Stay-at-home-moms 2/23-28

Good Morning:flowerforyou:

Hoping everyone has a wonderful week ahead. Nothing different has changed for me. Same old stuff different day. We are finally done with the painting in our onto flooring. I really pray someone wants to view it soon. We haven't heard a thing yet, uggggh:grumble:

Have a great week:flowerforyou:


  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good Morning:flowerforyou:

    Hoping everyone has a wonderful week ahead. Nothing different has changed for me. Same old stuff different day. We are finally done with the painting in our onto flooring. I really pray someone wants to view it soon. We haven't heard a thing yet, uggggh:grumble:

    Have a great week:flowerforyou:
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    got shred level 2 done this morning wow still kills me then when out for a 30 mins jogs crossed with intermitant walking prob 15 mins walking on top of the jogging and my legs are killing me as there was quite a bit of uphill jogging. Gonna take the kids out to walk the dogs later they are off school this week so is hubby.
    Strange day our good friends have just been turned down for the 2 kids that they were wanting to adopt dont really know what to say I have told them they know where I am if they need me I feel sad for them they really deserve a break.

    HGonna go fix lunch now then I have to clean the carpets upstairs and walk the dogs.

    Tomorrow shred then later on I will do elliptical jump rope and jogging up and down the stairs.
    Wed rest day cant wait I will get a lie in.
  • CassieNic
    Good Morning. :flowerforyou:

    I slacked a bit last week, getting back into it this morning, I could really feel it in my legs doing my dvd. Im dreading doing it now, I think I need to get a different dvd, something more fun. I guess im just bored with it.

    mrsbuzz, I hope someone wants to look at your house soon! We are supposed to get our taxes bac any day now, and DH has already oked the colors I want to paint the living room, laundry room, and master bedroom. Im pretty excited!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning Mommies!!

    I have so much work today!! I had dinner with my family yesterday & while I did stay in control, I did have a small piece of cake & a cookie! I just really feel like I need to work hard today & get that junk out of my system! It's funny how your whole look at food changes once you start eating better & exercising! I'm planning on doing my BL cardio dvd & maybe a little on the treadmill. I'd like to burn around 400 calories so I'll just have to do what it takes!

    Have a great day everyone! :drinker:
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Mornin mommies-
    Hope everyone is doing well..I'm here just a different day..I went a lil crazy this weekend n dyed my hair:noway: I am no longer a blond I am a burnette BIG change...I'm puttin blond highlights in it I cant stay away from the blond.. I look totaly different..I felt like I needed a change somehow..

    Well today is a new day..I'm starting my 30 Day Shred TODAY n this time I'm stickin with it..I've gained like 14 pounds...I'm up to 204 from 190..Thats bad I have to break the 200's again n then some..So I"m watching what I eat n how much gonna try n stop snacking and supposed to start walking at the gym today..If I can get there..My house is a wreck I had it all nice n clean then my bf comes home for 48 hrs n it looks like a tornado went through here..So I have alot of cleanin to fun Also this weekend my bf bought a WII and let me tell you thats a workout in its self..I love it I want to get the WII fit with jullian micheals but have to beg him to do that one for me..I'm sure I'll get

    As far as finding a doctor who will see me due to income problems..I'm still working on that..I may have a few leads out of Jeffersonville Indiana but wont know until later today or tomorrow...I am praying to find someone soon cuz these cells I have are pre cancer and if left alone will turn into cancer..I'm praying that I have answers soon..Well off to get laundry goin n do some work out n all that fun stuff..Have a great day MOMS..
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Hey everyone !!!!

    My Daughter Maeve is entered in WIOG radio stations Baby Idol !!! She will have a chance to win a $5000 education trust !!!
    Here is her picture

    The voting starts February 23rd at 10am

    Maeves number is 5 !!!!!

    Thank you all for your support !!!
    Vote vote vote !!!
    She has some cute cute competition !! There are some darling little ones on here !!!

    Thank You Mommies !!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    tazzy-so sorry to hear about your friends. just letting them know you love them, know that the right kid is still out there for them, that they are great people, etc
    that you love love them
    big hugs to you all
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Hey everyone !!!!

