Girl with big boobs...



  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I wear the shock absorber bra, and it seems to keep them as dry as possible. Of course, the bra is ugly and smelly, but what is a girl gonna do?
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Make sure your always clean under there and your sweating alot under there then apply powder... Keeps you dry... And make sure you thoroughly clean yourself under there to prevent build up dirt.
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    Okay ladies, my wife started having this issue and I kinda ignored it at first, till she started getting this horrid rash that looked like burned skin. She went to her doctor that told her it was just heat and sweaty skin that could not dry out and gave her some cream. She tried it for a week and it did no good. It was getting worse and worse.

    She is Manager of a store that controls the AC/Heat from a Corporate location and she sweats all day because of the heat/work/and heat flashes (did I say that?) I resorted to what I do when my motorcycle has a mechanical problem..I went to the internet. I ordered her some bra liners from a company and these immediately helped her out. The places healed up and everything is fine.. She's happy and im happy. There are more than one manufacturer, however I read reviews in depth on anything before I buy it and Wick'em had the best reviews from actual users. Here is where I bought them...she said the bamboo ones work the best!
  • Vmsunderland
    I'm a size D girl & bras are important (layenbraynt is my girl) but what I found that really works in rubbing alcohol when you get out of the shower/bath get out 3 cotton balls pour rubbing alcohol on all three one you use behind you ears (trust me you'll be shocked when you see what rubs off, & then use the next two under the girls & in your cleavage... it really helps reduce the sweat & more so the smell... also one a week use a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol on your face... your pores will thank you