Slowly Giving up



  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    I know how you feel! I have absolutely no motivation to keep going when the number on the scale stays the same. But we can do this!

    Want to be weight-loss buddies? We can push each other and all that good stuff. I have 125 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight, so I could use all the motivation I can get!!!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Can you make your food diary public. I would like to take a look. Also, have you considered there may be something medically wrong, if you have in fact been logging and eating the right foods. Maybe you have a thyroid issue, they are quite common.

    Don't give up yet, your only going to feel miserable again. Think about the reasons you started this journey in the first place...they aren't going to go away just because you quit trying.

    Yes, I have Graves Disease, which is hyper thyrodism. I will be seeing a new doctor tomorrow. I hope she can help me.
  • hatravers
    hatravers Posts: 166 Member
    dont give up 15 pounds is great add me :)
  • rainedays86
    rainedays86 Posts: 105 Member
    Go pick up a gallon of water, I'll wait, go ahead....
    Got one?
    OK... go get another one, I'll wait, seriously...
    Got two?
    Lift them above your head at the same time and hold them for 30 seconds
    Guess how much weight that is?
    15 POUNDS!
    Put 'em down.
    Guess how much weight you are no longer carrying? ;)

    The point is, you CAN do it. You ARE doing it. You have tools, support and friends to HELP you do it.
    If you give up, that is on YOU.
    If you decide to stay and fight for healthier you, send me friend invite. :)

    This is such a good idea!! I used to go pick up bags of potatoes at the supermarket just to feel the difference. It's so motivated to actually feel what your not carrying anymore! Great advice!!!
  • Prozack1964
    dont give up up can do it just hang in there
  • shunta864
    Some of the foods that u like u don't have to give up on. Like bacon. Eat turkey bacon instead. Also spaghetti. I use whole wheat noodles, ground turkey for my meatballs and light ragu. Don't give in. Just keep doing what you are and it will pay off. I felt like that a few times but still kept going and i finally am starting to see some results. You can do it!
  • Murlin54
    Murlin54 Posts: 81 Member
    It can be discouraging when weight loss doesn't seem to be moving fast enough. I will be on here three weeks tomorrow and so far have lost 4 lbs which is good, but considering most folks drop that much in water weight alone, it is a little frustrating. I've also read that you quickly lose recently gained weight. I gained 7 lbs over the summer due to lots of long distance travel by car and hospice care for a family member. (no exercise or sleep for a couple of weeks). Those lbs don't seem to be coming off any quicker. It is always very slow going for me. I can work out for 90 min a day and go six weeks without losing, then suddenly I will drop 6 lbs in a day. When I mentioned the four lb issue to my DH just now, he said, well at least you are losing and not gaining. It is a lot of work. I'm at 1200 calories a day. Today is my first day to go out to eat. We are invited to a friends and I have no idea what is on the menu. I just know in my heart that this time I have to persevere and not give up this time. Also, realize that a lot of people on here may be younger. I don't know how old you are, but I am 57 and this is a whole different ball game when you get older. I could lose weight easily when I was younger. I don't believe I have thyroid issues but I am on Aromasin and that is a steroid which causes high triglycerides in many. I haven't had my lipid panel run recently and plan to go after the holidays. You may feel like giving up but you'll just set yourself back on the same old track and you'll regain the 15 and feel even worse that you wasted all that time making such great progress, only to throw it away. You are doing great and what you are doing is working. Slow and steady. You should try a few splurge days here and there especially over the holidays. From what I've been reading on these threads, a lot of people claim they lose weight after a splurge. I don't think it will hurt you to do it once in a while as a treat to yourself, as long as you get back to business afterwards. Remember you have to eat 3500 EXTRA calories to gain a pound back, so even on a splurge day, you are not going to go off the rails. Stick with it. You have lot's of supporters here and you can do this. I wish you continued success.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I have a thyroid problem and still lose of the MFP guidelines. A 1000 calories isn't much. Are you on medication for your thyroid? I am losing about a pound a week (same as you) on 1480 calories but I am on Thyroid Medication.
  • Ickaboo
    Dont give up now! Think about it, you've been doing it for this long wouldn't it feel like such a loss to give it all up?
    My mom has a thyroid problem aswell, and now that shes on proper medication and eating right she has lost a pile of weight. But her trick seems to be is having one "cheat day" to have all those things she was craving in the week.
    I've watched her eat three bowls of ice cream in one night and shes still down 35lbs in 7 months! She just makes sure to get right back on her diet and not cheat for the rest of the week.
    I suggest bumping your calorie intake to at least 1200 per day, eating properly and trying a cheat day. I know that this probably doesn't work for everyone, but at least this way if it does, you're not depriving yourself from all those things completely.
    And who knows, once you see a doctor and you get on the right medication the weight could just fall off you.

