1200 calories



  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    My goal is 1200 a day. Coming from low carb, I had to reign in on my portion sizes big time and this has taught me what a true portion really is.

    There are some days I am under by a couple of hundred, some days I go a little over (mainly on my days off and we go try a new place).

    I think I will try upping my cals a bit...see if that starts something good...otherwise I will go back to 1200. Just so confused with this whole way of eating.
  • TXchris
    TXchris Posts: 54 Member
    In the past I've tried 1200 and I always seem to fail because i feel like I want more food and I have no energy to exercise. I last a couple of weeks and I fall off the wagon every time. It just doesn't work for me to cut calories that much.

    Now my goal is set for 1350 but I find even that to not be enough for me most days. At the same time, I am too impatient to set the goal higher because like you, I want to get there faster than a pound a week. My compromise is that I have chosen to exercise daily to add to my calorie "budget." I have found my comfort zone to be around 1500 calories worth of food most days. At 1500 calories, I have the energy to work out without "hitting the wall" and I don't get hungry. Most days I net under 1200, but it is important to me to have a goal that I feel is attainable each and every day so I leave it set for 1.5 lbs so I get that extra 150 calories of flexibility every day. This works very well for me right now.

    In the past 19 days, I have exercised every single day burning between 85 calories and 700+ calories each day. My calorie intake ranges from 1300 to 1700 calories, but most days comes in right around 1500. This gives me the wiggle room to enjoy a piece of dark chocolate or take part in an office potluck and still meet my goal for the day. I have lost almost 7 lbs during this time, so it is definitely working. With this amount of food, I feel like I can do this indefinitely. With my goal weight 50 lbs away, I feel that it is critical that I do not burn myself out too soon.

    The bottom line is do what works for you, but listen to your body. If you feel deprived you won't stick to your plan long term.

    Good luck!