Is 100 pounds to skinny for 5'2? 45kgs & 159 cm!



  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    I'm 5'0 and 100lbs on me makes me look sickly and frail. I don't start looking healthy until 110lbs.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Have you seen this?
    if you enter 5'2" and under 100 (if you pick 100 you get everything up to 110) and all the women with those measurements are pictured. ANYWAY, I think some of these women at that height and weight look too skinny, others look great, so I think it really depends on you.

    oh i love this! :) Thank you!

    wow i am amazeballs at this. i put in my current height and weight and found a girl who looks exactly like me! wowzers. i even found a girl my current weight who is dressing super cute and I'm sooooooooo inspired now to buy cuter clothes during my "journey" i think since its gonna take me a full year I'm gonna call it my "odyssey" journey's just too small time for me, plus it's band in the 80's and I don't want to think of Stephen tyler everytime i write about this.
  • brajorie
    brajorie Posts: 15 Member
    I think it's a great goal to have. Try to get to that weight, but re-evaluate as you go, you may look stellar at 110 ;)
  • MemFox
    MemFox Posts: 35 Member
    It ''sounds'' too thin indeed. but.....
    At my lightest 3 years ago I weighed in at 50kgs(currently 54).. I am only 5 foot 3.. I wasn't trying to be that small but whilst renovating our house ready for our surprise wedding the weight just fell off me with the non stop moving.. No one said it at the time but after everyone told me I was way too thin- sickly thin... I can see it in the wedding pics now..
    Its hard though- saying all that my goal now is to get close to that weight again but I also hope to have gained a lot of muscle definition.. so 50kgs of me with muscle will certainly look different to me 50kgs of not much.. Does that make sense?
    I know that around that weight I feel much more positive and confident about myself. I already have to work so much harder to get there this time as I've since had 2 kids...
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I'm 159cm & I weigh 60kg at the moment. More than enough for me. Healthy range.
  • Kari089
    Kari089 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm also 5'2" but I have a medium frame..for me 100lbs would be too small but that's just for my body. I know for us shorter girls any extra weight shows very fast! So it all depends on your body and how you feel. BMI is just an idea and it isn't set in stone as most people here like to preach.
    Look at your body, your health and how you feel and look as you get closer to that weight range. If you are eating well and keeping yourself fit it's all good! You might be OK at 110-115 (which is supposedly what I'm supposed to aim for according to the 'BMI'..pff! not gonna so just take it step by step.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    It depends on the person. I am 5'2" and I weigh 100 pounds. I always have. And I eat 1900 to 2100 calories (never less than 1700 or 1800). I am at 18% bodyfat. I have a very small frame. My waist is 23 inches, my wrists are less than 5 inches, my feet are shoe size 5.5. My doctor says I am healthy and not underweight, as has every doctor I have ever had. You can tell by looking at me, in person, that I am not underweight. I have had 2 children. You can also look at my pics if you want. I am 100 pounds in all of those pictures. All of my pictures are of me, including my ticker. Feel free to add me as a friend anyone.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    that's my GOAL!!! LOL. It may be a little light but my maintenance goal for life is going to be between 100 and 105. I've been around 102 before a few times in my roller coaster life and it feels wonderful. I agree with the other posters that everyone is different. I know I am small boned and until I get down to 102 or less, my "problem" areas don't lose.

    Nobody is "small boned" just like nobody is "big boned"
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    that's my GOAL!!! LOL. It may be a little light but my maintenance goal for life is going to be between 100 and 105. I've been around 102 before a few times in my roller coaster life and it feels wonderful. I agree with the other posters that everyone is different. I know I am small boned and until I get down to 102 or less, my "problem" areas don't lose.

    Nobody is "small boned" just like nobody is "big boned"

    Actually that is not correct. People use the big bone excuse to explain their weight incorrectly. But, people do have different sized bones and frames. Bones do not simply get longer or shorter. They are different in other ways as well. There is a silly meme photo that shows a man and a woman x-ray (not even the same gender). There is a lot of variation in people in many aspects of the body, bones being one of them. We do not all have the same frame. This misinformation really needs to end.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm 5'2" and was a professional dancer (including ballet) for about 20 years. My weight was usually around 107 (105-114.)
    107 for a BALLET dancer. 100lbs for any normal person that height is too small.
    I did get down to 100lbs twice - both times I had very serious health issues & was scared.