    Good luck, and hey if you feel like you need some more motivation feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Janice032557
    Janice032557 Posts: 163 Member
    You say you miss pasta, half and half and other things. There is absolutely no reason why you have to stop eating pasta, (except medical reasons) there are whole grain pastas out there and whole grain is good for you. The pasta sauce is made of tomatoes, which are good for you as well. If you insist on putting cheese try a low fat cheese instead of the real deal, and make sure you only use the recommended serving size. It may taste a little different but you wont feel like you are depriving yourself of the things that you like. As far as half and half, I use the fat free kind and it works, and tastes great. You just have to look for low calorie, low fat items. You can usually find a way around something blocking you.

    I have been on MFP since the end of Sept. 2011 and have lost 13 pounds, and I am very pround of my accomplishments.

    15 pounds is awesome, don't sell yourself short!
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    Fifteen pounds is a pretty big drop and 15 pounds in a little more than 3 months with a thyroid issue ---- fantastic progress.
  • mestrydom
    I enjoyed reading this thread - all the positive words of encouragement. Don't give up! You have lots of friends routing for you!
  • bewell33
    bewell33 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello there :)

    I just read your blog and I want to tell you how proud, jealous, and happy I am of/for you. I have been using MFP for 5 or 6 months and I have not lost a single pound! NOT ONE! I've been chasing the same 5 lbs around. Up 2 down 1. Up 4 down 3... it's INSAINE, madening, frustrating. Im 184 (as of today). Im 5'7 and pretty athletic. I run, I count calories, I rarely eat fried food, I dont drink, I dont smoke. If it's not whole wheat, it doesnt touch these lips. Ive even seen a nutritionist who told me my daily diet is "impressive", and don't change. You can imagine how upset that made me.

    I just dont want you to give up. 15lbs is AMAZING! If I lost 15 lbs in 100 days I'd paraide up and down the street naked (okay not really, but you get the idea!!)

    Keep up the hard work.
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    L, take 15# worth of weights and carry them in a backpack for a few days. You will realize just how successful you really have been. I am of the belief that you do not deprive yourself. Have a piece of pizza. Have some pasta (Dreamfield's is carb smart and is just like our original white pasta). Have some half and half. You will be surprised to find that you can refrain from over indulging. We are on MFP for a reason and we really are learning. Yes, you are too.

    Just like you, I compare myself to others. I joined MFP with my sister. She was losing weight much faster than I but then she is 7 years younger than I am. I was comparing myself to her. Like you said, we are all different and we truly have to believe that. I honestly never believed I would be able to lose what I have since I am 60 years old. Silly thinking.

    I admire you for forging forth and continuing the trek even when you are frustrated. The secret key will be found for you where you can break through.

    {{hug}} hang in there, L.

  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    15 lbs is great! It took me four months to lose 10 lbs. Stick with it as every little bit helps and you are making good changes to your lifestyle, to live a longer and healthier life!
  • musclefat2k
    musclefat2k Posts: 89 Member
    Keep on pushing, Everytime you start, YOU WIN.
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    I agree with everyone here- instead of slowing giving up, slowly keep going! 15lbs is a great accomplishment, however if that doesn't seem like enough motivation for you, I recommend taking photos of yourself, front, side, back, in a simple outfit (I do sports bra and shorts or underwear, without a pattern so it's not distracting), and SAVE THEM! Then a couple weeks from now, maybe 4 or 6, put those same clothes on, go to the same room, and take the pics again. You'll start to see it. Also, take measurements of your body as different locations (MFP does have a set up for this that you can modify, or you can keep your own record). Sometimes it isn't about pounds lost on the scale, but about redistribution of weight, the scale doesn't see it, but you and everyone around you does! Keep up the hard work :)
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Have you held a 15 pound dumbell? They're heavy! A gallon of milk weighs about 8.5 pounds. You've almost lost two gallons of milk!!!

    I've been here 35 days and lost 2 pounds. TWO! But I feel a million times better.

    Don't deprive yourself. Craving rice? Have rice with dinner tonight. A cup of rice once a week isn't going to kill you. Neither is a slice or two of pizza (I've been enjoying the occasional homemade pizza lately...). Then, pick up where you left off, and keep going.
  • petkova
    Can you make your food log public. Under 1000 calories a day is way too low. My best guess is that you are not losing weight because you are nearly starving your body and your metabolism has slowed down. If you eat way below your basal metabolic rate you are harming yourself.
  • Carolina_Skys
    Carolina_Skys Posts: 21 Member
    Keep going!!! You can do this!!when i feel that way i remember how i felt when i wasn't on mfp.i think about how winded it felt to walk up the steps.the scale hasn't moved that much for me too, but i have had other accomplishments.No matter how many times you mess up, the great thing is you can alway start over . Just never give up!!! I like what someone posted before me " Everytime you start , You Win"