I have 70lbs to lose!! It feels hopeless!!



  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 178 Member
    I have a post-it stuck to my monitor at work that says "Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare." I use it more for meeting really restrictive deadlines than for sticking to my calories, but its true there too! I second the breaking it down into goals- especially when combined with treats!
    I'm also a stress / boredom eater. I find that if I make myself a cup of tea, it really helps. Yeah, tea sounds boring, but then you realise how much time you can fill with it. Fill kettle, wait for it to boil, pick tea (having a huge selection is really helpful), pick sweetener.... Especially if you keep all the components in different places. Sure, it makes having a quick cup on a busy day a bit of a pain in the *kitten*, but I think its worth it, lol.
  • staceyb2003
    staceyb2003 Posts: 203 Member
    I am in the same boat. Compulsive dieter. 5'6" 185lbs and been over 200lbs. I just feel like it's useless to try sometimes. I am stuck at 185lbs. Honestly it's not the food. It is easy for me to eat great. My problem is I'm a beer drinker. All my friends drink and can get away with it. My body just holds onto it for some reason.
  • choccyqueen83
    choccyqueen83 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone, i've got a similar amount to loose and am in it for the long haul.
    I find it helps me if I can view other peoples diaries. I also think It may keep me in check. If anyone wants to add me... Please do :D
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    I know how it feels to start up the mountain of weight loss again and again only to fall over and over. I was at the point of not really thinking there was a livable program out there when my friend told me about MFP. What helped me begin and stay with it was focusing on one thing at a time. Like in the beginning I only focused on logging in and being truthful. Later I started watching my water intake. Then I decided to put some exercise into the mix. Then I began watching the macros more & decided to try a challenge. Reading the success stories and seeing that real people are achieving what I want is very motivating to me. I also tried to put encouraging friends on my friends list so that we can encourage one another.

    It is not really just one thing - it is more like a package deal & it all works together to make you stronger. Kinda like that illustration of being able to break one thin piece of string, but not being able to break it when you have several pieces of string bound together.

    Don't get down when you "only lose a little bit" - Celebrate that that weight is gone from your life & move on. Little by little it adds up to the bigger numbers. You can do it!!!
  • lynzobp
    lynzobp Posts: 16 Member
    Wow I never realy thouht there were so many ppl on here with the same problems as me I need to loose like 50 lbs or more but the goal is fifty and it feels depressing to think of it as a big number but bein 5 2 makes me look like a fat little unpack lumpa or something I miss bein skinny
  • ShefMum
    ShefMum Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks everyone. I feel like i've got some sort of addiction with food recently and it makes me feel so low and degraded for admitting it. Most of my waking hours are spent thinking about my next meal or snack. How do I break this?

    I think you're right. I think an unhealthy relationship with food is like a kind of addiction, except you can't kick the eating habit or you die right? My advice to you would be to stop dieting and get off the whole crash/boom thing because the swings from high to low are v damaging (I used to be on that). I would focus instead on trying to really change your regular eating habits to healthy ones. That includes your relationship with food. If you are a closet eater maybe there is some emotional work you need to do? - Sometimes eating is about stuffing your feelings down. And develop a regular exercise pattern as well because this makes you feel better about yourself through natural chemicals as well as helping to regulate your appetite (for me anyway).

    I don't know you obviously so I hope some of the above is useful. Think of what you are doing to yourself every time you crash down and binge-eat (which I assume is what is happening). Whatever you decide to do good luck, and just remember beating yourself up never helped to motivate anyone....
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    I see a lot myself in these questions, its too much, how can I do it? i don't think i can blah blah blah ..

    Here's the dope:

    If you want something bad enough ... TRULY bad enough .. you WILL achieve it . Like everyone said, its not easy .. if it were, no one would ever be fat. The reason you feel hopeless is because that's all you know, failure in sight of something truly monumental. You have to deal with whatever it was that got you to this point, once you do .. then things don't seem hopeless. most people have a deep dark secret that hangs over them and took them 70 lbs overweight. I am not asking you to discuss it here.. but you will need to think about it if you really want to change your mindset from "It feels hopeless" to "It is inevitable"!

