Who's using Diet Pills?



  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm taking slim quick. Not because i have some sort of out of touch belief that these are going to make me lose weight but they are loaded with tons of vitamins and caffeen. They help me have the energy in the morning to get to the gym. I was losing weight before i started them and i'm sure i'll continue long after i run out.
    Looking at the nutritional value of Slim Quick...you'd be FAR better off just taking a good multivitamin and drinking coffee or tea for your caffeine. There really are not many vitamins in Slim Quick compared to the multivitamin I take...not by a long shot(my multi has every one of the nutrients it has and in bigger quantities).
    Here's what Slim Quick has:

    and here's what my Orange Triad multivit's from Controlled Labs have:
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    just planning to take it for 2months.. ive already lost 7.5kg in 40days... but this is just a kick start to help me eat better.
    A better 'kick start' is to slowly start eating better choices in your diet, little by little. Also, you do not have to cut out certain foods, as long as they fit within your calorie goal. A good strategy to being nice and full is to eat 1g of protein per pound of body weight, plus this will help you retain muscle as you lose weight. Remember it's not an all or nothing type of thing, you can make a gradual change.

    This is how I "kick started" my weight loss. I've lost almost 50 pounds since May. I rarely crave any of the junk, anymore, and when I do, one taste is usually enough to remind me that I don't really want any of it anymore.
  • futureangel
    omg yall HAVE to try vyvanse if you like that feeling. you are SO much more focused in work/school or whatevs it's like mageic!! and it doesn't make you hungry so you can control prfectly what you eat! i for exaple do track& field and i know i have to eat sth before i have practice. but it's more controlled so you don't just dive into food whenever you feel like it (: and you don't have to take it every day or anything you can take it whenever. but when you see the results after a while you'll be motivated to eat good without the meds (: the problem is that it's not really a special diet drug soo..you would have to find sbd to sell them to you. buut i'm telling you..it's absolute MAGIC!! not just for losing weight..you will be on top of ever single thing you do! focused like a lazer ;)
  • Beaverton_2015
    I don't believe in quick fixes...no dp's for me either!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    omg yall HAVE to try vyvanse if you like that feeling. you are SO much more focused in work/school or whatevs it's like mageic!! and it doesn't make you hungry so you can control prfectly what you eat! i for exaple do track& field and i know i have to eat sth before i have practice. but it's more controlled so you don't just dive into food whenever you feel like it (: and you don't have to take it every day or anything you can take it whenever. but when you see the results after a while you'll be motivated to eat good without the meds (: the problem is that it's not really a special diet drug soo..you would have to find sbd to sell them to you. buut i'm telling you..it's absolute MAGIC!! not just for losing weight..you will be on top of ever single thing you do! focused like a lazer ;)
    And on a drug. Really bad advice.
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    No way, if your hungry...... eat. Just make smart food choices.
  • futureangel
    they weren't asking for advice though, sorry :/ just wanted to share that with you it's not like you get addicted to it. i agree, that the best way is to make good choices but some people may need a little push to get to the point where they can make those choices..
  • peanut_parker2
    peanut_parker2 Posts: 27 Member
    I think that prescribed weight loss pills by the dr r the only ones that rly work..and they're a good headstart to help u lose weight..I'm a firm believer that if it works for u, try it! And for everyone saying you'll gain the weight back as soon as u get off the pills, I disagree, u can gain the weight back whenever u dnt stay focused whether ure on a pill or not..I've never used weight loss pills but Many of my friends have and have lost and kept off the weight
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I used them as a teenager and found they didn't do much. I felt less hungry for a while after taking them but, when you eat emotionally that tends not to bee a deterrent. I found I do better without things like that, most tend to be phoneys anyway.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    omg yall HAVE to try vyvanse if you like that feeling. you are SO much more focused in work/school or whatevs it's like mageic!! and it doesn't make you hungry so you can control prfectly what you eat! i for exaple do track& field and i know i have to eat sth before i have practice. but it's more controlled so you don't just dive into food whenever you feel like it (: and you don't have to take it every day or anything you can take it whenever. but when you see the results after a while you'll be motivated to eat good without the meds (: the problem is that it's not really a special diet drug soo..you would have to find sbd to sell them to you. buut i'm telling you..it's absolute MAGIC!! not just for losing weight..you will be on top of ever single thing you do! focused like a lazer ;)

    Are you seriously encouraging people to abuse prescription ADHD medication? -_-; It is an amphetamine. It's like crystal meth. People, please do NOT listen to this poster.