    My Daughter Maeve is entered in WIOG radio stations Baby Idol !!! She will have a chance to win a $5000 education trust !!!
    Here is her picture

    The voting starts February 23rd at 10am

    Maeves number is 5 !!!!!

    Thank you all for your support !!!
    Vote vote vote !!!
    She has some cute cute competition !! There are some darling little ones on here !!!

    Thank You Mommies !!!

    Had to fix it had the wrong link !!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Crystal I voted for you darling lil girl. There are some super cute babies on there!
    Best of luck to her!
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    I to just voted for your cute lil one..they all cute babies..Good luck
  • mommyof2kiddos
    She's so adorable!

    I weighed myself this morning, I've lost 4 lbs!! =) Just the encouragement I needed to keep going!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good job Mommyof 2. Keep of the good work.

    I could figure out how to vote. Can anyone tell me what to do?:flowerforyou:
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Mornin Mommies-
    Where is all our moms at..I havent seen alot of moms that usually post on the mom thread..Hope everyone is doin well..I did the 30 day shred level 1 yesterday n feel like i've been ran over by a bus..Day 2 pain no I hope everyone is doin well today..check in later..
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Morning Mommys !!!!!

    Well sorry I havent been chat to much I ve been busy voting for Maeve !!! They said we can vote as much as we want and I am sure all the votes are way up there !!!

    Here is the new link Maeves number is 5 !!!! I guess they had a ton of voting yesterday and their site messed up !! I hope all the votes counted though.

    Things are crazy around here !! Cali is sick again! I dont understand she got off antibotics on the 19th and she is coughing crazy again and running a fever and saying she thinks her brain is touch her forehead cause it is giving her a headache I love some of the things she says it is so funny ..... like polnailish (nail Polish) yew nork (new york) gubble bum ( Bubble gum) The nurse yesterday when I called said oh well we will just call in a new antibiotic..... WITHOUT EVEN seeing her !!!!!!! I think I want more done ,,,,, her face is pale her eyes are dark and she has been complaining of stomach pain for weeks now. I think I want them to draw her blood and check all her levels ? I may be over reacting but who knows....... Any advise .... she is sick toooo much

    Maeve has a mysterious rash nurse say oh just put lotion on her it is dry skin..... baby lotion made her cry like it what?

    my weight is still good about the same havent been journaling just been busy but I need to and I will I promise !!

    Thank You all for voting for my baby !!!
    She has cute competition , I love the little baby with the guitar DARLING !!!

    Talk soon
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning Mommies!! I hope that everyone is having a great week!! Keep doing what you're doing & try to take a little time for youselves!! :drinker:
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Good job Mommyof 2. Keep of the good work.

    I could figure out how to vote. Can anyone tell me what to do?:flowerforyou:

    I posted a new link today on how to vote.... They had so many problems yesterday with their site !! So now they have a new way to vote much easier !!!
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    CrystalOkeefe your little one is so cute. I dont like my kids having antibiotics if I can help it because they screw you up destroy all the good bacteria leave you more vulnerable for getting ill and so on then yo have a cycle they get sick give antiobiotics makes em vulnerable and they get sick again etc etc. have you tried getting some vit c that is the best way to fight illness whenever my kids start a sniffle I stick then straight onto a good kids multi vit and it soon goes away obviously when they are sick it is distressing but keep the fluids up let them eat what they feel like and give them a pain reliever regularly thats just my take on it my kids havent had antibiotics in probably over a year my eldest nearly 4 years it was an infection last time for Charley and Paige has never had them at all try getting something with good bacteria in to help her build back up. As for your little one with a rash be careful with baby lotion it is not the best you need something more like E45 (in the uk) not sure what you can get but something for treating skin conditions is best but only if it is truly dry skin if it is a an infection rash cream will make it worse as it will suffocate the skin my friends baby used get like this a lot and it turned out that the cream she was using encouraged the skin infection to spread and he was covered withing days with a burning rash it looked awful but it was antibiotics he needed not cream.

