Dec 17, 2011 30 DS



  • mlrosa123
    mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
    I missed yesterday because I had guests drop by and staaaaaay. The lesson I learned is do it in the morning so I don't let 'life' get in the way. Today I went and bought a set of 5 lb weights and did it. It was hard, but I made it. I'm also doing TBL's Cardio Max. I haven't take before pictures. I think I will do that in the morning. Hopefully I will have something wonderful to report at the end of the next 28 days.

    Good job everyone and keep on pushing.

    Awesome! I know what u mean about life getting in the way lol it's very hard!! But you can do it girl!
  • mlrosa123
    mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
    I missed yesterday because I had guests drop by and staaaaaay. The lesson I learned is do it in the morning so I don't let 'life' get in the way. Today I went and bought a set of 5 lb weights and did it. It was hard, but I made it. I'm also doing TBL's Cardio Max. I haven't take before pictures. I think I will do that in the morning. Hopefully I will have something wonderful to report at the end of the next 28 days.

    Good job everyone and keep on pushing.

    Awesome! I know what u mean about life getting in the way lol it's very hard!! But you can do it girl!
  • I just finished Day 7 of Level 1. I'm getting waaaaaay better and can actually do the push ups now! (the cheat ones but still!) I couldn't do even one pushup on day 1 :happy:

    The first circuit I still find the hardest, it's that skipping rope, it cramps my legs up!

    Well done everyone for starting and continuing, I look forward to hearing about everyone's results on day 30!
  • mlrosa123
    mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
    Very cool ladies!!! Keep up the amazing work!!! I just completed day 3 level 1 and getting a lot better!!! I feel like I have control over the flies and lunges/biceps curls better. Still pushing the side lunges.... Those are soooo tough !! But I am going to perfect it! :)

    And I am also surprised at how much that workout makes u sweat!! Very insiprationall!!
  • We are on day 5!! :happy:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    For those of you who have not started 30DS join us starting Jan 2!
  • i am also on day 3, just finish day 3 of level 1 today so if you need a buddy then lets do this, i am also excited to see the result at the end of the 30 day. I took before picture today lol :). I also do it at night( around 9).
  • MickeyEstes
    MickeyEstes Posts: 19 Member
    I started 5 days ago, but I am only doing it every other day (made me very sore) So I am technically on day 3.. I've started it before and got too gung ho into it and hurt myself, so hopefully after easing into it for this week I can get on board doing it everyday.. I love it.. But I'm not sure when or if I will go up a level!!!
  • dutchjacky
    dutchjacky Posts: 46 Member
    L1 D2 done those skipping n jumping jacks are not getting any easier but the (modified) push ups hurt more today but did them all. YAAY ME. Not sore this morning until I did the dvd lol then I really felt it burn but I can sure feel my abs so hoping to reakky burn of the belly fat with this, ioff to the gym later for more strength training. Keep up the good work ladies, heres to a new slimmer us in 2012,
  • mrsc86
    mrsc86 Posts: 188 Member
    Good luck to you all.

    I'm onto the final straight with my challenge group - last workout is Xmas morning!

    Keep strong and it will get easier!
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    I slept awful night before last so I really wanted to make up on sleep today, and ended up staying in bed this morning instead of exercising! I will definitely definitely be doing 30DS right after work! No excuses! :)

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • mlrosa123
    mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
    Day 4 level 1

    My abs were sore today but not too bad!! The exercises are getting easier but still a major challenge :) I love the sit ups and flies :)
  • mlrosa123
    mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
    Day 5 level 1 ayyyy caramba!!! Lol I almost didn't do it but when I finished it was a nice relief!!!
  • inge88
    inge88 Posts: 184 Member
    I started today! And did it twice!!!
    I'm okay with the side lunges (maybe I'm not doing it right, it just feels like a stretch in straight leg for me), but MY OH MY do my shoulders hurt from the lifts you do during the side lunges.

    What weights are you all using?
    I find that I ideally need different weights. I'm using between 3-4 kilos now, but need some more on some exercises but I can't adjust the weights that quickly. Might have to go and buy some new ones - I like the colourful ones! :)

    How is everyone else going?
  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    I am actually on day 7 today!!
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    I will be on day 6 tonight. I had to push myself to get the motivation to do day 5 last time. Does that happen to anyone else? When they start a workout they're so excited about it but after a bit of doing it you lose motivation?

    Well I will try level 2 soon and maybe that will help keep me engaged!

    I have definitely been seeing results. I have just been doing 30DS and Yoga Meltdown level 1 on my in between days :) Although i've felt like I could do 30DS without taking a break day I kind of like doing something different in between hehe
  • inge88
    inge88 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi Paeli, yeah I think this happens to each and every one of us. Even happens to Jillian herself. Key is to just do it!

    When is everyone going to progress to level 2? I can do anything (except the push ups, I do them on my knees), and am curious but feel like 'I have to' do level one 10 times.

    Also, has anyone measured how many calories they burn? I used my new heart rate monitor twice and got burns of 133 and 149 calories. I am actually quite disappointed.. Anyone else the same?
  • Just completed level 1 Day Ten, on to level 2 tomorrow although I am a bit scared to do it, I hear it's tough!
  • inge88
    inge88 Posts: 184 Member
    Good luck! Let us know how you go!
  • Level two, Day one.. DONE

    whew I didn't think I were going to have the guts to do it, but put it on first thing this morning and did it before it gets too hot!

    Am unsure if I will do it tomorrow as it's Christmas Day but in a way I don't want to have a day off as it has been 11 days straight for me! (which is amazing considering I could barely manage a 20 minute (uphill) walk before starting this) and I am pretty sure I will eat my weight in chocolate tomorrow lol

    Keep up the good effort everyone, remember WE CAN DO THIS!!!

    Merry Christmas everyone (and if if anyone wants to add me as a friend, please do as I only have two but I find seeing other people completing their entries really motivates me :D )