    Edit to add: I had health issues & was unable to do much besides laundry & cook for 2-3 years & had to stop dancing since I was practically bed ridden. Now that my health is improving I can work towards dancing again, however I do not want to ever go down to 100 again. My goal is to get back to 110 - but 110 for someone that will be dancing professionally again. It's not a very realistic number for a normal person that isn't training for hours a day because it's practically their job to have a certain body image.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Who necro'd this thread XD? It's more than a year old ;P.

    100 lbs can certainly be healthy on some people. Not all people, I mean, in America and other similar countries, it's hard to imagine someone being under 100 lbs, but in reality, it's very common in Asian countries. Actually, it would be a little on the heavier side in some ethnicities, like mine for instance.

    In Vietnam, my uncles are 5'1" and under, and are 90 so lbs, FOR GROWN MEN. They're not malnourished, or starving, or impoverished in any way, they're middle class Vietnamese people who make a decent living.

    My aunts and cousins are also around the same height or even shorter, some are about high 70's to 80 lbs. Do you think WHOLE COUNTRIES have eating disorders? I don't think so. It depends on their frames and body types. I'm 5'2" and my goal is 95 lbs, which I think is acceptable. Someone in this thread said that Asians are smaller than a lot of other people from other ethnicities. They're right.

    Has anyone ever been to a large Asian community? You see most women, 5'5" and under, and they all will easily weigh around 100 lbs or below. Most of them have inherited good eating habits inherited from their homeland. My mother had thyroid cancer a few years back, her thyroid was shot. The doctor said she would pack on weight. But did she? No, she didn't. She's even thinner than I am, and she eats what she has been eating before, lots of jasmine rice, vegetables, (a lot of which don't even have an English name,) fruit, and fish. She's never counted a calorie in her life, she doesn't need to, she just automatically has good eating habits, even with having four children before and partaking a good amount of American desserts. She doesn't deprive herself of anything. For 5'4", she weighs about 105 lbs.

    My grandma is 4'8" and weighs in at 76 lbs and is 87 years old, and still going strong. We all suspect she still has a good 10-15 years left in her. Her eating habits are similar to my mother's, and she also partakes in bread, chips, cookies, and crackers with her morning coffee or when watching her game shows. It's all about lifestyle, moderation, and knowing your limits.

    There isn't a one size, one weight fits all category. Hell, I've seen Asian girls who weigh 79 lbs at 5'0, and they look the same as someone who say they're 5'0 and 112 lbs. Just really depends ;P.
  • LindseyAlyssa
    - (didn't realize it was an old thread!)
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    i think depends how you hold it... if your tiny all over small legs, small boobs, small hips it will be okay as your hole frame is meant to be small.
    however if you hae bigger bust big hips etc and weigh 100lbs bones might stick out and not look nice.
    one thing i did do is not to compare my body to anyone elses everyones different no matter how much you think your bodies are the same.
    Im 5ft 2 and weigh 160lbs right now im just doing 10lb at a time and seeing where I feel comfortable.
    That also helps me as if I think 30lb etc i'd feel defeated .
  • BecomingElle
    BecomingElle Posts: 112 Member
    I don't know if you know this or not... but Hilary Duff actually suffered from an eating disorder. I'm not sure which type... I think it was bulimia but I'm not sure.

    Needless to say, she did not reach this weight healthily and she was not healthy at this weight.

    First, find an online "body frame" calculator. Be honest, and try a few different calculators to determine whether or not you naturally have a small, medium, or large frame. Then find a BMI/goal weight calculator that takes this into consideration (probably on the same sight). Use a few different ones, and they'll all give you a range.

