Your most embarrassing moment at work.

Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
edited October 6 in Chit-Chat
What's your most embarrassing moment while at work? I pretty much can regularly make a fool of myself, but there is one time that stands out more than anything.

I work for an eye doctor. I'm the person that asks you if things look better at one or two. The slit lamps (the things you put your chin into that we shine lights into your eyes with) has tons of knobs on it to move things and tighten/loosen movements. Underneath, there is a knob where you can adjust the swivel. While checking eye pressure on a gentleman one day, I went to turn that knob. I grabbed his crotch instead.

Every trip he made back to the office for years afterwards, he always asked for me by name.


  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    haha thats hilarious!
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I was walking over to a co-workers desk. My legs gave out on me and I fell.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I grabbed his crotch instead.

    Every trip he made back to the office for years afterwards, he always asked for me by name.

    <-- can't stop laughing LOL
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I was working the weekend; almost no one in big spooky office building.
    Two of my co-workers went down to the break room and I stationed myself in the dim hallway waiting for their elevator.
    I heard the bell and sprang out with a roar to scare them to death, but it was two maintenance workers instead! :blushing:
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    When I was in University I worked a reception job. A man came in and registered for his appointment. He was in a wheelchair. As I always did, I told him, afterthe registration was complete, to take a seat in the waiting room. He gave me a "look" and instead of just shutting up and letting it go I said "well I can see you've brought your own."

    Wanted to die that day.
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    I was working the weekend; almost no one in big spooky office building.
    Two of my co-workers went down to the break room and I stationed myself in the dim hallway waiting for their elevator.
    I heard the bell and sprang out with a roar to scare them to death, but it was two maintenance workers instead! :blushing:


    Wait...did they scream? :wink:
    tee hee!
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    When I was in University I worked a reception job. A man came in and registered for his appointment. He was in a wheelchair. As I always did, I told him, afterthe registration was complete, to take a seat in the waiting room. He gave me a "look" and instead of just shutting up and letting it go I said "well I can see you've brought your own."

    Wanted to die that day.

    OMG I would have wanted to die as well!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Back in college, I did a work study job as the secretary to the Athletic Director. He was your typical "coach" - very personable and easy going so it was an awesome job! The only bad parts were doing the basketball team's stinky laundry and never knowing when he would be in the office (so when someone called and asked when he'd be back, I'd have no clue what to say).

    Anyway, one day he came back to the office and asked how it was going. I said, "pretty quiet today, you mother called". He looked at me funny and I instantly turned bright red and had to apologize. I meant to say his wife called...holy cow did my 18 year old self feel completely dumb and embarrassed by that slip up! He thought it was pretty hilarious though. :embarassed:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    i have so many embarrassing moments at my jobs!

    I work at a country club and this summer I dropped a whole tray of mimosas all over a table. The people were really nice about it, but I was so mortified. At my work, we also have a few cooks who aren't the best cooks ever, so I am often embarrassed to bring their food out to the table. I try to give the cooks directions gently but it doesn't always work.

    And this didn't happen to me, but one summer my boss put a food order in. When the ticket prints out, it prints like this:
    Caeser wrap (the order)
    - Cottage cheese (the side)
    - any other modifications

    Well this one cook who had worked their for a couple of months put the cottage cheese in the wrap. Who puts cottage cheese in a caeser wrap???? I died of laughter when I saw it. I think he was pretty embarrassed.
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    What's your most embarrassing moment while at work? I pretty much can regularly make a fool of myself, but there is one time that stands out more than anything.

    I work for an eye doctor. I'm the person that asks you if things look better at one or two. The slit lamps (the things you put your chin into that we shine lights into your eyes with) has tons of knobs on it to move things and tighten/loosen movements. Underneath, there is a knob where you can adjust the swivel. While checking eye pressure on a gentleman one day, I went to turn that knob. I grabbed his crotch instead.

    Every trip he made back to the office for years afterwards, he always asked for me by name.

