I have 70lbs to lose!! It feels hopeless!!

I'm a serial dieter. I've been every weight from 144lbs to 246lbs. I'm currently 200lbs exactly! I'm 5ft5 and I feel so awful and down about it! Everything I do I just seem to gain more weight back. I'm a "closet" eater and don't know how to break this! I really want to be healthy and spend my life not worrying about how much weight i've gained this week. I really need some help please!


  • emmadog1co
    emmadog1co Posts: 6 Member
    Wow I feel as though you just read my mind. I've never been the skinny girl but also was not so critical and down about my body. I happy marriage and two kids later has taken a toll on my body. Looking to lose 50-70 lbs. am 200 lbs now at 5'3. Not really sure how to work this site but know something needs to change !
  • torkmdeg
    torkmdeg Posts: 51 Member
    Hi there! I have about the same about to lose - started off at 200 as well. I'm about the same height as you as well.
    Best thing I can suggest is to log every little thing that goes into your mouth especially for the first little while. And when you are going to eat, ask yourself "am I actually hungry or do I just feel like eating right now out of habit or because I'm bored?"
    Find something to keep you active that you enjoy doing too. Working out doesn't have to be a chore. For me, I enjoy dancing, and its helped me get in better shape to have finally found something to keep me active that I enjoy.
    Feel free to add me if you'd like some extra support!
  • norma67
    norma67 Posts: 255 Member
    double post
  • norma67
    norma67 Posts: 255 Member
    This site is awesome and great for support....you can add me if you would like.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    It feels that way, but it isn't. It can be done. I've done it. There people here who've lost even more. Just focus on the next pound in front of you. You can do it.
  • gardengal01
    Its not hopeless. Its difficult but you can do it :)

    You can add me if you'd like (that goes for anyone)
  • samatalma
    Not hopeless!! Just need motivation and some friends to keep you going is all :) Feel free to add me!
  • IWillWinSkinny
    IWillWinSkinny Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks everyone. I feel like i've got some sort of addiction with food recently and it makes me feel so low and degraded for admitting it. Most of my waking hours are spent thinking about my next meal or snack. How do I break this?
  • robownslife
    It's only hopeless if you believe it is hopeless. Bite down hard on what you want and suck the life out of it. Believe you can do it, and follow through. Manage your hunger, manage your meals and exercise.

    You can have anything you want. You just have to go out and get it! :)
  • lonishaw
    lonishaw Posts: 33 Member
    I completely understand! I just started MFP last week and already started to get discouraged because I've been wanting treats (and gave in). I'm 5'3 and have about 75lbs I want to lose. Looking around at everyone's posts has motivated me today to do better. I just have to make the decision to do better, and I'll probably have to make that same decision everyday! So today as soon as my son gets home from school I'm going on a walk! Good luck to you.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Thanks everyone. I feel like i've got some sort of addiction with food recently and it makes me feel so low and degraded for admitting it. Most of my waking hours are spent thinking about my next meal or snack. How do I break this?

    Re-educate yourself about calories, macros, BMR, TDEE, exercise, and fitness. Everything else will fall into place as a result of this.
  • Jaimepm
    :smile: I am 198, and have been stuck at that since having my second baby end of June. I am pretty active, I even did the Turkey Trot 10K 6.2 miles! I did a run/walk. I have been just stuck. I know it's what I eat, but it's really really hard. I feel the same way you feel . Tomorrow will be one week of logging in. I think it will be a slow and steady process and I love this site. We can do it.......
  • Jaimepm
    :smile: I am 198, and have been stuck at that since having my second baby end of June. I am pretty active, I even did the Turkey Trot 10K 6.2 miles! I did a run/walk. I have been just stuck. I know it's what I eat, but it's really really hard. I feel the same way you feel . Tomorrow will be one week of logging in. I think it will be a slow and steady process and I love this site. We can do it.......
  • Burleson76
    I can't diet. I have found if I deny myself foods then I want them more. Instead I work on portion control, exercise and staying active. Also, as mentioned by a person above - ask yourself, "are you hungry or are you eating because of something else"? I found that my worst times are when I was bored or upset. Instead of reaching for food I have started doing exercise when I am bored, reading, working on a hobby/project etc. If I was eating for comfort then I journal instead or contact a friend for support. Good luck!
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    I've lost 75 so far (50 before I joined MFP) and I can assure you it's NOT hopeless. You can just never say die. Never quit. Never give up. There will be days you screw up. There will be days you don't feel good about yourself, but the next day you just pick yourself up and start over. The difference is these are just days, not weeks or months. My "bad days" are now sprinkled here and there rather than having my "good days" sprinkled here and there. It might take a while, but you can totally do this. I have about another 15 to go, but it's possible and I will do this. JUST DON'T QUIT! If you don't quit, you have to succeed. That's been my motto. YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • Jaimepm
    I found that I am a stress eater! It is sooo easy to pick up anything and just eat it whether I'm hungry or not.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Gotta change the way you think about it... You have to know you can do it. It is NOT hopeless!
  • Sampurea
    And when you are going to eat, ask yourself "am I actually hungry or do I just feel like eating right now out of habit or because I'm bored?"

    I agree with this! that has always been my biggest problem ( and still is to a degree) I eat because I am bored.... but I foun that if I find a good song on Radio or Play the Zumba station On Pandora I get up and dance around and DONT eat. Good luck to you all on your Goals.... Feel free to add me and we can help motivate eachother!
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Try working in 7lb stages. That way it all seems attainable.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I have about the same amount to lose. Wifey is a baker and a great cook and has no interest in dieting now. Last night she baked a couple of dozen chocolate chip cookies that I kept getting into.