    Aim for the middle of that range. :)
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    Hilary Duff herself has said she was too thin at that point in her life, that it took the mother of one of her young fans asking if they were feeding her enough to make her really look at her body. Afterwards she gained weight slowly, mostly muscle etc... so if you're modeling yourself after Hillary Duff... take her advice? It's a bit too thin?

    You might get there and find it not desirable to maintain or something. You'll figure it out. Just don't flirt with an eating disorder on the way down.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    mostly i think that it depends on body fat%. My BMI was overweight for a while but i was wearing a size 4 so really it depends on your body composition.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm 5'2" and was a professional dancer (including ballet) for about 20 years. My weight was usually around 107 (105-114.)
    107 for a BALLET dancer. 100lbs for any normal person that height is too small.
    I did get down to 100lbs twice - both times I had very serious health issues & was scared.

    Edit to add: I had health issues & was unable to do much besides laundry & cook for 2-3 years & had to stop dancing since I was practically bed ridden. Now that my health is improving I can work towards dancing again, however I do not want to ever go down to 100 again. My goal is to get back to 110 - but 110 for someone that will be dancing professionally again. It's not a very realistic number for a normal person that isn't training for hours a day because it's practically their job to have a certain body image.

    People apparently have issues at different weights. I am also a professional dancer (contemporary and there are no weight restrictions or anything like that), and when I was younger and dancing more (before I had 2 kids) I also weighed 107 at one point at my highest weight from muscle. Now, I am older, I've had 2 kids, still dancing, but not as intensively, and I am lifting weights to maintain and build muscle. 100 pounds approximately is how much I have always weighed (of course even now some days the scale says 102, so weight is always fluctuating). Before I got pregnant I weighed 100, 9 months after birth (no dieting and eating 2500 to 3000 calories a day) I was back to 100, and 7 months after my second baby back again. I am healthy and not underweight. My doctor even laughs at the idea that anyone would say I was (no one in real life ever does, just people on mfp talking hypothetically about it).

    But, I understand because as everyone has pointed out there can be many different factors. It was not healthy for you and should never be your goal. It would not be healthy for everyone depending on body type and where and how they carry weight. So, I would never encourage this as a goal. Some people my height weigh in the early 90 pound range. That would be too thin for me. I would not want to weigh less than I do now, that is why I eat to not lose weight and manage to make sure I do not lose. It's good to share your experience, so people know not to aim for something that may not be right for them. But, it does not apply across the board for everyone.

    edit: Wow, this is a very old post.
  • BabsPerl
    BabsPerl Posts: 18 Member
    My twin is 5'2" and she is 108 and is healthy. I couldn't see her any smaller. I would be careful about being that skinny as a goal. Now mind you, you sound like you are not thin-boned so 100 may be too small/unhealthy for you. I'm 4'9" so you cannot go by me and i am considered under wieght (I don't look it though) but I have health problems that attribute to that. Remember too muslce is heavier than fat so work on your muscles :)
  • DarthGibbles89
    DarthGibbles89 Posts: 17 Member
    100 pounds does sound a bit much. But also remember when losing weight that "fat" weight and "muscle" weight are two separate things. So you can be healthy at 120 with some muscle verses being 100 and just... skinny.

    I know it sounds ideal to weigh next to nothing, but from experience, if you lose too much, you don't just lose the weight- its like you lose your vitality in life. Being the right weight for your height, ethnicity and frame I think is more important to have than to be skinny as a rail. I would ask your physician about what weight would be ideal for you and go from there.
  • kelseycarwell
    kelseycarwell Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hey I don't know if you ever actually did drop down to 100 pounds but I HIGHLY do not recommend getting to that weight if you're only 5'2. That is my height and I right now am 100 pounds when I used to be 115. (I don't know why I'm losing weight exactly but i am) and I can tell you I feel like I could snap in half and every person I now speak to tells me how much better I used to look and I honestly used to feel that much better about myself (NO MORE BOOTY :( ) So if you want to look almost anorexic then if that's what you want but I'm dying for my 110-115 frame back because that is sexy and attractive. Hope I can help.

    Edit to add: I also am having serious health issues and am scared at this weight.