Do you weigh in during your period?



  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Sure, I weigh myself, but I don't record it if it's a gain!
  • gorgeouss9

    hahahaha - it's free education for you guys!!
  • Arabian♥Breeze
    I gain water weight a week before my period and the week of my period. I HATE IT
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I weigh in.
    But that's because I'm lucky and don't gain water weight during my period

  • aarnold86
    aarnold86 Posts: 47 Member
    I do but I know I usually gain about five pounds at that time and so I dont worry about it. Usually about two days after I lose it all anyway.
  • may5220
    may5220 Posts: 101 Member
    not anymore there is a 4 pound difference during that TOM.
  • MadeInDR022
    I had the same question...guess I wont be weighing in next week!
  • MummaAimz
    MummaAimz Posts: 81 Member

    hahahaha that made me giggle
  • tawanda25
    tawanda25 Posts: 35 Member
    I try to weigh daily just keeps me in a routine of not losing sight of my long term goal. I try not to worry about the number during that time of month; It just encourages me to stay on track and then I feel success after a couple of days and keep on going.
  • got_BluEgo
    got_BluEgo Posts: 30 Member
    nope, i dont weigh myself until the week after, i get EXTREMELY bloated during TOTM
  • becky2967
    i weigh myself every wednesday, and that does mean 1 in 5 of those is the AF day, so yeah i do but if it was up i never really minded i usualy go up 1-2lb so i just take it with a pinch of salt then re weigh after x
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I weigh in every Friday for a challenge I belong to. If I was on my period, I would still weigh-in. Just this Friday, I even weighed in with my pad still on. :laugh: I was just done with my period, but there could be some residual spotting. All I care about is how much I lose by the end of the challenge. The week to week weigh-in is just to gauge how I'm doing so far and if I need to make any adjustments along the way.
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    I do the same thing, i currenlty on mines now :( and gain about 2-3lbs :( after losing it last week.. hopfully it will all drop back off.. but i never record it when it gains either..