    OMG! That is too funny!!
    When I was working at a restaurant, I was slicing some onions and I bent over to grab something. I hit the corner of the metal table right in my temple hard! I fell over and I went cross eyed for some reason...I finally got it together and was teased by my coworkers for a couple weeks after that :)
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    The first one was when I fell out of a chair. Yep. At work we have chairs with wheels. I sat down and went to scoot over next to the guy I was going to review an account with. I was only sitting on the edge of the seat though and so the chair tipped forward and I went down on the floor. As I fell, I reached out to catch myself, ended up grabbing the guys arm and pulled him out of his chair and onto the floor with me. Thankfully, he also happens to be a friend and we both found it hysterical. I kept saying it was the chair and no one believed me until someone else sat in the chair and when he went to roll up to his desk the same thing happened. He managed to catch himself though.

    The 2nd time was when I was telling someone about the show Hardcore Pawn. There was a group of us and since we were a bit spread out I was talking a bit loud. Of course when I tried to say Hardcore Pawn it didn't come out right. Instead I said there's this show called Hardcore Porn loud enough for multiple people to hear including ones not in on our conversation.
  • crochelle17
    crochelle17 Posts: 93 Member
    i was working in a barber shop and i had just cut a super good lookin guys hair, you know, really tall, tan, dark and handsome marine :) anywho! i was telling a coworker about him while i was cutting someone elses hair, so the guy in my chair asked what his name was and i said and he goes, "Yeah! That's my son!" omw.. i died.... but it worked to my favor cuz he came back in and asked me out a few weeks later :) but yeah, i still turn beat red when i think about it!
  • I walked around for about 5 minutes with my skirt tucked into my underwear yesterday.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    When I was about 20, I had this hilarious guy I worked with...well, for some reason he and I and another girl were joking about stuff one day and started calling him "watermelon d*ck" because he was claiming to be so big. He called later, and I answered "whats up there watermelon d*ck?" and he was on speakerphone with a group of people who included my boss! I was mortified, but luckily everyone laughed...ugh!
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I walked around for about 5 minutes with my skirt tucked into my underwear yesterday.

    Yep, me too, except with my skirt tucked into the back of my underwear....thankfully a woman grabbed me as I walked by and told me before I walked past the row of cubicles filled with my male coworkers-eek! Near epic fail. This happened several years ago, when it was actually kind of a nice hiney :P
  • I had been at work for about 2 hours when I was walking around and a female co-worker whispered to me that my pants had split in the back and she could see my underwear. It was fun going into my boss' office and having to explain that i needed to run home real quick to change due to a wardrobe malfunction!
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Having my own office, I have grown accustomed to having a little more freedom when it comes to bodily functions. One day, I cut one in the office and within 10 seconds, my boss walks in. He stepped in, looked at me and walked out. He came back about 10 minutes later. I was a little embarassed. If I were actually a lady, I would have been mortified, but I'm not.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    My boss was in my class doing my 6-month observation. I teach GED. If I had a good observation, it was to mean that I was going to end my new hire 6 month probationary period and be "officially" hired. I had a nice group of kids, a great algebra lesson plan all worked out, and when I did the problems on the board, I managed to explain it completely wrong/backwards.

    I told the kids that "five minus twice a number" was to be written as follows: 2x-5. (It should be 5-2x.) *facepalm*

    The horrible (or awesome, depending on perspective) thing is: my boss didn't even catch it. LOL
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    When I was in University I worked a reception job. A man came in and registered for his appointment. He was in a wheelchair. As I always did, I told him, afterthe registration was complete, to take a seat in the waiting room. He gave me a "look" and instead of just shutting up and letting it go I said "well I can see you've brought your own."

    Wanted to die that day.

    I read this one to my husband just now, and we both just about peed our pants. The dogs even looked concerned we were laughing so hard!

    At least you didn't say "Computer says no," and cough at him.
  • I set off the fire alarm at school on accident. The entire school was evacuated. Fire trucks showed up and I had to explain what I did wrong.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I set off the fire alarm at school on accident. The entire school was evacuated. Fire trucks showed up and I had to explain what I did wrong.