    Vyvanse® is a federally controlled substance (CII) because it can be abused or lead to dependence. Keep in safe place to prevent misuse and abuse. Selling or giving away Vyvanse may harm others, and is illegal. Vyvanse is a stimulant. Misuse of stimulants may cause sudden death and serious heart problems.

    Although Vyvanse is referred to as “pro-drug” of dextroamphetamine, it is still an amphetamine, meaning that Vyvanse is easily abused and can cause insomnia, agitation, anxiety and sometimes psychotic symptoms like seeing things or becoming paranoid (seeing or hearing things that are not real, believing things that are not real, or are suspicious).
  • futureangel
  • ctriston
    ctriston Posts: 71 Member
    black coffee, sweetened, or large glass of water is how I deal with the munchies
    and a slither of peanut butter on a crackerbread.....

    good luck chaps!
  • Cainandable
    Cainandable Posts: 13 Member
    Me Neither... Used to take pills and lost with them - when i stopped i picked up all my weight and more. This caused me to get depressed and negative. This time i am simply making healthy choices (99 % of the time). I joined MFP on 02 Oct 2011 and have lost 12kg. I have a long way still to go and am so glad that i dont have to remember to swallow a pill as well in my busy schedule. MFP is the BEST!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    nope but i'm going to grab the popcorn as this is going to get nasty
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    just planning to take it for 2months.. ive already lost 7.5kg in 40days... but this is just a kick start to help me eat better.

    Rapid weight loss can cause more muscle loss, slowing metabolism and making regain easier.
    I would stop taking it soon, it is going to cause more harm than good in the future
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I am taking a prescription version of Alli, which is not a appetite suppressant but is supposed to stop the fat from foods being absorbed in your body. I had already lost 70lbs before I started taking them, so I am aware of what and how I should eat to lose weight, I am just using the pills to speed up the process a little. I have not suffered any of the side effects that people have mentioned with these type of pills. To be honest, I wouldn't take them if I had to pay for them, as I am not losing an awful lost faster than I was before, but while I can have them on prescription every little helps. As I understand it my doctor will only prescribe them for 12 months anyway, but I hope to be close to my goal by then.
  • Brighteyes9
    Brighteyes9 Posts: 8 Member
    Select a food plan you can live with for the rest of your life.
    Diet pills, crash diets & fad diets aren't long term. You go on them
    and lose weight. You go off them and gain weight. Like a
    Yo-yo. Make a lifestyle change - better food choices and
    excercise are habits you can adopt for the rest of your life.
  • netty1959
    well done hun keep it up
  • nikita_a
    Girl! Take it from someone who has struggled with weight all her life and tried every single 'diet' out there just to have the weight come back and then some

    If you really want to lose weight and have it stay off you need to do a lifestyle overhaul. A combination of fitness and healthy eating (im doing a diabetic diet which is low carb higher protein no sugars) and exercising 5 times a week .... its a struggle at first cutting out breads and sugars ... I was a horrible human being to everyone around me for 2 weeks ...


    the benefits have been tremendous Im down 64 lbs so far ... I feel energized and healthy. Diet pills dont give you the feeling that comes with weight loss from hard work.

    you can do it ... diet pills are a joke ... nothing good or worth it is ever easy .... but with the right support network around you anything is possible!
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    10 years ago I I took a diet pill that I had found at GNC...It worked, I dropped about 40 lbs, (195lbs to about 155lbs) it killed my appetite and when I did eat, it wasn't so healthy (peanut m& ms and popcorn were daily staples) I looked great because people noticed the weight loss but felt like crap because I was unhealthy. My husband noticed and soon after losing the weight I got pregnant, only to put the 40lbs back on. I lost maybe 15lbs of that when I got pregnant again 2 years later and gained 30 lbs to jump up to 225lb, I lost only 10lbs after having her and in the last 7 years I gradually gained until I reached my highest weight of 248!

    Fast forward to NOW...weighing in at 226.2 lb. It has taken me 3 years to go from my highest weight, back to the weight I was when I had my youngest (she is 7 yrs old now). I have a very slow metabolism because I effed it up taking DIET PILLS, 10 years ago, and all the bad eating I had done while taking them for about 6 months. The diet pills are not completely to blame, what I ate and how much I ate also contributed but the diet pills killed my metabolism and has made it so much harder for my body to recover from taking them. I am the epitome of why you should NEVER take DIET PILLS! Stop taking them and do it the hard way...with healthy whole foods, exercise and freakin' determination!