Stay-at-home-moms 2/23-28



  • Thank You all so much for your advice !!! My poor girl she feels horrible.....
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Well I think I might be taking a break from the new journey of losing weight. I am depressed, stressed, nervous, terrified about our upcoming move to a new state. So I am not sure how I can handle it all and lose weight. I am hoping to try and still eat healthier but I am not stressing over it like I was. I still want to exercise, but still have this awful fatigue that I can't get out of. The mornings are awful, but hoping I can snap out of it. I know that you all have been reading all post of my rambling of poor me, so I won't keep going on and on about it. I just wish you all the best in your weightloss journey:flowerforyou:

    I have truly been blessed by all the wonderful women in the group!! God Bless you all:heart:
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    HI girls! Long time no talk. I've been here, just busy with my little one. I think he's teething... he'll be 6 months old next week. I'm STILL having the sleeping issues with him. He goes down like a champ at night, but about 3 hours into it he wakes up. I am still nursing him and I'm not good at letting him cry, so I go in, nurse him and rock him and put him back down. BUT he doesn't go back to sleep. He fusses and cries. I just feel so lost. My husband travels a lot, so I'm by myself and I swear I feel like I will never sleep again... if anyone has any advice, please lay it on me.
  • Hey there mommies!!!

    wow I havent been on in what feels like forever!! So I've started working and my online classes. I've stopped breastfeeding completely, and I havent budged on the scale since I left and there was like a week or two I was still sorta staying up with the boards that I was still at 150 ish... I went to go see hubby in NC for valentines day n gained a few pounds but that was also the weekend I stopped breastfeeding so I dunno if that had to do anything with it cuz I'm back down to 153 again today, ugh just been floatin within 150-153 for about a month n a half maybe... maybe a little less than that... ugh its so frustrating.. I joined Bally and was going like 4 or 5 times a week before I left for NC then I got back n havent been since... just so busy with work n Ayden n school.. ugh I really need to get my butt back in there... I did kinda get looser with my cals cuz I was so used to eating more because of breastfeeding... now Ive actually go to stick to the 1200 cal diet ugh n it sucks, I barely ate anything today and was feeling fine and decided to have a sugar free pudding cup after dinner, only 70 cals n then when I got online I decided to go log my food just to see how many cals I ate today and I would've been 8 under if I hadnt eatin that pudding cup and now I'm over... dang, I barely had anything today, but I wasnt starving either... ugh who knows...

    anywho, Ayden is great! Hes doing so much better on the formula, less gassy, poops everyday, he only wakes up once at night (usually) Hes on a schedule now, I didnt put him on one he just has started to do the same things around the same times everyday and so I've started making what he does during his awake and not eating times the same for each time each day... lol does that make sense?

    ok well I hope everyone is doing well, I'm going to try and keep up, have a wonderful night!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    hi again. i introduced myself a couple of weeks ago. i would like to keep in touch more for the support and motivation cuz i sure could use it:)
  • I did not see the thread for this well i had a bad week last week ended up gaining four pounds but trying not to let that discourage me...i walked about 45 minutes monday and tuesday while my boys had soccer practice...haven't done anything today but clean but i am going to try to do the wii fit tonight. had a slim fast for breakfast then had a stupid craving and had a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich for if that wasn't enough i had of course i'm mad at myself for it. going to make pork chops tonight for dinner...anyways hope everyone is doing well...

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    mrs buzz, i'm sorry you feel so out of sorts. i hope that healthy eating will help even if your goal isn't weight loss. i hope also you get in to a dr soon to address the physical/mental issues. good idea to get it going before you move...
    moving is a big deal, and i can understand your anxiety. i bel. you mentioned that you're moving away from family. and that is a big change. give yourself a good year to get settled into your new home. it really can take that long (having moved more than a few times myself). we'll still be thinking of you--so check in now and again.
    be well:flowerforyou:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Thanks Stacey!! It means a lot to me that you care. I will still be here, just not sure how much I will communicate. I almost seem like a failure. I found myself thinking about to eat for a mid morning snack and decided to eat healty. So I am still in the mind set and I hope it stays. i don't want to give up so maybe there is still hope.

    Thanks again for your kind words and advice:flowerforyou:
  • Hi, I'm a stay at home too trying very hard to lose the last 15 lbs. I'm also trying to sell our house. It is very stressful and all I want to eat is junk food. I know I would be really happy with myself if I'm able to lose these pounds. I'm trying to look at the big picture and go for the healthy foods instead of the junk. Good luck on selling your home!
  • Hey mommies!!!

    Well let me tell you how frigin excited I was this morning when I was able to fit into my pre pregnancy with #2 pants!!!! I tried them on about 3 weeks ago and couldn't barely get them up and now they are fitting!!! YAHOOO!!!! Although I've still got quite a bit to go I am happy that all of my hard work is paying off. :happy:

    We have had a week from hell as we've all been super sick, but I am finally feeling human again and my 2 babies are slowly getting back to their old selves again!

