what you guys doing about xmas?



  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I'm gonna eat! Going off plan once in awhile isn't going to derail your weight loss. Sure, you might not lose that week but this isn't a race. I'm going to eat small portions of any rich, sweet, tasty thing around that I rarely get a chance to eat. I'm going to eat it slowly so I can savor it. But I'm not going to bother with anything that I can get anytime.

    Chips? No way. Mashed potatoes? No way. I can have those anytime. But yes to Danny's yummy salmon spread on crackers, Vicki's to-die-for crab cakes, Aunt Virginia's excellent carrot cake, Susie's molten-chocolate decadence, and any other little goodie that someone brings that I might never get to enjoy again until next Christmas.

    Thin people usually splurge, too, so why shouldn't I? The trick is to limit it and balance it out with good eating habits most of the time.

    I heard an excellent saying the other day that about sums it up: "It's not what you eat from Christmas to New Years that matters, it's what you eat from New Years to Christmas." So, enjoy!
  • khotch1
    khotch1 Posts: 99 Member
    My Christmas plans are to make a little less then normal, i.e., 2 different cookies instead of 6+, less unhealthy food with some healthy choices thrown in and not having a free for all. Instead of just taking what I want I plan on being conscious on what is going onto my plate. Instead of just randomly eating sweets, I plan on taking a few and enjoying them.

    I will work a little harder as well, whether that be more aerobics, walking, whatever strikes my fancy.

    Good luck to us all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    I think part of making life-style changes means learning how to have a reasonable amount of "treats" from time-to-time. I have set my loss to 1 pd per week instead of 1.5 and that will give me some extra calories that I can safely consume. I think it would be fine to set your calories to maintenance ( 0 loss) for a couple of days, that way you will not feel like you are injuring your efforts. Yesterday, one side of my family had our Christmas gathering and I ended up about 60 calories over for the 1 pound loss, but that still would not put me into the gain range. I'm learning to change the focus from the food to the family or the activity. When less emphasis is on the food---especially consuming large quantities, then I have more energy for the many varieties of enjoyment.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    I'm doing what I did last year - relaxing a bit but still sticking within my allowance as far as I can, no alcohol or anything so that will save a lot of cals and playing on the wii will help :)
    I managed to lose 3lbs over xmas last year :)
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    I'm doing what I did last year - relaxing a bit but still sticking within my allowance as far as I can, no alcohol or anything so that will save a lot of cals and playing on the wii will help :)
    I managed to lose 3lbs over xmas last year :)
  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    Since Christmas and New Year both fall on weekends this year, I will be working really hard at the gym on weekdays and controlling my food intake, then relaxing on weekends and perhaps not logging (it'd be antisocial!). Hopefully by doing this I should at least maintain my weight, then I can get right back to it in the new year.
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    3 days of uncontrolled food sources. It's going to be a tough ride. but I plan to stop by every day.
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    Oops! Double post because the system hung up!:grumble:
  • nalliebell
    nalliebell Posts: 61 Member
    I still plan on hitting the gym, it's a 24hr gym so I have no excuse :flowerforyou:
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    I'm getting up very early and going for a long walk to burn some extra calories.
    These should see me through Christmas dinner.

    Also, i'm not going to over eat. I will watch how much I eat to compensate for the sweet things I will be consuming...
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    I am going to enjoy family time, be aware of what I am eating, and get in some dance, walk or other exercise. I don't believe in totally giving something up, just make wiser choices. As a previous poster said, 2 instead of 6. I can do this! A little cheat day never hurt me occasionally!

    Enjoy yourselves!
  • FitDC
    FitDC Posts: 63
    I am not going to spoil the day for anyone else by talking about my diet. I will eat in moderation, skip the pies, sing God Rest Ye Merry, and take a bike ride along the river with the family (weather permitting). Merry Christmas Y'All!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    I'll be careful with what I eat and I am planning on going on lots of walks, but other than that? No - I will enjoy christmas
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    For me Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & Boxing Day will be free days, though I'll prob get a run in on Boxing Day morning. I think it's important to allow yourself some time to relax and enjoy every once in a while - personally, it keeps me sane.
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    My mum's making my favourite lasagne, and I plan on eating it and enjoying it.

    I've rough estimated what I usually eat for christmas lunch, and it totals around 700 calories all up for the meal. Which, realistically isn't too bad, and leaves me with 700 more for the rest of the day. We don't usually have many sweets, for dessert my mother usually chops up a nice fruit salad (bless her) and serves it with ice cream. Only this time, we'll have low fat ice cream that's only 70 calories a scoop :)

    So approximately 700 + 140 = 840 and I still have room for 600 more calories for maintenance. AND if I go for a run in the morning I'll have around 900 left over, that means I can fill in a nice breakfast and have some left overs for dinner! (Or maybe two slices of lasagne, since it's become so rare in our household as of late).

    To answer your question, I've already over-thought christmas and may as well log it from now X)
  • christiefeatures
    I've only just started watching what I eat properly.

    I think I'll have a relatively free day Christmas Day, but behave for all the others.
    I will log, but obviously I don't expect many results.

    What I find is that as others in my family stuff their faces, I feel motivated to do quite the opposite! So I don't think this will be much of an issue for me!

    1 day won't kill you (But it won't make you either!)

    All the best, have a lovely holiday :) x
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    No, x-mas day will be a total food orgy.
    If I can keep things under 10,000 calories, I consider it a good effort.....lol

    What's hard to when to stop, and I do this 4 times every year in addition to a weekly free day.

    I've lost 64 lbs, and all people see are me on free day or binge at holidays, so they think I am some kind of super human.
    They don't see what my food dairy and exercise logs reflect. I just keep those cards close unless I know somebody is serious.

    They all think I must have found the right pill or powder - not a 2 hour workout each day.

    Nobody wants to hear that...lol
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    Free dinner on xmas eve, free lunch on xmas day and free day on new years eve ;-) The rest of the time it will be "business as usual"

    This is pretty much what I'm doing other than I think we're doing a breakfast on Christmas morning with Mom's family. I'm pretty much eating whatever I want on those days and eating normally the rest of the time. My healthy friends do it every year so I figure I should be able to as well.
  • nikicrin
    nikicrin Posts: 40 Member
    everything in moderation for me this year... previous years have involved being so full i havent enjoyed the day and felt guilty, so im actually looking forward to saying no and feeling proud of myself... i will be having a few baileys however and a pick at the cheese board tho, and as someone already said, it would be anti-social to log ;) just xmas day tho, the rest as normal!

    have a good one xxx
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member

    haha this^ :bigsmile: