Turbo Jammers 2/23-3/1



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lyn - Kelly & I were just talking about the wonders of Vodka as a morning drink yesterday...it sounds like you should have been in our conversation! :laugh: The DisneyLand idea sounds great! If the house plans don't work out, why the heck not!

    Kelly - All but the electrical...I don't think you want me burning down your house. :bigsmile:

    Dragonfly - *hugs* I'm sorry you have missed out on having kids. :frown: It is good that you have all those neices & nephews, though! I'm sure you are an AWESOME aunt! 900 cals left for the day? Three words: Girl Scout Cookies. :laugh: I did PK&J tonight & I asked my husband if it was bad that I was measuring my calories burn in how many Carmel DeLites I could have. LOL

    Kimono - Get that girl in here! That's awesome! You must be proud to be raising a daughter that is already enjoying exercise!

    Jalley - I'm proud of you for exercising while you were away! I'm panicking a little thinking of our vacation in May & how I'm going to get my workouts in for a week! Eeeekkk! Did you at least go somewhere fun?!

    I FINALLY finished PK&J last night with an intermission of teaching my dearest husband the first set (the knee, punch combo thingies). He isn't the most coordinated of people, so it was quite interesting. :laugh: He got it, though! Tonight, we're powering through the first set & then I'm teaching him the Death Squat set (as I like to call it :wink:). With all that, I ended up burning 600 cals! YAY! Like I told Dragonfly, I looked down & said, "Wow! That's 8 girl scout cookies!" :laugh: Hey! I have my priorities! So, with me starting & stopping & starting & stopping & starting PK&J yesterday, I ended up burning 737 cals. Maybe I should do that more often? :huh:

    NOT! :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies!

    Dragonfly...Chocolate cake :love: so bad, yet sooooo gooooood!!! :laugh: I made a King's cake for my daughter's Mardi Gras party at school, so of course I HAD to make an extra one for home! Luckily my family is a pack of vultures but I managed to sneak a small slice before they devoured it! :laugh:

    Babybeans and Gottaluvboyz...I remember the days of trying to workout with little ones and I feel your pain! I used to do a lot of yoga and Aidan used to do swing from my arms and legs like she was on a jungle gym! It drove me crazy at the time (I mean couldn't I even get 45 mins to myself!! :grumble: ), but now that they're older I sometimes miss those days!

    msplatts...Vegas sounds great! Trips always motivate me a little more too!

    Got in PK&J and Fat Blaster today...Have a great evening everyone!

    Hey, Megan! When you do PK&J & FB in one day, do you do them one right after the other or do you do them like one in the am & one in the pm? I was thinking about this the other day & was wondering if there was a calorie benefit to doing them back to back or not. Talk to you later!
  • megan0313
    Hey, Megan! When you do PK&J & FB in one day, do you do them one right after the other or do you do them like one in the am & one in the pm? I was thinking about this the other day & was wondering if there was a calorie benefit to doing them back to back or not. Talk to you later!

    I usually do one am and one pm, and I notice if I leave my HRM on after I'm done, I continue to burn calories for a good 1/2 hr after I'm done. Yesterday however I was feeling really sluggish, so I did FB first to get moving then (without doing the cooldown) went right into PK&J. I think it's probably better to do them separately (calorie wise) cause you'll burn more over more time, but some days I can't seem to get my heart rate up with the regular cardios so FB first definitely helps!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,
    Wanted to say hi before the day get moving and wish everyone a fantastic Thursday!! Started off the day with FB this morning and really got a good sweat going ~ it always feels so good when you're done:laugh:

    WIll check in later my friends:heart: have a wonderful day:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hello all...I don't have a lot of time to post. Great job to all who get in their workouts! Keep it up!

    Today is my brother's b-day and tomorrow is my mom's b-day...we are celebrating tonight. I need to make a cake and "triple" batch of cabbage-n-noodles (per my brother's request). Planning on a major workout so I can eat a slice of cake and a little bit of cabbage-n-noodles.

    Have a great day all!
  • megan0313
    Hi ladies!

    Don't have much time myself today, but I wanted tocheck in with CP3. Hope everyone has a great day and a good workout!

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Good morning ladies!!!

    My daughter was up until 1 am, so I slept in today. Thank goodness the little girl I baby sit didn't come today (we are taking some time off cuz the kids are getting brutal). Now I need to find the motivation to get my workout in...I will at some point cuz I'm going to do cp3 today and I just love it so IT WILL BE DONE!! hahaaha. I'm also gonna try to get some sculpting and maybe a little something extra in today. Weigh in tomorrow and I'm afraid it's not going to move.
    We ate at a friends house 2 nights this week and I really had no control over the food or the portions she served. And then Tuesday we went to McDonalds and tonight we are going to Wendys. UGH I know it's terrible. We have got to get back on track with home made meals. These last two weeks have been terrible!

    Kimono-That's great that she's doing it just for fun. I have had to change my outlook on exercise because since doing Turbo Jam I don't think exercise is terrible anymore. It can be fun you just have to find the right thing.

    Jalley-WAHOO!!!!!! Great job on doing your workouts while away. That's so great.

    Sara-that is wonderful that your hubby is still doing TJ. Mine doesn't even talk about it anymore.

    Kelly-good luck with the birthday dinner and cake

    Megan-WTG, I love CP3!!

    I'm off for now. I'm sure I will be on again later today
    Have a wonderful day!
  • msplatts
    All you TJammers can come to Vegas with me! It would be awesome. Thanks for the advice, I think I will have my clothes ready to go so I can roll out of bed. I should start getting up early anyways if I see babies in my future.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Lunch time check in,
    Just noshing on a lean cuisine sesame chicken and thinking of you guys.
    Ms Platts - I have my clothes on the closet door knob(inside) and my sneaks right by the bed to remind me of my commitment to myself. It seems to be working so far, so good luck!

