Turbo Jammers 2/23-3/1



  • megan0313
    Dragonfly...(((hugs))) about your fall!!! WTG on the 2 lb loss...you rock:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: Great job on today's workouts!

    Sorry Dragonfly...forgot to congratulate you on that...WTG!!:drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I don't have time to read, let alone reply so this might be all over the place. I just wanted to let y'all know I'm still alive. LOL We're potty training (against my will) and dealing with 3 sick kiddos so my arms are always full of ... something. :sick:

    I got a HRM...did my usual 3x per week routine of AbJam, CP & TS...always estimate about 550 cals for all...916 freakin' calories! Geeze a loo! Now, I'm all excited about dinner. :laugh:

    Hope everyone is doing well & keepin' on the party train. :wink: :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    just wanted to come back for my encore. *takes bow*

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lyn - along the same lines with the finale one...I think she needs to do one with kids! My kids love to dance around with the music, but the moves are kiddo friendly (well...at least not my kids...fights break out :laugh:)

    Okay...gone for real now!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    I don't have time to read, let alone reply so this might be all over the place. I just wanted to let y'all know I'm still alive. LOL We're potty training (against my will) and dealing with 3 sick kiddos so my arms are always full of ... something. :sick:

    I got a HRM...did my usual 3x per week routine of AbJam, CP & TS...always estimate about 550 cals for all...916 freakin' calories! Geeze a loo! Now, I'm all excited about dinner. :laugh:

    Hope everyone is doing well & keepin' on the party train. :wink: :laugh:

    I would be excited, too! Enjoy your dinner:flowerforyou:
  • msplatts
    Hey Everyone,

    Been feeling unmotivated lately. I hate that. But I realized I'm going to Vegas in 2 weeks and need to get back on it. Last night I did P90X. I forgot how hard that was. Lots of weights & mostly pushups for the chest & back, but I feel strong today. I'm going to do plyometrics tonight. I think I'm going to attempt to workout in the morning and the evening....Seriously, any tips to help get you out of bed earlier would be great. I did "try" on Tuesday, but my alarm didn't go off at all.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I'm off to do PK&J for the first time (From start to finish) with my HRM...pray for me? :laugh:

    MsPlatts - I could send my 3yo over to wake you up at 4am. That would be a bonus for BOTH of us! :bigsmile: Something I do when I workout in the am is to keep all my clothes & shoes right by my bed so I literally roll out of bed dressed. I don't even get out of bed to put it all on. Then, when I come down stairs, I just need to drink a glass of water & I'm good to go! Good luck & have fun in Vegas!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    :grumble: Hey Family,
    Just checkin in on a Wednesday:laugh: How my friends are well and staying motivated to get fit and fantastic!
    My DH went to Mardis Gras with the fellas while I was at my spiritual retreat (the irony on that one was not lost one me, lol!) but he brought home this sinful chocolate cake~ which I induldged in on Sunday and Monday nite ~ got on the scale last nite and I was up 4 lbs ...... how in the world does that happen?? Either my weight loss after the retreat was way off or or the cake has lead in it!! Anyway after that discovery I did FB last night and CP2 before work this morning. I know better than to weigh in at the end of the day and in the middle of the week - there are so many factors that can effect the scale. Those numbers are still so much of an influence ~ i'll know better next time. I want to stay positive not try to do something to discourage myself. I moved my ticker back and am going to adjust it based on whatever the scale says on Saturday ~ the scheduled check in day.
    My workouts were good though - lots of sweat and I really paid attention to bringing my heart rate up and down - so I guess I'm learning:happy: It's such a journey... isn't it?
    On track with food again - no more cake..... for now.
    Hope all my friends are happy today ~ if weather permits get out there and put some sun on your faces:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I'd love to put some sun on my face, but my nose might fall off from frost bite. :grumble:

    Dragonfly - 4#! I think you're right. Sinful = lead. :laugh: You have come so far, I'm sure you'll be fine by Sat. You know what you're doing so keep on doing it, lady! WTG!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    msplatts...I am not really a help when it comes to AM workouts. The most I can "muster" is perhaps the 20 minute workout. W/ my little guy still getting up 2-3x a night I just cannot find it w/in myself to get up an earlier than the kiddos. Have fun in Vegas!