    Hope everyone is having a good week!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    **so how do you schedule your time for workout??
    in the am before anyone wakes up? during kid/baby nap time? after school?

    personally, i try to get it done before nap time. it's hard for me to get motivated after dinner.
    on days like tomorrow when i have the 2 y.o. and the 4.5 y.o., it's more of a struggle. She wants to go to the library and i want to go to the gym. it's possible they can both happen, it's just that i so want to do what pleases her (the older kid). this is stupid mommy guilt: i feel bad that she goes to preschool 3 full days (m,t,w) even tho she loves it, and feel like i have do extra special stuff w/her on the days she's home.
    do any of you have these conflicts? kids' wants vs mommy wants?
    i know losing weight, eating better and exercising regularly are important for a # of reasons, but still have this dilemma.
    anyway, just curious how you other mommies manage...
    well, signing off for the night. "see' y'all tomorrow
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Stacey - I have that struggle EVERY day. Kids vs Mommy. I try to do all of my workouts during nap or after they are down for the night, but sometimes I need to squeeze one in in the am when they are awake (b/c we have a busy day or something)...

    Speaking of..."breakfast breakfast breakfast mommomomomomomomom" is being whispered in my ear so I'll BBL.

    Happy Thursday, Mommies!


    Katie - Good to see you back! I'll TTYL!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning Mommies!!

    I'm looking forward to taking my girls out for a walk today!! It's supposed to be a whopping 54 degrees. So I'm planning on bundling everyone up & getting some fresh air! I was struggling with the thoughts of a REST day, so I think that this is much better! Will I burn 450 calories in 1 hour? Not likely, but I'll be spending time with my girls, getting some fresh air & getting out of this house! I'm really looking forward to it & I'm going to center my day around it & make it happen!

    Like you other Mommies, I struggle everyday with feelings of guilt as to whether I'm spending enough time with my girls & I'm doing whats right for them. I think thats all part of being a Mom. I think that if we didn't feel the guilt that we'd probably be doing something wrong. It's so very hard finding that balance & being happy with it!!

    Here's to finding our balance!! :drinker:
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Overslept this morning so that was it no time for shred oh well I will just do tomorrow and sat then hubby being a pain in the *kitten* knowing I wanted to walk the dogs at 10am then workout between 11 and 12 when he was going to watch cinderella with the girls he disappeared and left me sorting the girls out and guess what it was 1045 so I have to walk the dogs and workout b4 12 it wasnt going to happen so I was pissed off so I made him come for a mega long walk 1 hour and 50 mins (and it wasnt flat either) he was moaning but my 3 yo wasnt she has so much stamina her preschool teacher thinks she is destined to do long distance running dont get me wrong I will support her but I dont want to be pushy and force her if you know what I mean.

    So there you go not the workout I planned but it was invigorating as we do walk quickly even the kids. Next week will be a bit more normal hubby still off work but the kids are back in school on mon so hubby takes them and I stay and workout by the time he walks them to school he is only back 5 mins and I am done and ready for a shower I get peace to workout and its over with really early which is the way I like it I can then get on with my day whether its playing outside with the kids or watching a dvd when the weather is bad or my girls love getting their nails done so we try to that once a week thats how I try to balance my time.

    I just need to add that yesterday when we walked the dog my youngest didnt want to go in her stroller so I let her walk and she got tired so I had to carry her and for the first time ever it was easy she weighs 30 lbs and it was a breeze carrying her so all this work is making me stronger as well as lighter and happier. (Just needed to share plus I feel GRRRRR8888888)
  • **so how do you schedule your time for workout??
    in the am before anyone wakes up? during kid/baby nap time? after school?

    Both my girls are in bed sound asleep at 7pm, so as soon as I know they are settled, I tidy up around the house and start my workout. I try and get on the treadmill by 7:30pm and go for 45 min or so. I have a tv in front of the treadmill so it keeps me occupied while I exercise! Any other time during the day is impossible for me. I have a 5.5 month old and 21 month old, so even during their naps I have a million other things I need to do for the day.
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Hello mommies-

    I was just checkin in..Where are all our mommies at??? I have done 30 day sherd for 2 days took yesterday off but went running today..I ran a 1/2 mile and walked a 1/2 mile then ran stairs for 15 mins...That was heck of a workout...But I did it..Back to 30 shred tomorrow and maybe a walk if I can get it in tomorrow..Hope all you mommies are doin well..Check in later
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    well, i did a workout and the library! woohoo! and super woohoo for me for doing the most exercise today in like forever!! turns out the new library is right next door to the Y--the parking lots even connect. so it all worked out.

    thanks also for sharing your workout times. it is interesting to see when people fit it in.

    alright, time to practice speech with the 4 1/2 y.o. and then it's school pick up and then...just like the rest of you...:laugh:
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    bad day woke up feeling sick my whole body hurts I have a sore cough and it is hurting my throat so I have spent the whole morning doing nothing just about got the hoovering done and its nearly lunch time and I am not dressed. Gonna take today off and just catch up on some ironing and clean the fridge out nothing to energetic probably do the same tomorrow and get back into it on mon fresh and revitalised. Still watching diet and drinking plenty of fkuids to wash away this bug.

    Have a gr8 weekend all.
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Tazzy I'm sorry u got a yucky bug...

    I'm doing ok a drs appt in an a bunch of cleanin yet to do ohhh I have a busy day today...Hope everyone has a great weekend..
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