    Drevansmom- You are really consistent with your exercise and food so a couple of days couldn't put you back that much! Who knows, you might surprise yourself and go down a few! Either way just don't eat the cake:laugh:

    Jailley- I think it's awesome that you actually made time to work out on your vacation , that's so inspiring for me. Way to go!!:drinker:

    3babybeans-My DH is asking me to help him with his diet now .. after the cake, lol!! Thank goodness he ate the last of it last nite!! He said he "wanted to eat healthy ... just don't get carried away" . That's a hoot!! If it says lite, 2%, fat free, sugar free or anything like that he won't eat it. I guess I'll have to slip that stuff in there ~ he probably won't taste the difference anyway, lol. as long as he's not cooking!!:wink: As for TJ ~ i think he's scared of it!! He sees me all red in the face and covered in sweat and just doesn't get it!!

    Gottaluvboys- Have a terrific birthday celebration with your family and enjoy!! Good for you getting your work out in first!!

    Megan- CP3 is truly my favorite ~ good job!

    Kimono- I think it's great your daughter exercises b/c it's fun! With that frame of mind she's on her way to adopting a fit lifestyle and that's so important. Guess she's learning from Momma, huh?:wink:

    I have a board meeting tonight so not sure if I'll have energy when I get home to do anything (maybe ab jam or 20min) but I am definetly planning on either PK & J (PB & J,lol) or CP3 for in the morning... and something else when I get home, probably FB + AB Jam.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: to all I missed and I'll catch ya later,
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Gosh that was long ~ looks like a novel!! apologies!!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hi all...did CP, 20 min workout, Ab Jam, and 45 min of pilates.

    Have a fantastic night!!!
  • megan0313
    Gottaluvboyz, great job getting all those workouts done with such a busy day...now you can PARTAY!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Jailley, WTG on the vacation workouts!

    drevans_mom, I know what you mean about eating out! The weekends are bad for me...too much running around with the kids and hitting McD's or Wendy's. I try to take some fruit with me then just steal a fry or two from my daughter.:laugh:

    babybeans and dragonfly, I tried to get my hubby to do PK&J with me a while back. He's a third degree blackbelt, so I figured he'd like this. Well even PK&J was way to dancey for him...the poor guy has absolutely no rhythm :laugh: Although it did give him an appreciation for how great of a workout it is. I got him to sign up on MFP too which is pretty funny; we get to the end of the night and he sulks because he's out of calories and I still have hundreds left. He has lost 4 lbs though and our joke is that Turbo Jam works so well that I can workout and he loses weight just watching! :laugh:

    Have a great night everyone!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Megan that is so funny! I think my hubby loses weight just to upset me! The man does nothing and eats like a horse and he can drop 15 lbs in like a week. His body is really weird cuz his weight can seriously flucuate like 10 lbs from day to day. Dang men!

    I was all geared up to do a big workout and by the time I got thru CP3 (breakfast was hours ago and I hadn't eaten lunch yet) and I was so dead by the end of it. Daughter was sleeping so I climbed into the shower and enjoy not having to rush thru it. Sometimes an uninterrupted shower sounds better than more cals burned.

    Still haven't had lunch but I did eat some snacks and boy can I feel the effect on my blood sugar and attitude. I'm not avoiding eating I just didn't want to eat anything heavy 2 hrs before dinner. Needless to say we are going to get food soon!!!

    Kelly-I seriously don't know how you have the time. Your workouts are amazing!

    Must go save the baby. Laters
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I did CP this afternoon. Might hop on the treadmill later tonight also.
  • jalley31
    jalley31 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey Girls! Just checking in real quick...all my shows are coming on tonight! Did FB all turbo intervals! Yeah! and first 10 min of AbJam...thinking about doing turbo sculpt tonight...depends on my mood I guess! Keep on working hard girls!
  • jalley31
    jalley31 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh! Does anyone know the difference between the F4 and F6 Polar heartrate monitors? Really want to buy one over the weekend!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Drevans mom...my DH was home yesterday (which helped). He works a rotating shift and never more than 4 (12 hour) days in a row. When he is home I can usually get in a quick mid-morning workout and then another during nap time.
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Megan...too funny about your DH. Mine gave TJ a try as well, but it was too "dancey" for him too. He uses the gazelle (which I loathe) and is doing pretty good . Yesterday, he was joking that I started working out before him...he went downstairs to work out...came back up to find me still working out (and kept it up for another 30 minutes):wink:

    Jalley..WTG on that workout! I really need to get FB:tongue: I don't have a HRM so not much help there. I know Sara just got a F4 and I'm not sure what the others have. Good luck w/ your decision!

    Kimono...WTG on Cardio Party!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oh! Does anyone know the difference between the F4 and F6 Polar heartrate monitors? Really want to buy one over the weekend!

    From my research, the only difference is the "interference" factor. Like, if you go to a gym, get the F6, otherwise it'll pick up other people's monitors. If you stay home (like me), the F4 should be fine for you. I haven't had any problems yet! Considering I got it for $25 cheaper than the F6, I was a happy camper. :bigsmile:

    Kelly - I hope you get more done with DH being home today!

    I just cranked out a serious workout b/c I'm having food guilt this week (stupid freakin' amish friendship bread being so tasty with its cinnamon sugar goodness...). Yesterday, I got in AJ & CP. Today, I got in FB, TS & 20 min. I think I'm done for the day, though. I have to drag the kids all over creation doing errands...thinking of good bribes right now. :laugh:

    Have good days, ladies!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lyn - I'm glad you're getting a break from the additional child. That can be very overwhelming especially with how the kids were behaving. TTYL! :flowerforyou: