Muscular or Skinny model look?



  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I like men that fall somewhere between the two. If you get too bulky, you'll look like a meat head. Too skinny, you'll look like you can't protect me. Just my opinion on what I like in a guy.

    This. A nice balance. Not too big, not too little, just right. Call me Goldilocks! Hmmm...that can apply to other things, too. :smokin:

    But to be honest, looks don't mean a whole lot to me. I find a great sense of humor very, very sexy.

    My ex-sister-in-law was model gorgeous. Half Asian and half Puerto Rican. Beautiful flawless, olive skin. Amazing body. But about 5 minutes into a conversation with her the beauty disappeared. Because of the kind of person she was.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I have struggled with the same issue and resolved to just strive for health - and let the body size cards fall where they may.
    I have seen and experienced the big mass builders turn to slugs given enough time.

    My goal is to shoot for the waist size I wore at age 20: pants size 32, and to get there I had to sacrifice mass, but that is what's the most fit and healthy. And most ladies who judge male beauty don't much favor huge, puffy guys for the most part.

    im 33 when bulking and if i cut a little im 32 or less the pants n belts that i wore when i was skinny fat dont fit me anymore but i weight like 40lbs more lol

    I think the ladies like you as is, but again, what's the healthiest given your goals.
    One thing is certain, you're ahead of the game with issues 90% of the male population will never face considering that most guys are just slugs.

    Whatever you decide, I have no doubt you'll meet those objectives.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I like a thicker kinda guy. I don't need to see every vein in your arm, but I want to know you have some good biceps and forearms.

    I don't mind a little love handles, but I like a good V line.
  • Bunnyfufu87


  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I think huge and muscular is so unattractive.
    These are my ideal body types on guys, although any more muscular than the first one, and it would be a bit too much.


    Excuse me... I'll be in the bathroom.
  • toabetterlifestyle
    I like men that fall somewhere between the two. If you get too bulky, you'll look like a meat head. Too skinny, you'll look like you can't protect me. Just my opinion on what I like in a guy.

    This, except I don't really care if a guy can protect me or not. I can take care of myself. But for purely aesthetic reasons, I like a guy who's lean and muscular, but not huge. I'm not into the bodybuilder look.
  • toabetterlifestyle
    I think huge and muscular is so unattractive.
    These are my ideal body types on guys, although any more muscular than the first one, and it would be a bit too much.

    body by peacefulvibrations, on Flickr

    brazil by peacefulvibrations, on Flickr

    zac5 by peacefulvibrations, on Flickr

    (Zac at the end is nice, because he doesn't have a super chiseled six pack, but his abs are nice and tight and toned with little body fat on top of i)

    yeah first pic is roughly where i want to be around summer if he was on a 6'2 frame he would roughly be 195-200lbs...

  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I like something in the middle.

    But honestly it depends on the person underneath it all. Women aren't always as shallow or into looks as men can be at times.

    now this effin pisses me off right here!!!! women arent shallow or into looks like men? LMFAO!!!! there were threads about 2 months ago... one was for "what women like in men" and "what men like in women" quess what the turn out was???? g

    women: abs, money, job, muscles, lean, MONEY!!! practically nothing to do with attitude of a person or personality!! it was literally aestetic and status!!

    men: funny, calm, not *****y, treats me with respect or atleast equal, is not uptight!!! practically everything was about personality of the girl and nothing on looks or status! only like 1-2 idiots said things like big tits etc but even the other guys mouthed them...

    so pleaseee.. save that MYTH n BS!! ive met enough girls, heard enough stories and know enough that about 95% of girls are simply about aestetics, power, status and w/e will make them look better than the girl beside them!! so save it!!

    I'm glad to know I am in the 5% then. I married a guy with no money and no job and am EXTREMELY happy!

    You, too? My wonderful man is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what I was looking for way back then. And I thank my lucky stars every day. The past 20 years we've had our ups and downs but I wouldn't change one thing about him!! He is my life!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I chase the chubby. :heart:
  • Lillemeddy
    I think you look great the way you are now! :)

    As for what I am attracted too? Hm. Not too bulky. Not too vein-y, like body builders. Eek. But big and strong looking is nice, like my significant other looks. Lumberjack style :P . I like a hairy chest. Why some men like vax or shave their chest is a mystery to me. Hah!
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    I think huge and muscular is so unattractive.
    These are my ideal body types on guys, although any more muscular than the first one, and it would be a bit too much.

    body by peacefulvibrations, on Flickr

    brazil by peacefulvibrations, on Flickr

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I like something in the middle.

    But honestly it depends on the person underneath it all. Women aren't always as shallow or into looks as men can be at times.

    now this effin pisses me off right here!!!! women arent shallow or into looks like men? LMFAO!!!! there were threads about 2 months ago... one was for "what women like in men" and "what men like in women" quess what the turn out was???? g

    women: abs, money, job, muscles, lean, MONEY!!! practically nothing to do with attitude of a person or personality!! it was literally aestetic and status!!

    men: funny, calm, not *****y, treats me with respect or atleast equal, is not uptight!!! practically everything was about personality of the girl and nothing on looks or status! only like 1-2 idiots said things like big tits etc but even the other guys mouthed them...

    so pleaseee.. save that MYTH n BS!! ive met enough girls, heard enough stories and know enough that about 95% of girls are simply about aestetics, power, status and w/e will make them look better than the girl beside them!! so save it!!

    Many women and men are shallow and only care about looks, money, etc. I think that is more true of both the younger they are. But what you "like" (prefer) doesn't necessarily mean you'd reject a guy because he didn't fit that mold. It's just means if you had your choice you'd wish he was rich/cut/thin/fit/successful/whatever.

    I love my husband dearly and I'd continue to love him just as much if he lost his job and had no income. But would I "like" it if won the lottery or inherited millions of $? Dam skippy I would!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    HCG? whats that lol HGH?
    HCG protocol is a "fad" that's been revived and used by desperate people for weight loss. Part of the protocol is consuming only 500 calories a day. Of course any one who knows human physiology will knows that muscle catabolism will happen if you do this "diet".

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • anj391
    I like something in the middle.

    But honestly it depends on the person underneath it all. Women aren't always as shallow or into looks as men can be at times.

    now this effin pisses me off right here!!!! women arent shallow or into looks like men? LMFAO!!!! there were threads about 2 months ago... one was for "what women like in men" and "what men like in women" quess what the turn out was???? g

    women: abs, money, job, muscles, lean, MONEY!!! practically nothing to do with attitude of a person or personality!! it was literally aestetic and status!!

    men: funny, calm, not *****y, treats me with respect or atleast equal, is not uptight!!! practically everything was about personality of the girl and nothing on looks or status! only like 1-2 idiots said things like big tits etc but even the other guys mouthed them...

    so pleaseee.. save that MYTH n BS!! ive met enough girls, heard enough stories and know enough that about 95% of girls are simply about aestetics, power, status and w/e will make them look better than the girl beside them!! so save it!!

    Many women and men are shallow and only care about looks, money, etc. I think that is more true of both the younger they are. But what you "like" (prefer) doesn't necessarily mean you'd reject a guy because he didn't fit that mold. It's just means if you had your choice you'd wish he was rich/cut/thin/fit/successful/whatever.

    I love my husband dearly and I'd continue to love him just as much if he lost his job and had no income. But would I "like" it if won the lottery or inherited millions of $? Dam skippy I would!

    I hope that bit about 95% of girls not caring about what's on the inside was just a rant and you don't actually believe that. I think society today has made it so that men who say anything about enjoying certain physical aspects of a woman are called pigs but women are allowed to say they like a guy with pecs and abs and not get any crap about it. Everyone enjoys a good body in their significant other and for the most part that means healthy which means fit.
    I totally agree with bcattoes, everyone may have some idea of what they prefer, but they won't reject you if you don't perfectly fit their mold (for the most part). All you have to do is hang out at the mall or something to see some unlikely couples.
    It just really ticks me off when guys start spouting crap about all girls care about is money. When we're both done university, I will be making twice as much as my guy and that doesn't bother either of us. Yes I like money, but I'll get it myself thanks.

    As for muscular vs. skinny, I like a bit of bulk but I find it unappealing when the abs and pecs are perfectly defined. I like him to be strong enough to be able to pick me up fairly easily. I like the Brazil guy too.
  • REBEE17
    REBEE17 Posts: 101 Member
    I chase the chubby. :heart:

    ::giggle:: I'm the same way. However, my fiance and I are trying to get in shape together :)

    Although the pictures esp of Ryan Reynolds are VERY nice to look at!
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    Bulky or cut.....who cares!! I prefer them ALL!!!!:bigsmile:
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    Bulky or cut.....who cares!! I prefer them ALL!!!!:bigsmile:

    Lol simple enuff
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I chase the chubby. :heart:

    ::giggle:: I'm the same way. However, my fiance and I are trying to get in shape together :)

    Although the pictures esp of Ryan Reynolds are VERY nice to look at!

    My boyfriend and I are as well. :happy: We're going to start lifting weights together after the beginning of the year. He's going to really bulk up, I can tell (good genes). That's ok, though. I'll love him no matter what he looks like. :love:
  • sarahlovestorun
    sarahlovestorun Posts: 36 Member
    personally I like tall skinny guys :) think matthew gray gubler (spencer reid on criminal minds)
  • sarahlovestorun
    sarahlovestorun Posts: 36 Member
    ....except I will admit I love a nice chiseled v-cut....