on the cob is murder. So I say I'm gonna eat meat. And when that meat exits my body, it can be used to fertilize plants, which can feed the animals, so I can have another steak. It's the circle of life.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    This has not been my experience with vegans. :heart:

    ETA: I've also known plenty of *kitten* meat eaters. So, there you go.
    *kitten* meat eaters? YUCK!
    Like anything else, it depends on the preparation.

    As a side note, I always thought that chicken gizzards looked like lips and buttholes.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Some pushy vegans give the rest of them a bad rep. As you know, they are all not like that.

    I am friends with a vegan who is pretty awesome, she even applauds me when I eat chili cheese dogs. :smile:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I am friends with a vegan who is pretty awesome, she even applauds me when I eat chili cheese dogs. :smile:
    Em's just jealous...
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member

    Getting a good seat. Fireworks will ensue.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I read once that vegans have special powers. :wink:

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I have a problem with anyone who pushes their choices on other people. Having said that, I have not experienced that on this site by any vegans, vegetarians, pescatarians or omnivores. Not with regards to diet, anyway.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    side note- my Mom is a vegan and has been her entire life. Her Mom (my Grandma) was also a vegan. They grew up on a small farm with chickens, pigs and cows. Grandpa and my uncles were alll meat eaters. The only way you would know my Mom was a vegan would be if someone told you. She doesnt talk about it, she doesnt attack meat eaters, and growing up she cooked meat and gave us kids dairy, etc.

    Seems the majority of vegans who post on meat/dairy related threads feel the need to attack and defend their choices with more anger than is warranted. (note- I did not say all vegans...I said most of the vegans who post on meat/dairy threads)

    why is that? I dont see meat eaters getting all bent out of shape by the vegan choices.

    chill out vegans!
    i don't get it either. obviously, I'd be happier if all the animals i eat grazed the earth but not a lot i could do about that except move to a farm .. but i'm a city girl, that won't happen! ;)
  • modernsoul
    modernsoul Posts: 148 Member
    I guess they are passionate about the animal rights cause. I know a few vegans that are vegan because of religion ( seventh day Adventist). Mostly it's the animal rights activists that are stuck up. To each his own :)

    Seventh Day Adventists are not vegan. They eat low fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheeses and eggs.
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    Maybe they're just hungry...

    maybe they just need some protein and fat!

    LOL I get tons of protein and fat, hence me using MFP to lose the fat...and I think I get more protein then most meat eaters. *sigh* again, why I need MFP! :laugh:
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member

    Getting a good seat. Fireworks will ensue.
    HA! :laugh:
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    side note- my Mom is a vegan and has been her entire life. Her Mom (my Grandma) was also a vegan. They grew up on a small farm with chickens, pigs and cows. Grandpa and my uncles were alll meat eaters. The only way you would know my Mom was a vegan would be if someone told you. She doesnt talk about it, she doesnt attack meat eaters, and growing up she cooked meat and gave us kids dairy, etc.

    Seems the majority of vegans who post on meat/dairy related threads feel the need to attack and defend their choices with more anger than is warranted. (note- I did not say all vegans...I said most of the vegans who post on meat/dairy threads)

    why is that? I dont see meat eaters getting all bent out of shape by the vegan choices.

    chill out vegans!

    agree completely! i have a good friend who is vegan and he constantly sends animal cruelty messages. i send him vegan recipes that look good when i find them.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    I shall get angry at dairy eaters through jealousy lol

    I desperately want to eat CHEEESE and milk and chocolate and eggs mmmmm eggs!!

    But I cant until my daughter is weaned....

    I know that this isnt entirely relevent... BUT.... I dont care... I MISS DAIRY!!!


    PS. each to their own :)

    May I ask why you're abstaining from dairy?

    i was wondering that too. if baby is super fussy with dairy then i get it but if not...go for it in small amts and see how baby does. sometimes the cow's milk bothers them when they are really little but as their guts mature, they can tolerate it in mom's diet
  • ajmaccar
    ajmaccar Posts: 65 Member
    But if we're not supposed to eat meat, why is it so darn tasty?

  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I shall get angry at dairy eaters through jealousy lol

    I desperately want to eat CHEEESE and milk and chocolate and eggs mmmmm eggs!!

    But I cant until my daughter is weaned....

    I know that this isnt entirely relevent... BUT.... I dont care... I MISS DAIRY!!!


    PS. each to their own :)

    May I ask why you're abstaining from dairy?

    My daughter has an itolerance to animal protiens found in dairy... so all the while shes being breast fed, I need to stick to soya and other non dairy sources for nutrion! It sucks because im a HUGE dairy fan!! But its not worth it to see her suffer with a poorly tummy :)

    You are so lucky you found out this early!! My daughter is the Dairy Queen and we are just now realizing (she is 5) that she is lactose intolerant -- or something! Testing it out now. I won't take her to the doc because they aren't going to tell me anything I don' t know or can't figure out on my own. Anyway, I think I'm going to go dairy free with her. I'm not anti-dairy by any means, but I'd like to clean up my diet and that seems the best way to start. Also--since it is just the two of us I'm not going to buy two products. I've always made her eat what I eat, so I why wouldn't I stick to her diet too?
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    I shall get angry at dairy eaters through jealousy lol

    I desperately want to eat CHEEESE and milk and chocolate and eggs mmmmm eggs!!

    But I cant until my daughter is weaned....

    I know that this isnt entirely relevent... BUT.... I dont care... I MISS DAIRY!!!


    PS. each to their own :)

    May I ask why you're abstaining from dairy?

    i was wondering that too. if baby is super fussy with dairy then i get it but if not...go for it in small amts and see how baby does. sometimes the cow's milk bothers them when they are really little but as their guts mature, they can tolerate it in mom's diet
    she answered this.. her breast-fed baby has an intolerance to dairy
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I'm an omnivore (except for red meats) and I still manage to be judgemental about what people are eating. :)
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    But if we're not supposed to eat meat, why is it so darn tasty?

    who said we are not "suppose" to eat meat?
    they obviously didn't pay attention to their Biology professor
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member