low calorie hunger surpressing foods



  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I noticed IF is great for those who have been eating well for a while. But for beginners he should start eating more frequently to get that metabolism revving.

    Not to be argumentative but I've yet to see any conclusive evidence that this is true. However, I will freely admit that I didn't stumble onto IF for quite some time after I started changing my lifestyle.
  • RachelRunner78
    RachelRunner78 Posts: 59 Member
    Protein - cottage cheese, yoghurt, eggs, meat.......not always the lowest calories, but they satiate so well that I can cut back on other higher calorie foods - e.g. Carbs best bang for your buck when you are always hungry....

    With respect to the previous poster - there is now way even 10 cups of lettuce will satiate my body for a few hours....

    Eat a large breakfast to have less hunger throughout the day.
    Skip breakfast and enjoy the grumbly tumbly!

    If I eat a large breakfast it actually makes me hungrier throughout the day.
  • RachelRunner78
    RachelRunner78 Posts: 59 Member
    It seems like you are eating meal replacements at every meal. I'd suggest looking into real foods instead... Meal replacement are not a long term solution and do not help you make a lifestyle change. You should be adding more fresh fruit and veggies to your diet as well. :) High fiber foods have a higher satiety factor and so does protein! Your protein macro is set pretty low, especially for a male!

    and trust me, my lifestyle has changed from 2 months ago. DRASTICALLY!!!

    I was a 2 pack a day smoker, 10-15 cups of coffee with 6 sugars in each. Never ate anything healthy and would eat once a day at night and i didnt care what it was and then i would binge again just before midnight (usually six slices of bread with peanut butter) so i feel for where i am now i have made alot of lifestyle changes.

    Oh and i went from never stepping foot in a gym in my life to gyming 6 times a week

    Please dont take the above as hostile. Just saying i really have made drastic changes so i see the meal shakes as a fair trade off for now

    First of all, that is awesome. You really have made a lot of changes. Congratulations, you should be very proud of yourself!

    Maybe you need to re-evaluate your calorie goal for now? Try some of the suggestions such as cup of tea or more protein. (I certainly couldn't do the 10 cups of lettuce suggestion...I don't think I could force myself to eat that much lettuce..lol)

    I personally find drinking more water (I also drink Diet Cherry Pepsi...I know shame on me...lol) helps curve my hunger.

    Just remember this lifestyle change is a process and your body is confused because it was so used to your old lifestyle.

    Good luck! Take one day at a time and try new foods. Sometimes what works for some will not work for others. Find what works for you.

  • Have made some drastic changes today with a shake and some "normal foods" thrown in if anyone would be so kind as to look and give feedback. think its a drastic improvement from yesterday.
  • Shirataki noodles. Google it. These noodles are made out of indigestible fiber and contain 0 calories. I LOVE them. I will make a huge pot of soup and pig out on it.

    Bok Choy is a vegetable I love that only has 9 calories per cup.

    Sugar-free jello can hold you off for a while if you make a huge container of it, it's maybe 10 or 20 calories for the whole package.
  • Shirataki noodles. Google it. These noodles are made out of indigestible fiber and contain 0 calories. I LOVE them. I will make a huge pot of soup and pig out on it.

    Bok Choy is a vegetable I love that only has 9 calories per cup.

    Sugar-free jello can hold you off for a while if you make a huge container of it, it's maybe 10 or 20 calories for the whole package.

    surely something that is indegestible cant be good for you? thats like eating sand because it wont make you fat.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Not true. What is meant by "indigestible" is Insoluble Fiber. Essentially what it does is help move waste through your system, a great thing to have while you are on a weight loss kick.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Have made some drastic changes today with a shake and some "normal foods" thrown in if anyone would be so kind as to look and give feedback. think its a drastic improvement from yesterday.

    It does look better. Do this, though. go into your Goals (at My Home), change goals, custom, and alter your protein/fat/carb rates. Adjust protein to whatever it takes to get 1g per lb of bodyweight, and split the other two evenly. See how that treats you.
  • Have made some drastic changes today with a shake and some "normal foods" thrown in if anyone would be so kind as to look and give feedback. think its a drastic improvement from yesterday.

    It does look better. Do this, though. go into your Goals (at My Home), change goals, custom, and alter your protein/fat/carb rates. Adjust protein to whatever it takes to get 1g per lb of bodyweight, and split the other two evenly. See how that treats you.

    dude thank you for trying to help but i honestly have no idea what you are saying.. what info can i give you if you dont mind helping me?
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    Maybe try spacing out your calories throughout the day so you don't go more than a couple hours without something to eat... I'm kinda the opposite - I eat little all day and a big dinner, but others are very successful eating several small meals and snacks all day long. Maybe you're going to long between eating - getting too hungry tends to lead to overeating also (at least for me) so I would def try to avoid the feelings of starvation... Maybe try really planning out your day with meals and snack times so you know when you get up when and what you will be eating, maybe it's a bit of "mental" thing (not saying your crazy by any means, but I have to mind screw myself regularly to keep from self sabotaging - LOL)...
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    Not true. What is meant by "indigestible" is Insoluble Fiber. Essentially what it does is help move waste through your system, a great thing to have while you are on a weight loss kick.

    insoluble fiber is great, but if you're gonna suddenly add a lot of it to your diet you might get a good deal of stomach discomfort and shall I say "rocket poops".. It's like roto rooter! FYI...

    I completely support adding more insoluble fiber but do so gradually.
  • Not true. What is meant by "indigestible" is Insoluble Fiber. Essentially what it does is help move waste through your system, a great thing to have while you are on a weight loss kick.

    insoluble fiber is great, but if you're gonna suddenly add a lot of it to your diet you might get a good deal of stomach discomfort and shall I say "rocket poops".. It's like roto rooter! FYI...

    I completely support adding more insoluble fiber but do so gradually.

    lol. I think this might be a good idea before the two week weigh in i suppose
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    There is an article on this site saying a little bit of coconut oil can help with carb cravings. I just bought some coconut oil myself so am going to see if it helps. I often find myself wanting to eat a little something after dinner, even when I know I've already had enough to eat. I am also trying to stick to the no-food-after-7 rule.
    Hope this helps! It looks like you have made good steps so far, keep it up! Good luck!