    Dragonfly...ummmmm...cake! Tomorrow is my brother's b-day (Friday is then my mom's) and we are celebrating both of their b-days tomorrow. I'm definitely going to have a little slice:blushing: Great job on your workouts:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sara...glad you are loving your HRM!!! Hope your workout was a great one!

    I did Ab Jam mid morning and then just finished 30 minutes of pilates and P,K, & J.

    Have a great day all:heart:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I tried twice...it didn't work.

    The first time I tried, T woke up & I was only 15 calories in...I think 4 min. into the warmup :laugh: So I had to go get her. She nursed & was happy so I tried again....Nearly done with the first section & Z comes out of his room SCREAMING & was even more mad when he walked out & saw me exercising. "Mommy! NOT NOW! Z is SAAAAD!" :angry: Of course, dear...my world does revolve around you today. *eye roll* I got 100 cals out of the warmup & first section, though so that's something.

    My husband wants to learn PK&J for weekend workouts so we're taking it piece by piece this week so that'll burn some more. Maybe I'll convince him to clean up dinner for me tonight so I can finish PK&J without him & actually get in a dang workout today! OY! I hate days like this! I get so annoyed when I get into one & then get pulled away. I don't feel like I accomplish anything. GGGRRRrrrrr...

    Kelly - Z was the same way waking up that often until he was nearly 10 months old. Then, we decided it was time to let him cry it out b/c I simply couldn't take it any more (Doug was working third shift and wasn't help when he was home anyways. :laugh:). It took about 3 nights, but it worked. I feel for ya! Micah was the same way, but he decided on his own at about 9.5 months that he had enough. Tabitha's just my miracle baby. :laugh: If she wakes up at night you KNOW she's not feeling good...so guess what we've been doing every night.

    blah blah blah. Gotta go take care of stuff.

    Lyn - Where are you, lady?!
  • megan0313
    Good afternoon Ladies!

    Dragonfly...Chocolate cake :love: so bad, yet sooooo gooooood!!! :laugh: I made a King's cake for my daughter's Mardi Gras party at school, so of course I HAD to make an extra one for home! Luckily my family is a pack of vultures but I managed to sneak a small slice before they devoured it! :laugh:

    Babybeans and Gottaluvboyz...I remember the days of trying to workout with little ones and I feel your pain! I used to do a lot of yoga and Aidan used to do swing from my arms and legs like she was on a jungle gym! It drove me crazy at the time (I mean couldn't I even get 45 mins to myself!! :grumble: ), but now that they're older I sometimes miss those days!

    msplatts...Vegas sounds great! Trips always motivate me a little more too!

    Got in PK&J and Fat Blaster today...Have a great evening everyone!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Sara...that stinks! I hope you get your workout in tonight:smile:

    As far as crying it out...I would, but he is still in our room (don't get me started...DH is still not done w/ our bedroom downstairs; therefore, Ryder is still in w/ us). W/ him being in there we have to listen to it KWIM? Parker was 18 months old before he slept through the night and we just went w/ it. I could nap during the day when he napped so I wasn't as worried about my sleep. Now w/ three kiddos I miss my sleep and napping is usually not an option.

    I keep telling Eric if he would get the room done (to his credit he has been working on it lately..a lot more...it's just quite a bit of work and DH is not always "into" home improvement)...anyways if he is still waking up when we get downstairs and he is in his own room upstairs I will let him cry. It just stinks!

    Megan...WTG on your workout! You made me laugh talking about your son hanging from you...that is so my boys when I'm doing pilates. I'm too fast for them during TJ:laugh: :wink:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I didn't know R was still in with you! Well, that makes things MUCH different! Yuck! Tell hubby to get a move on! I'll come help you paint! :laugh:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I'm here finally and I will tell you I'm ready for a drink already today!!!