    I need some additional details here. How did you pull down a lever on accident?
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I had a receptionist job - there was a little remote that looked like a garage door clicker in my desk. I didn't know what it was for, and I clicked on it about 25 times, going, "what is this thing for!?" Well in about 20 minutes I learned it was the silent alarm that summoned the police! I was mortified!!
  • Science experiment that went arry
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    I had a receptionist job - there was a little remote that looked like a garage door clicker in my desk. I didn't know what it was for, and I clicked on it about 25 times, going, "what is this thing for!?" Well in about 20 minutes I learned it was the silent alarm that summoned the police! I was mortified!!

    LMAO!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MelissaSel
    MelissaSel Posts: 86 Member
    I was dating a guy I worked with, and we often flirted at work. I worked at a bingo hall at the time. I was at the snack bar trying to find something to eat with one hand behind my back (why i stood that way, I don't know, but I did). Next thing I know, there's a body pressed up against my back. I felt the shirt, and it felt the same as our uniform shirts, so I was sure it was my guy. I decided to get frisky with him, so I slowly untucked the shirt from the front of his pants with the hand he was pressing against. I then put my thumb down his pants and was rubbing it back and forth... teasing him. I turned around to give him the sexy teasing look and, to my horror, it was a new customer who I had never seen before! He was just smiling ear to ear! I removed my hand from his pants (no private parts were touched, mind you!) and walked away, all the way back to the office mumbling, "OMG! I thought it was Justin! I thought it was Justin!" My co-workers, and Justin, got a good laugh out of it, and the new customer became a regular, always smiling big at me whenever he saw me (to the point that people would ask me who he was, and I'd be like, "I dunno... just some new guy!" lol
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    I was dating a guy I worked with, and we often flirted at work. I worked at a bingo hall at the time. I was at the snack bar trying to find something to eat with one hand behind my back (why i stood that way, I don't know, but I did). Next thing I know, there's a body pressed up against my back. I felt the shirt, and it felt the same as our uniform shirts, so I was sure it was my guy. I decided to get frisky with him, so I slowly untucked the shirt from the front of his pants with the hand he was pressing against. I then put my thumb down his pants and was rubbing it back and forth... teasing him. I turned around to give him the sexy teasing look and, to my horror, it was a new customer who I had never seen before! He was just smiling ear to ear! I removed my hand from his pants (no private parts were touched, mind you!) and walked away, all the way back to the office mumbling, "OMG! I thought it was Justin! I thought it was Justin!" My co-workers, and Justin, got a good laugh out of it, and the new customer became a regular, always smiling big at me whenever he saw me (to the point that people would ask me who he was, and I'd be like, "I dunno... just some new guy!" lol

    LMFAO you win!!! :laugh:
  • MelissaSel
    MelissaSel Posts: 86 Member
    OMG! I feel so honored??? lol
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    That is just WAY too funny! :laugh:
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    The one I never will forget is when I got my first office job at 18. We were having a conversation about my coworker's fake ID (she was 20 at the time) and I ended up telling them all (my supervisor included) that I didn't see the point in having a fake ID as my ID could get me into an adult shop. I'm not sure how in my head that sounded because I thought it would be funny or impress them somehow...but I definitely heard crickets for about 10 minutes after that! I think I ended up trying to laugh it off and walked away very quickly. Definitely the most embarrassing moment of my life at work!
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    When I was in University I worked a reception job. A man came in and registered for his appointment. He was in a wheelchair. As I always did, I told him, afterthe registration was complete, to take a seat in the waiting room. He gave me a "look" and instead of just shutting up and letting it go I said "well I can see you've brought your own."

    Wanted to die that day.

    I read this one to my husband just now, and we both just about peed our pants. The dogs even looked concerned we were laughing so hard!

    At least you didn't say "Computer says no," and cough at him.

    I wonder how many people will actually get this. LMAO! That made my night :)
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