    Had a hard day today legs were sore from jogging yesterday so decided to do shred level 1 with heavier weights I will do level 2 again on thurs and Fri I just had a moment of weakness when I cant do it kept coming into my head so I figured better to go 110% at what I thought I could do than only give 70% of something I was talking myself out of doing still managed to get my cardio in pretty good workout really tired today though gonna up my water thinks that what it could be plus I had to late nights early one tonight though.

    Oh well thats me gonna get on with my big pile of ironing now before starting dinner mmm steamed cod and brown rice with peppers mushrooms and green beans YUMMY.:sad:
    It is pancake day in the UK and my kids want pancakes for dessert aaarrrggghhh please send me some willpower.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    crystal--make a same day sick appt. bring her in. walk in if necessary. tell dr that the nurse is too dismissive. he/she may not know that. and if still don't get results, or they seem unconcerned about your concerns, find a new dr. your kids' well-being is paramount.
    as far as the lotion itching the skin--well, if the lotion has fragrance, etc, it could irritate the skin. if there are microscopic openings, the lotion could get in and sting. if it's more eczema rather than just dry skin, anti itch cream would be better than lotion. if still not resolved, see dr (even a derm if need be). we use elidel for one of my girl's hands which are like sandpaper--if that dsn't fix it soon, we'll move onto something else, acc. to our dr.
    most important--you need a dr who is RESPONSIVE to your concerns, whether you are overreactive or not. if the nurse is a hurdle, you need to jump over it!
    sorry if this is coming out as a lecture! meant it to be supportive advice to help you do what you already know you need to do. :ohwell:
    btw, maeve is a beauty!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    gonna get on with my big pile of ironing now before

    ironing? ironing! you have how many kids tazzy, and you iron?! you should eat the pancakes, you deserve them!

    pancakes made from scratch aren't that bad necessarily. you can control the sugar and the kind of flour. so if you want them it won't be a big deal. now if they want dessert'y kind, well just serve them and then move away from the plate of more. or make a 1/2 batch so they're gone quick. my kids like choc chips in their pancakes...
    not tempting to me now, b/c i just finished satisfying breakfast!:laugh:
    enjoy your day!
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    I usually iron and watch TV at night but hubby is off work so getting a head start but I do hate it but my kids clothes all crease really bad and we dont tumble anything I have friends who just tumble and fold but electricity is just too expensive where we live our machine broke and I dont want another. I really hate the cute little skirts that my girls wear that have loads of folds they are a nightmare.

    I am typing this whilst my hubby and kids are filling their faces with stacks of pancakes covered in syrup and cream I have to confess I did have a bite of my daughters but that is all thanks mfp. None of them have weight issues and I will make sure they never do we usually dont eat dessert but pancake day is once a year the tues before ash wednesday is shrove tuesday and its tradition although my kids dont like english pancakes they are more like crepes they prefer the american kind like the ones they have with mickey mouse when they were on holiday and do you know my hubby just nearly let the cat out of the bag they were talking about having good manners when they go to eat at chef mickeys on 18th june 5:10pm (we love disney) and my hubby told my son that when he eats with stitch he will have to have good manners - this is a surprise breakfast for the day of my sons birthday coz daddy is flying a week after us so he wont be there I have planned to take him to magic kingdom do all the birthday stuff there (2009 free on your birthday promo) my son wants to get a birthday fastpass then slip off about 1030am for a late breakfast with lilo and stitch this is a surprise I just hope Jordan forgets what daddy said tonight he also wants to go to T-rex for dinner that night and I will be ordering a birthday cake and ballons for him I cant wait it is going to be such a special day. 2 days after his birthday his grandparents have booked for us to go on a backstage tour of the dolphin enclosure at seaworld where you get to have a talk with a trainer and feed the dolphins and maybe even touch them this holiday is going to be amazing we will be spending 3 whole weeks in florida and are renting my parents villa with a pool so fun exercise not that I will need it I think I will be doing enough walking.

    14 weeks to disney vacation