about to turn 30 near Detroit

Im about to turn 30 and got on the scale and saw the number 259. I am only 5'2" so that is not a nice number to see. I was about to get married and know that we want to start a family sometime soon. However, being overweight would not make that an easy task to take on. So, I decided now was the time to actually make the decision and go for it. I have been working at it since Sept 1 2011 and am now down to 222. However, the weightloss seems to be slowing down and I want to get more motivated and start working out and not just keep an eye on what I am eating. I am hoping that keeping track and maybe meeting some people and motivating each other will be a great way to stay on track.



  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Hey there and welcome. I'll be 31 in a few months so I know how that feels :s I've recently upped my exercise a lot over the past few months. I promise you that if you just eat healthy, and exercise it will work, but you have to really work at it. Best of luck.