Do people try to guess your weight



  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    My family does, but not strangers. My friends were shocked when I told them how much I really weighed, they thought I weighed less because I was so tall. Height thankfully hide some of my weight. But my family is constnantly asking "So, have you the 100s yet? Got a way to go? You're in the what, 220s now?"

    It's kind of annoying. I just smile and say, "so long as it's getting smaller, I don't care what the number on the scale says."
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i must admit a few yrs ago i would not even have considerd telling my dr my "real" weight if you know what i mean! but now i really don't care i am no longer nearly 400 lbs :noway: yes i am still pretty heavy for a female but i will tell total strangers my weight now :glasses:
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    actually i once tour all the ligaments in my knees cus the snow boarding guy didnt ask me what my weight was, he guessed too much and so when i fell over my skis didnt fall off and so i almost broke my legs - so uncool
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Oddly enough bigger people tend to guess way higher while average or smaller people guess way low. Eh probably think I am going to eat them or something...

    nom nom nom...
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Yes, always and surprisingly most of the times I get less than I actually weigh and then when I tell them, they are like " Oh I would have never thought so" lol
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    people are shocked when I tell them what I do weigh. people were shocked when they see my before pics and I tell them I was almost 500 lbs. guess being tall, 6'3 and having a large frame helps. never bugged me if people asked or tried to guess.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    People always think I weigh less then I actually do... and it's because I'm tall.

    When I was at my heaviest(180) I looked and felt fat. Everyone though always told me, oh your so skinny... and you don't need to lose weight. Um no, I have a huge gut sticking out of my shirt.. I need to lose weight!

    Now that I'm down to almost 150, it's all oh she's too thin.. and you need to put on some weight actually.

    I can't win :(
  • LexxyV
    LexxyV Posts: 60 Member
    I actually do no mind people guessing my weight- most guess lower ( hmm makes me feel good lol!) but then at the same time I hate the weight guessing game- can potentially hurt feelings-
  • PinkAndSparkle
    It's crazy how people, family and/or strangers, think it's appropriate to guess to ask about your weight. But yeah people try to guess mine all the time and always guess wayyyy under.

    I'm a solid 135 and I get guesses of 115-ish all the time, which is hilarious, because I weighed 115 once and I looked like a walking skeleton. I've recently started climbing with a new group so we ended up sharing our weights to try and determine who should belay who and they were all shocked when I told them how much I weighed. Win?

    You're buffer than I am, but I was just about to write exactly the same thing. I was 117 at my smallest when I was vomiting up anything that passed my lips, and I looked skeletal. I have a LARGE body frame, which no one seems to believe because I'm short.
  • PinkAndSparkle
    People always think I weigh less then I actually do... and it's because I'm tall.

    When I was at my heaviest(180) I looked and felt fat. Everyone though always told me, oh your so skinny... and you don't need to lose weight. Um no, I have a huge gut sticking out of my shirt.. I need to lose weight!

    Now that I'm down to almost 150, it's all oh she's too thin.. and you need to put on some weight actually.

    I can't win :(

    they're just jealous :wink:
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    People are always guessing my weight as less than I usually do. Usually they will think I'm between 120-130... (pssssht yeah right!) :laugh: It's pretty flattering though.

    One time I was out with my mom and her friend and somehow we got into a conversation about weight, and her friend guessed I was 120 and my mom was 150... pretty funny seeing I'm 150 and she's around 190 lol.
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks for making miIk come out of my nose! Brain freeze :(
    Yeah, one dude was Iike "Hey bruh, you weight about as much as me huh, Iike 190 or so"
    My repIy, "yeah, with my weight vest on and fuIIy Ioaded down with 40 pounds" He didn't get it :(

    He probably is trying to talk himself into thinking he looks like you hahah

    People don't try and guess my weight but they always ask if I'm 6ft. Wth?! I'm 5'7!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    People are guessing I am 15 pounds less than I really do.

  • MarieAnneN
    Yep, and they are always wrong!

    I am 5p9 and 175 currently.
    They always averaged around 150 - 155 no matter what.

    I guess I am heavier than I look!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    lol when im really lean people tend to think i'm about 170lbs when I'm really 145lbs
    maybe is because being cut gives the appearence that more mass is present
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I have not had anyone try to guess my weight...but I have had people ask me..."How much do you think I weigh"....just because I have lost weight does not mean I know how much others weigh!!

    I have had a few people here on MFP tell me that I don't look like I weigh over 200......which makes me smile:bigsmile: :blushing:
    I am working on finding ONEderland!!!!

    My brother saw my before and after picutures and said...."I didn't realize you got THAT big"....It hurt my feeling...because it's still me you are talking about...I know he meant well...but it still stung!!!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    I generally don't have people trying to guess, more so than actually ASK...

    But my brother took a shot at guessing it once... that stupid little thing. I hugged him tightly because he guessed lighter (at the time, about 10 pounds lighter).
  • MariaAlbinaxoxo
    MariaAlbinaxoxo Posts: 290 Member
    Yep. I get from 115-125. HA I wish!
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    People usually guess me at anywhere between 108 and 120, though I get the occasional sarcastic "like, 90 lbs" comments. I'm around 106.
    But all the people who have tried to guess my weight have been guys, so I don't know how accurately they understand girls' weights. They usually base everything on what their girlfriend weighs and try to guess from there :P
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    Also I think people rarely take height into account when guessing, and height makes a huge difference!!