I swear it is sabotage!!!!!!!



  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    Those people are not me. I have an insulin resistance, coupled with terrible genetics and years of obesity. I crave carbs like a junkie craves crack. I do not have the will power to stop once I start. It is my downfall. Everyone has one, mine is carbs. I am proud of the people who can eat what they want and lose weight. I have tried that too. It is not me. I also hold issue with eating overly processed foods. I feel like chemicals are not good for you, so I choose to not eat them. It is my opinion, and I am entitled to it, as you are yours. But mine seem to have offended at every turn. Now, if you have THIS much issue with my opinions, and seemingly all of them, you are more than welcome to excuse yourself from my thread.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    Yeah, all the cool fat kids....... I eat carbs, just ones that are closest to their natural state...... cupcakes dont qualify.

    Thanks for calling me fat. Off to eat a peanut butter cookie topped with a Hershey kiss.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    And, yes, I AM grumpy. Because people who do not know me didnt bother to learn anything about me before attacking me for an attempt at humor. It is a shame that people just jump to assumptions based on behavior displayed by completely unrelated people. I have an odd way of expressing my humor perhaps, but it is my way. I suppose you are all going to attack for this one too...... whatever....... bring on the hounds. haha! The thought that MY happiness is dependent in ANY way on any one of your approval is a joke. I am proud of me for opting out of the cupcake *that a co-worker so generously offered* and that is all that matters.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    And, yes, I AM grumpy. Because people who do not know me didnt bother to learn anything about me before attacking me for an attempt at humor. It is a shame that people just jump to assumptions based on behavior displayed by completely unrelated people. I have an odd way of expressing my humor perhaps, but it is my way. I suppose you are all going to attack for this one too...... whatever....... bring on the hounds. haha! The thought that MY happiness is dependant in ANY way on any one of your approval is a joke. I am proud of me for opting out of the cupcake *that a co-worker so generously offered* and that is all that matters.

    You have a right to be proud, but many people apologized to you after you clarified that you were being sarcastic. Sarcasm doesn't convey well through a computer screen, and this is a topic that is frequently posted in earnest. You could have accepted the apologies that people gave to you after making a human mistake, but you chose to get angry instead.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Yeah, all the cool fat kids....... I eat carbs, just ones that are closest to their natural state...... cupcakes dont qualify.
    it is so cute when newbies get all self righteous.
  • I think I'd have eaten it and just biked an extra 30 minutes. LOL
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    I think I'd have eaten it and just biked an extra 30 minutes. LOL

  • Drop it on the floor...
  • Yeah, all the cool fat kids....... I eat carbs, just ones that are closest to their natural state...... cupcakes dont qualify.

    FYI: I have about 20-ish pounds to my goal weight, I'm nearing the point where I'm in the "normal" instead of "overweight" range, and I eat what I want to eat. If I want ice cream, I freaking eat ice cream. I don't binge on it (usually), but I eat it.

    This is a lifestyle change. It is about moderation, not deprivation. Depriving yourself of 100% of the stuff you like 100% of time =disaster waiting to happen. Trust me.
  • staceyGO
    staceyGO Posts: 376
    SOmetimes, I throw things out and then squirt ketchup on them so they can't be picked out lol
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    SOmetimes, I throw things out and then squirt ketchup on them so they can't be picked out lol

    That sounds like a terrible waste of both delicious food and ketchup.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    First off, not angry with the ones who apologized and then stopped being jerks. Second, not a newbie...... again, if you had bothered to learn anything at all about me, you would know that it isnt my first rodeo. I have actually already lost 142 lbs on my own. I was 342 lbs 4 years ago. I have been stagnant for the past 6 months or so and am trying to regroup a bit. I have found that complete avoidance from trigger foods for a few weeks works best for me. I DO prefer natural foods. Processed foods and chemicals make me feel icky because I have gotten my body used to not having them. It is a preference....... for me........ doesn't have to be for you. I love how "motivation and support" turned into anger and accusation in that short a time span. :laugh:
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I have actually already lost 142 lbs on my own. I was 342 lbs 4 years ago. I have been stagnant for the past 6 months or so and am trying to regroup a bit. I have found that complete avoidance from trigger foods for a few weeks works best for me. I DO prefer natural foods.
    Congrats on your success, and for taking steps to regroup. :drinker:
    It is a preference....... for me........ doesn't have to be for you.
    I would hope, then, that you would respect others' preferences.


    Cool Fat Kid That Does Eat Cupcakes on Occasion
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    I do respect others preferences. I wish I could eat a small amount of what I want to and still have success. I just don't appreciate the absolute bashing that I just got on my first day posting anything here. And seeing some of the other threads where the OP gets trashed for an opinion, I am beginning to think that this is not a community that I want anything to do with.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I wouldve ate the cupcake then ran 2 miles :) Kidding..but we cant not indulge ever...or I crave it more. Im still learning this too! Excellent on the 142lb loss! You rock!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    After a few such episodes, I'd make a production of tossing the thing in the waste can where everybody could see.
    In my office people just know better...
  • MomOfRose
    MomOfRose Posts: 89 Member
    I have a manager who is trying to sabotage my diet. She has never, NEVER offered me any food EVER...until she heard me talking to someone about how many pounds I've lost. Now she puts on my desk (not offering, just plain putting it on my desk when I'm away) muffins, pumpkin pie, cake, cupcakes, candies... AND of course she disses my lunch choices, saying I need to "eat something."

  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I always think that you should lose at least 3 lb just for turning down something yummy!
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    I totally know where you're coming from. If I would have eaten that cupcake, I would have been done the rest of the day, the cupcake would have turned into a 2nd cupcake, then eating the cookies at home I have in the freezer for xmas, and quite possibly a trip to the bakery to get something else sweet. Then tomorrow morning it would have been...well...I might as well just put it off, and had like a chocolate croissant or something, and then I'd be totally off the wagon.

    Some people can do just the bite or two in moderation. Some people can't. Just like some people NEED breakfast, some people can't do it. Doesn't make either right or wrong. I don't think anyone here deserves to judge anyone else for the choices they make concerning their own body and diet.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    Those people are not me. I have an insulin resistance, coupled with terrible genetics and years of obesity. I crave carbs like a junkie craves crack. I do not have the will power to stop once I start. It is my downfall. Everyone has one, mine is carbs. I am proud of the people who can eat what they want and lose weight. I have tried that too. It is not me. I also hold issue with eating overly processed foods. I feel like chemicals are not good for you, so I choose to not eat them. It is my opinion, and I am entitled to it, as you are yours. But mine seem to have offended at every turn. Now, if you have THIS much issue with my opinions, and seemingly all of them, you are more than welcome to excuse yourself from my thread.

    I have no issues at all with your opinions.. We each have to do what works for us. I love cupcakes and would have been greatly tempted....Happy you were able to resist. Be proud of your accomplishments.