    I am not going to wish you luck .. because luck has nothing to do with . It sheer will, determination and consistency. If you can't commit yourself to this 110% then you will fail like every other time. Take some time, think about it .. and get back to me. i would be interested to read your response.
  • chrislin2011
    chrislin2011 Posts: 168 Member
    I feel like we have some things in common! I have always been a closet eater and have always thought about what I'll have at my next meal. I'm 5'6, 205 pounds and shooting to lose 40-50 pounds... I'm not sure where a healthy weight would be because I've never been there. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    Every day you should look at the community tab and check out the success stories. There are so many people with pictures that have succeeded. They are inspiring! You can do it if you are ready. Everyone on this thread has given such good ideas. I'm stealing a couple of them!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Lot of good advice here and great support! Good luck
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    It is attainable!!! I've done it, you can too! I still have 20-30lbs to go, but when I look at where I started (233.3) It just keeps me motivated! Start out by making ONE change..stop drinking sodas--even diet, and replace it with diet green tea. That was MY first step, and I lost water weight right off the bat! Next, be a little bolder...like no white bread, replace it with 40cal wheat bread...etc. You are sooo worth it~ :)
  • I had 100 lbs to lose before next October and I only have 40lbs to go!.. I am also a closet binge eater. I lie to myself and others about the things I eat. The best thing I can tell you is get a diet family....I have three others that work out with me and one of them I hang out with all the time. She sets me right. Then when you are better at not closet eating you may hang out less with you diet family... It's really hard and you need to tell yourself it's for you! no one else. It's not okay to be this heavy, it's not okay to eat this amount of food and take one day at a time! You mess up one day SO what...get back on it. You can do it! Good luck!
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    You can do this! Add me- I have great support and that is how this has worked for me.
  • Amanda_Jean87
    Amanda_Jean87 Posts: 11 Member
    I was pushing 190 this summer, I'm currently 32 pounds down, halfway to my goal, and still going strong. I've found that majority of major weight loss is the mental battle. Put yourself in the mind set of eating right becuase it's what your body deserves, make exercise a part of your daily life style. It also helps to make mini goals, looking at 70 pounds is daunting but if you break it down into mini goal of lets say 10 pounds, it's a lot easier to mentally grasp and it feels like your accomplishing something each time your hit a goal. I've also started a reward system, evertime I hit one of my minigoals I give myself a predetermined reward. It definitely motivates me to keep going.

    Hope this helps and good luck!
  • kiwi1855
    kiwi1855 Posts: 218 Member
    Late to this party... but!...

    You can totally do it. It's just a matter of willpower and how much you want it. If you want it bad enough, nothing can stop you. Little steps - don't make huge changes all at once, because that is overwhelming and it's much easier to say "it's too hard!" and fall back to old habits if you do that.

    30 days to make a habit/behavior change - the first 30 days SUCK. Not going to lie, no sense in lying. However, after that initial 30 days, IT DOES GET EASIER to stick with the changes you've made.

    Make it a goal to make one small positive change each day or week, depending on your comfort level. Switch one snack for something a little more healthy, or sub water for the sugary drink you were planning. Little triumphs sure help keep you going, because breaking things down into doable, manageable chunks, you'll have a much easier time sticking with your "lifestyle change".

    I was 288lbs when I started in mid January of 2011. I'm 174 lbs now. It is TOTALLY doable. It's just a matter of how much you want it.
  • gymshoe42
    gymshoe42 Posts: 97 Member
    You took probably the biggest step forward by asking for help! I'm kind of in the same spot ... my weight has swung 50 lbs back and forth in the last several years and I'm working on a way to lose it for good. Make the commitment, hop on the MFP boards to be held accountable and you can do it. Drink water regularly. It will help stave off the super hungry feeling.
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 329 Member
    We are about the same weight and the same height. For me, when I looked at my "big goal" I would get discouraged too. I would think OMG, how am I going to get there? It's going to take forever? I'm very impatient and need stronger will. So I created mini goals to help me out. My first goal was to get out of the 220's... I was 224 starting this. I'm still new and down to 217 BUT I hit my first goal and feel PROUD! My next mini goal is to lose 10 lbs...I'm 3 lbs away from that goal. I have found this helps me stay motived and also the support of friends on here. I sent you a friend request :) Good Luck!
  • LuciLawless
    LuciLawless Posts: 16 Member
    I'm currently 244.3lbs and I want to be 170lbs. I feel awefull all the time. I have depression that makes me think the worst before the best and it's really taken a toll on my body. I have very high blood pressure because of stress and because i'm so stressed i've been told if I don't get it down I could have a stroke before my 21st birthday in march. :(
  • porcia318
    porcia318 Posts: 1 Member
    Same here. Just started. Weighing in at 240 lbs at 5"5. Im cant believe I let myself get sooo heavy. Working on trimming down hopefully 60 lbs.!!!!!!Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    You can do it!
    One important thing to remember is to keep going - you'll have some bad days but just keep trying, maybe do some different exercises.
    You'll probably have periods where you don't lose any weight - but make sure you check your measurements as you're probably losing inches.
    The other thing I'd say is to have a look at your goal weight. I'm 5'3" and just over 123 pounds, and my BMI is 22 - maybe adjust that up a little and see how you feel when you get there? It might take a little of the pressure off?
    Friend me if you like and GOOD LUCK!