    I got up this morning knowing I was going to need to get a quick workout in because we had a playdate this morning. I really needed to get the kids out of the house (they are ready to kill each other already and it's only Wednesday). So I get the kids breakfast and do FB. Jumped in the shower got ready loaded the kids and went. After the playdate we did lunch at Subway before I had to drop of the kinders at school. When I finally get home, Adi is screaming hungry because she didn't eat very well because of all the excitement this morning. So I feed her, finish my lunch, and then attempt to get ready to go to the grocery store. I saw attempted because during the process Adi has a blowout :grumble: By the time I got her cleaned up and changed, I realized there was no way I was going to get to the store and back in time to walk over to the school to pick up the kids (and I really need my walk today). So I sat down, logged on and started to put in my food for the day...I think I'm over already and I haven't even had dinner. I should have only had a 6 inch but I didn't have breakfast so I was starving! Oh well live and learn. Adi is now sleeping (THANK GOODNESS), so I am going to enjoy the next 30 minutes of peace and quiet and then get ready for my walk.

    Yesterday I should have worn my HRM on my walk. 1 mile in 19 mph winds...pushing a stroller. My legs were sore by the time I got home. Felt great though.

    Msplatts-Can I go to Vegas with you???? I need a vacation and I love Vegas. Last time I was there Drevan was 6 months (and at home with gma and gpa). We are actually thinking about going to Reno with my brother in law for the Hot August Nights Car Show.

    Dragonfly-I really doubt the cake added 4 lbs that quickly, and remember the scale is just a number. You've lost (almost) 80 lbs I'm sure you are feeling great regardless of the number on the scale.

    Kelly I'm sorry your little one doesn't sleep through the night. I hope your hubby gets the room done soon. Good luck with letting him cry it out. BTW I love the name Ryder :love:

    Sara your little clapping encore picture made me litterally LOL yesterday! 2 funny. I totally agree with you on getting interrupted during my workouts. I get so frustrated. It's only 40-50 minutes, can't you find something to do for that long and not bother me???? Alas 40-50 mins is a LONG time in a childs mind.

    I think I've decided that rather than buying a house, I want to take Dre to Disneyland for his birthday (in Oct). I actually wanted to take him last year but I got preggo and that didn't work out. I haven't been to Disneyland in 10 years and hubs has never been. I'm pretty sure I can convince the parents to go with us so we have a babysitter for Adi. I'm pretty sure we could go and have fun for much less than a down payment on a house :wink:

    gotta go get the kids!
    Have a great day ladies!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Wow sorry that got so long!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    I didn't know R was still in with you! Well, that makes things MUCH different! Yuck! Tell hubby to get a move on! I'll come help you paint! :laugh:

    Do you drywall, how about run electrical wires, frame doors, lay carpet, and a million other things too:laugh: :wink: That place is a wreck!!!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey There All,
    was reading the posts about all of your kiddos and I think i'm a little jealous:blushing: Your homes sound so full of excitement and good energy ~ I love the creative ways you found (and are finding) time for your dear ones, your husbands and yourselves. When I was able to have kids the doc said I shouldn't and now that I am married to a wonderful man ... no plumbing. Wasn't in the cards for me. I've got nieces and plenty of other wee ones to lavish all of that maternal instinct on but I still wonder sometimes what that would be like.. full time. I am amazed by all of your energy and dedication to your families~ you all are my heroes:drinker: :drinker:
    Just finished PK & J and Ab Jam ~ now I have to find some food - even after I keyed in dinner I have over 900 cals left for the day - I am sure I won't be hungry, right now I think my body is in shock:laugh:

    OK ,so no sweets( except for fruit) for the next 40 days is latest the goal ~ I must be nuts!!!

    I'll keep you posted on my progress, lol!!

    Have a great nite:heart:
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    My 10 year old daughter did Turbo Jam tonight. When I asked her why she did it she said, "Cuz it's fun".
  • jalley31
    jalley31 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey Turbo Girls! Its been awhile since I was on here last week! Sorry~ Missed you guys and the good spirits! We went out of town last Wednesday and had a hard time getting to the computer....however I DID take my Turbo Jam with me and the bands!!. So here is the breakdown for the week since I am playing catchup! LOL! Mon-PKJ, Tues-CP, Wed-CP2 and Kempo from PX90 and Today was T3 and CP2. Hope you'all that are sick get better and lots of rest for the little ones! Lots and lots of fluids! Check in tomorrow with you!